War Memorials
Recent papers in War Memorials
Kriege und moderne militärische Konflikte bergen das wirkmächtige Potential den Verlauf der Geschichte in einer derart gestauchten chronologischen Abfolge der Geschehnisse zu verändern, die es für Gesellschaften schwer macht, sie in ihrer... more
This article examines the reshaping of Belgrade's memorial landscape after the Second World War and after the 1999 NATO bombings, with a focus on the role of architects. As such, the paper shifts the scale of memory debates in two ways:... more
A memorial in Kainantu, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea to those who served in New Guinea in World War Two.
The author presents a genesis and analyzes the symbolism of the Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Tallinn. It focuses on conceptual assumptions adopted by its authors, but also takes into account later interpretations of the... more
A press release announcing the start of a project using archaeological volunteering to benefit mental health. This project is being run by Mind Aberystwyth.
On the occasion of the opening in 2020 of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, stylistic trends of modern Orthodox architecture and ecclesiastical art are analyzed. It’s considered the phenomenon of the reconstruction of the... more
A short overview of the Oberlin Memorial Windows, a series of five stained glass windows installed in Hamden Memorial Town Hall in 1939 by the the Town of Hamden with assistance from the New Haven Chapter of the Yankee Division Veterans... more
Based on the analysis of files from the Department of Defence, and drawing on interviews with veterans and on their associations' press, the article focuses on the Algerian War National Memorial in Paris, its long gestation and... more
This essay proposes a new method for engaging with one of America's most popular and poignant monuments: the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial or The Wall. The essay recognizes that for every generation following the one that lived through it,... more
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
During the global BlackLivesMatter protests of 2020, many called upon the United States to finally face its painful past. Tim Gruenewald's new book is an in-depth investigation of how that past is currently remembered at the national... more
Each monument somehow represents a bit of interpretation of the historical reality - it is a testimony to the past. The submitted book will describe four groups of memorials representing four different battlefields in Bohemia and... more
The purpose of present research is memorial garden design of war. In this design we used concepts, elements, symbols and signs which are related to art after the war between Iran and Iraq. The war between Iran and Iraq is aimed to many... more
È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico. Per la legge italiana la fotocopia è lecita solo per uso personale purché non danneggi l'autore. Quindi... more
Placed below grade, granite surface polished to resemble the earth cut open, forcing visitors to descend and ascend, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial connects with the earth in a way that was new to memorial architecture. For critics of the... more
Content: Jarosław Centek – "Bitwa pod Gorlicami, małe Verdun czy operacja tarnowsko-gorlicka. Regionalna polityka historyczna" Piotr Szlanta – "Pierwszowojenny lans. Kajzer Wilhelm II na froncie galicyjskim w maju 1915 roku" Kamil... more
Monumenti, memoriali e musei, quali forme commemorative da sempre istituite con la precisa finalità di tramandare il ricordo di avvenimenti significativi, sembrano oggi subire un processo di ridefinizione del proprio ruolo. In un momento... more
War memory and commemoration have had increasingly high profiles in public and academic debates in recent years. This volume examines some of the social changes which have led to this development, among them the passing of the two World... more
Retracing Aldo van Eyck's reflections on the in-between space concept and relating them to the design research about reconstruction in the monuments connected to the war events, common and recurrent aesthetic practices and architectural... more
The Chattri Memorial is a first of its kind, a truly unique place dedicated to the members of the Indian Army who fought in World War 1. To my knowledge it is the first place in the UK where Gurkha soldiers were commemorated. My aim with... more
Considered selected examples of contemporary art (Russian and foreign) addressed to the topic of monumentalization / memorialization. Emphasized the problem of “spiritual emptiness” in the public consciousness, as well as the possibility... more
Im Juni 2013 wurde am Stadtrand von Moskau Russlands erster National-friedhof eröffnet. Die Entwürfe aus dem Jahr 2003 sahen einen parkähnlichen Landschaftsfriedhof vor, der Elemente des amerikanischen Nationalfriedhofs Arlington... more
La fine del Regno delle Due Sicilie è uno dei momenti cruciali della storia dell'Italia contemporanea. La sua rilettura è un efficace contributo al dibattito in corso sull'implosione delle monarchie borboniche e la creazione di nuovi... more
In his contribution to the roundtable in Museum Anthropology on the Confederate memorial debate, Mark Auslander critically reflects on proposals to move these memorial into museum spaces. Museum Anthropology, Vol. 41, Iss. 2, pp.... more
Denne artikkelen handler om minne og sted - om hvordan minne gestaltes som monumenter, og om hvordan monumenter impregnerer rommet med bestemte fortidsfortolkninger. Artikkelen handler nærmere bestemt om hvordan Akershus festning fremstår... more
Upamiętnianie 1 żołnierzy poległych podczas I wojny światowej już od 1914 roku stało się jednym z głównych elementów kreowania tożsamości wschodniopruskiej. Żołnierzy, którzy oddali życie w obronie ojczyzny uznawano za narodowych... more
Some 200 years ago my forefathers, the Gorkhalis, fought the British in India. A 100 years ago my great grandfather was commemorated in Delhi and 70 years ago my great uncle in the Gurkha Rifles, received his War medal in India. (New)... more
This paper examines why the history wars between South Korea and Japan are intensifying in the 21st century and the prospects for reconciliation. South Korea’s history museums promote anti-Japanese nationalism, making it difficult to... more
This chapter provides an extensive overview of what has happened to Soviet war memorials since 1989/91. It discusses the whole range of ways in which memorials have been treated. In doing so, it shows that the idea of a general... more
The Valley of the Fallen – the great monument that Francisco Franco devised, in those dead during the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War’s honour – enjoys a leading position amongst the memorials erected along the warlike 20th century, not only... more