Most downloaded papers in WRITING ERRORS
Natural Language processing is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistic and computer science studied under the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that gave birth to an allied area called 'Computational Linguistics' which focuses on processing... more
Functional and cognitive analysis of writing process and of writing errors applied to relic languages. The study case of the Messapic Language.
Many EFL teachers spend a lot of time marking students' written assignments and correcting their spelling, grammatical, punctuation, organization and idea generation errors in detail. The more students make mistakes, the more meticulously... more
Francesco Aprile (1985, Lecce), poeta visivo, autore di scri ure asemantiche, asemic-glitch writing, glitch, asemic cinema, abbecedari asemantici, scri ure sbagliate, ha aderito nel 2010 al movimento le erario "New Page -Narrativa in... more
Natural Language processing is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistic and computer science studied under the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that gave birth to an allied area called ‘Computational Linguistics’ which focuses on processing... more