Urban biodiversity
Recent papers in Urban biodiversity
Artists pages from Railtrack Songmaps Singapore
by The Migrant Ecologies Project (Zachary Chan,Lucy Davis, Kee Ya Ting & Zai Tang)
by The Migrant Ecologies Project (Zachary Chan,Lucy Davis, Kee Ya Ting & Zai Tang)
The conversion of a grass oval to synthetic turf at Hosken Reserve, Coburg North, is about a failure in transparency and consultation with the local community, and poorly framed triple bottom line decision making by Moreland Council.... more
Die vorliegende Konzeptstudie basiert auf einem angewandten Forschungsprojekt und zeigt auf, wie Biodiversität besser mittels raumplanerischen Instrumenten (im weitesten Sinne) gefördert werden kann.
Planting trees in urban areas has a number of environmental, social and ecological benefits, and roadside trees are an integral part of urban green space. Having a broad diversity of trees in urban roadsides can guard against the... more
La ausencia de una metodología de evaluación del arbolado urbano viario que contemplase todos aquellos atributos fundamentales del mismo, de modo tal que constituya una apreciación completa y abarcativa de todos y cada uno de los... more
Biodiversity loss is an urgent global problem that is both caused by and has impacts on humans. Because most humans now live in cities there is a need to understand how cities impact biodiversity and how urban biodiversity impacts people.... more
La réduction du dioxyde de carbone par les arbres est un important service écosystémique pour le bien-être humain. Dans les milieux urbains, ce processus est souvent négligé ou mal connu. La présente étude, réalisée au Plateau, à Abidjan,... more
A study has been conducted on the diversity of woody plants which are wild and native in Universitas Indonesia, an urban ecosystem in the area of Jakarta Capital Region. This work is part of the flora inventory in Universitas Indonesia. A... more
Des recherches à vue et des prélèvements volumiques ont été effectués sur le site Natura 2000 du parc des Beaumonts (Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis) afin d’étudier sa faune de mollusques continentaux. Situé dans une commune à 6 km du centre... more
Urbanization is a global phenomenon which is projected by the United Nations to grow annually at 65 million between 2000 and 2030 in developing countries. As an archipelagic nation, the Philippines is considered to be a highly urbanized... more
In the face of growing urban densification, green spaces in cities, such as gardens, are increasingly important for biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, the influences of urban green space management on biodiversity and ecosystem... more
Manicured urban greenery is the norm in Singapore, but this approach to landscape obstructs the accommodation of ecosystem dynamics, and misses an opportunity to benefit from the region’s tropicality. Based on an understanding of floral... more
In the Natura 2000 site of Beaumonts Park (Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis), located 6 km east of Paris, handcollecting and litter sampling has been undertaken in order to study land and freshwater molluscs. This park provides a good example... more
This work details the spontaneous vascular plant flora of New York City's Central Park for the period 2013 to 2017. We divided the 341-ha (843-acre) park into 36 zones and used a modified timed-meander sampling method to collect herbarium... more
Odonata are usually regarded as bioindicators and model organisms in many studies and are subjected to increasing threats worldwide. Such insects populate freshwater ecosystems at both natural and urban landscapes and they are also... more
Negli anni recenti il progetto di architettura del paesaggio ha rivolto un'attenzione crescente ai temi della conservazione della biodiversità, esplorando le possibilità per una sua migliore integrazione nelle città. Mentre in contesti... more
La gestion de la biodiversité dans les territoires métropolitains est un des enjeux importants des politiques publiques. Un des objectifs de ces politiques est de maintenir la biodiversité proche des citadins. Nous proposons de travailler... more
Unsere Städte und Gemeinden stehen vor vielfältigen Herausforderungen. Dazu zählen etwa die Anpassung an den Klimawandel, die Anpassung technischer und sozialer Infrastruktur oder auch der Verlust der urbanen biologischen Vielfalt. Um... more
Notes about the feeding behavior in a reproductive couple of the Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris observed in an urban area of Caracas, Venezuela.– The Roadside Hawk is a common bird of prey in Central and South America. Its general... more
Lepidodactylus lugubris is a small gekkonid lizard, predominantly parthenogenetic, with a widespread distribution in Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean islands, continental Asia, and well established exotic populations in the continental... more
Sundarvan, Nature Discovery Centre set in the heart of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, is a unique facility of the Centre for Environment Education (CEE). Fifty species of trees, Eight species of mammals, 67 species of birds belonging to 39... more
Introduction Urban growth is occurring at an extraordinary scale. In 2008, for the first time, more than 50% of the global human population lived in urban environments. Much of this urbanization is occurring in developing countries, which... more
Naturnahe Siedlungen sind Refugien für die Artenvielfalt und erhöhen die Lebensqualität der Menschen. Bisher behandelt die Schweizer Baugesetzgebung die Förderung der Biodiversität aber kaum. Dies soll sich nun ändern.
1. Habitat loss and modification are hallmarks of anthropogenic ecosystems, but the consequences for ecosystem functioning and service provisioning often remain unclear. Understanding these links in cities is complicated by strong but... more
Ornithological surveys were conducted in the city of Grand-Bassam from April 2010 to March 2011 in order to improve the knowledge on urban coastal birds in C
Lepidodactylus lugubris is a small gekkonid lizard, predominantly parthenogenetic, with a widespread distribution in Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean islands, continental Asia, and well established exotic populations in the continental... more
1. Habitat loss and modification are hallmarks of anthropogenic ecosystems, but the consequences for ecosystem functioning and service provisioning often remain unclear. Understanding these links in cities is complicated by strong but... more
Urban habitats are often studied as green fragments in a developed landscape, with opinions diverged on the importance of local versus landscape effects. We propose to replace this “local” versus “landscape” framework with a more precise... more
This work details the spontaneous vascular plant flora of New York City's Central Park for the period 2013 to 2017. We divided the 341-ha (843-acre) park into 36 zones and used a modified timed-meander sampling method to collect... more
Appendix-Tresch et al. (2019). Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna, plant diversity and soil management in urban gardens
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is... more
Kurzfassung: Es wird über mehrere Funde des bislang in Deutschland noch seltenen Neophyten Cyperus eragrostis im Ruhrgebiet berichtet sowie die Herkunft der Pflanzen, das Einbürgerungspotenzial und eine mögliche zukünftige Ausbreitung der... more
Health watch. The terrestrial Plathyelminthe. Status of the presence of a new predator
Published in Gandy, M. & Jasper, S. (eds) (2020) The Botanical City. Berlin, Jovis Verlag.