Malacology (Archaeology)
Recent papers in Malacology (Archaeology)
Extensive shovel probing and high resolution block excavations based on the quantified results of the probes have revealed a midden with a possibly contiguous seasonal village or hamlet of probable Woodland ascription. The site labeled... more
Los pobladores prehispánicos de la isla de Gran Canaria desarrollaron una compleja economía de base agraria. Sin embargo, los recursos obtenidos del mar, y entre ellos la malacofauna, representaron un papel no desdeñable en la... more
The recently discovered human remains from Callao Cave, northern Luzon, Philippines securely date the migration of hominins into the Philippines to ca. 70 kya (thousands of years ago). The direct route to reach Luzon from the Asian... more
Las infraestructuras y procesos económicos ligados a la industria conservera del territorio de Gadir/Gades en la Antigüedad han sido profusamente estudiados tanto desde la perspectiva histórica como arqueológica desde hace décadas,... more
Israel and Tanzania, as well as a list of some recent publications from members. As ever, we welcome any contributions related to archaeomalacology and are especially interested in member photos/images, news and updates. About the... more
The research presented in this volume reconstructs the economic system of the Paracas culture (800-200 BC) in southern Peru. In doing so, the main emphasis is on economic exchange at the western slope of the Andes, with the Late Paracas... more
Recent archaeological investigations indicate that coastal Fort Walton cultures in the St. Joseph Bay region of northwest Florida emphasized marine and estuarine foraging. These late prehistoric, Mississippiperiod (A.D. 1000e1500) peoples... more
La Serie de Trabajos Varios del SIP se intercambia con cualquier publicación dedicada a la Prehistoria, Arqueología en general y ciencias o disciplinas relacionadas (Etnología, Paleoantropología, Paleolingüística, Numismática, etc.), a... more
ABSTRACT. This paper examines the pre-Hispanic assemblage of queen conch (Strombus gigas) remains recovered during systematic archaeological excavations at the Los Roques Archipelago, 135 kilometers off the coast of Venezuela. Amerindian... more
Dans cet article, les données malacologiques de quatre sites du bassin de la Seine intégrant des niveaux datés de l’âge du Fer sont présentées en détail. Les résultats obtenus sur ces gisements sont ensuite synthétisés et réintégrés dans... more
Shells in general, and marine shells in particular, are conspicuously abundant at the EPPNB site of Nesher-Ramla and had a central role in the activities taking place at the site and in the lives of the people using it. Land snails most... more
Des recherches à vue et des prélèvements volumiques ont été effectués sur le site Natura 2000 du parc des Beaumonts (Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis) afin d’étudier sa faune de mollusques continentaux. Situé dans une commune à 6 km du centre... more
An update on the study of the Triton shell horns in the Phoenician and Punic world, from the Levant to the Atlantic area.
The taxonomical status of Megalobulimus toriii Morretes, 1937 from southeastern Brazil is reassessed herein. A large series of shells of M. toriii and M. yporanganus (Ihering & Pilsbry, 1901) were analysed for conchological features and... more
The human impact on marine molluscs on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela can be traced back to the end of the Pleistocene, between 15,000 and 12,000 B.C. However, the most important molluscan resource in the country, the Queen Conch... more
Fossil shell ornament is described and illustrated.
Les territoires socioéconomiques des populations nomades du Paléolithique supérieur reposent sur la base de l'aperçu social des ressources, en définissant celles-ci comme des éléments orientés à la production et/ou reproduction des... more
Shellfish farming in Roman times? "Shellfish breeding in Antiquity is commonly accepted in archaeological literature. However, it has never been precisely defined by comparison with modern shellfish farmings. This study takes up this... more