Russian Orthodox Church
Recent papers in Russian Orthodox Church
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
This collection includes eleven articles on the history of higher religious education in Russia 19th - early 20th centuries, its reforms, scientific-theological studies of scholar monks, life and activities of professors and students.
A Description of Spiritual Life in Russia's official Orthodox Church in the 1990s.
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
Should Russia become part of the West, or follow an Eastern path? This has been a centuries-old discussion among Russian intellectuals. For Westernizers in Russia, the " West " symbolized progress, freedom, democracy, civil society,... more
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
All known references to Patriarch Kirill (KGB codename Mikhailov) in publicly-available KGB materials
Символом Удмуртии стали родники. В прошлые времена удмурты охотно участвовали в православных обрядах водосвятия. Мифологические водные «хозяева» издавна были весьма значимы у финно-угорских народов, и, соответственно, природные водоёмы... more
Starodub A. V. Jurisdictional policy of the Russian Orthodox Church during 1917 – 1921: Ukrainian aspect. Manuscript. Thesis for a Candidate’s degree on Speciality 07.00.02. – World History. M.S.Hrushevs’ky Institute of the Ukrainian... more
Abstract: during the building in Don Belogorsky Resurrection Monastery a cave which was earlier unknown was found. There were the items of the religious cult and the culture of the founders of the cave that dates from the end of the XVIII... more
Презентация к докладу прочитанному к 90-летю Русской Зарубежной Церкви в Архиерейском Синоде РПЦЗ в Нью-Йорке. Дек. 2010 г. Текст диакона Андрея Псарев, художественное оформление Д.В. Тихомирова. См. на текст доклада на этом же сайте.
The article examines material situation of orthodox parish clergy of the Ekate-rinburg district on the eve of carrying out church reforms by the government of Alex-ander II. The author compares a situation on city, rural and factory... more
The article is devoted to the creation and development of the higher ecclesiastical school in Russia in the XIX — early XX century. More specifically it deals with the history of «The idea of the Academy» as the basis of this school. The... more
Korovin, V.L. Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich. In: Pravoslavnaya encyclopediya [Orthodox Encyclopedia]. Vol. 14 (Daniil - Dimitriy). Moscow, 2006, pp. 432-435. (In Russ.)
Сталинградская битва стала заметным фактом общественно-политической жизни Великобритании и США, одновременно явившись истоком многих перемен во внешнеполитической и социальной программе союзных государств. Соответствующая интерпретация... more
Аннотация. Автор статьи ставит своей целью критическое осмысление причины преследований духовенства и верующих Русской православной церкви со стороны большевиков и Советского государства. Тезис нынешних клерикалов о том, что причиной... more
The article is based on the memoirs and interviews, and attempts to address the pastoral practice of the well known Orthodox priest, archpriest Alexander Men (1935-1990). The author examines his attitude towards reading of the Holy... more
On June 3, the European Union reached an agreement on the sixth package of sanctions against Russia after difficult talks with Hungary. To avoid its veto, the other member states had to remove the name of the Moscow patriarch from the... more
The evolution of Russia's center-regional relations represents a unique political puzzle. At first glance, the country's territorial, cultural, and ethnic diversity may well lead to the emergence of a federal society. This should make... more
On the occasion of the opening in 2020 of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, stylistic trends of modern Orthodox architecture and ecclesiastical art are analyzed. It’s considered the phenomenon of the reconstruction of the... more
Рассматриваются имена, которыми в календарном обрядовом фольклоре обозначается Масленица, воспринимаемая антропоморфно. Оба основных имени – Авдотья (Дуня) и Прасковея – восходят к календарным олицетворениям христианских святых: св.... more
Some historical remarks concerning Stalins' intetion to be secretly crowned on kingdom in the orthodox church after World War II.
Th e Miracle in Narva, 11 May 1558: On the History of Russian Polemics against the Reformation in the 16th Century Narva was the fi rst town occupied by Russian forces in 1558 during the Livonian War (1558–1582). Th e conquest of this... more
antireligious, atheism, Bolshevik, freedom of conscience, internal colonization, Lenin Nicholas II, religion and violence, Russian Orthodoxy, Russian Orthodox church, secularization
This text discusses several aspects of the interwar history of the Orthodox Church in Romanian Transylvania through the lens of the early life and political achievements of Father Liviu Stan (1910–1973). By using a microhistorical... more
This article focuses on the activities of Metropolitan Philareta (Vahromeeva), who are in-separably connected with the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in Belarus during the last two decades of the twentieth century and the ensuing... more
Сегодня Всехсвятский храм возле метро Сокол является одним из самых доходных в Москве. При это о том, что в XVIII-XIX вв. он служил усыпальницей грузинской аристократии, ныне почти не помнят из-за неоднократных изменений его интерьера и... more
In 1910, parts of Iran were under Russian occupation. In the occupied northwestern city of Tabriz, the French Catholic mission began to build a new church, which today is one of the largest churches in the Middle East. Previous... more
Russian foreign policy the Russian Orthodox Church has become an important actor. Its most important role has been that of supporting the emergence of a new nationalist Russian identity to undergird Russian policy. On specific policy... more
В данной статье исследуются начинания митрополита Иосифа (Семашко) (1798–1868), который стоял во главе Литовской православной епархии, в сфере народного просвещения. Его деятельность рассмотрена в контексте его взглядов, его представлений... more
Review of Norman Russell, Gregory Palamas and the Making of Palamism in the Modern Age (Oxford University Press, 2019). Forum of the International Orthodox Theological Association, 4 May 2020... more
THE NEW ARCHIVE INFORMATION ABOUT CAVES IN GALIEVKA IN PODONYE (REVISITING MOTIVATION OF CAVE DIGGERS AND AUTHORITIES’ ATTITUDE TO THEM). The paper deals with the history of artificial cave in chalk bank of the river Don near Galievka... more
As tensions on the Russian-Ukrainian border grew, the difference between the two main Orthodox churches in Ukraine became clearer. While the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) spoke straightforwardly about the prospect of the Russian... more
Russian commemoration book (pomyannik), dated to the early 20th c. discovered in Aceldama, Jerusalem, during the excavations of disturbed burials near the Greek Monastery of St. Onuphrius the Great. The original archaeological context of... more
Vi propongo un paper di carattere preliminare allo studio dell'ortodossia americana. Alla stesura del progetto di ricerca la scelta del periodo tra il 1898 e il 1907, si basò sul fatto che in quell'epoca era presente su suolo americano,... more