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Understanding the territory, the city and the environment as something not finite, has resulted in an urban growth excessive and disperse, which creates and at the same time reflects, an expanded and more individualistic society. The... more
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Од суштинско значење за квалитетот на живот во секое населено место е постоењето на зелени површини. Проучвањето на урбанистичките и еколошките проблеми на зелениот систем на град Скопје даде основа да се направат изводи за состојбата на... more
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      CityMunicipalityUrban PlanPark
Understanding the territory, the city and the environment as something not finite, has resulted in an urban growth excessive and disperse, which creates and at the same time reflects, an expanded and more individualistic society. The... more
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