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Etkisini birçok sektör üzerinde günden güne daha da yoğun bir şekilde gösteren küreselleşmenin en önemli tetikleyicileri iletişim teknolojileri ile lojistik alanında yaşanan gelişmelerdir. Buharlı makinenin taşıtlara adapte edilmesiyle... more
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      LogisticsLojistikWarehousing and distributionLogistics and Supply Chain Management
Energy efficiency is one of the most cost effective ways to enhance security of energy supply, and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The EU Commission has proposed that all Member States establish a national... more
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      Transport LogisticsEnergyMaterial HandlingWarehousing and distribution
LOC8 gives you all the information you need about warehouse racking system — which type is best for your warehouse and which supplier in Dubai to contact. Loc8 LLC LOC8 LLC FZC. P.O. Box 54013, Dubai Production Zone Dubai, United Arab... more
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      Warehousing and distributionWarehousing
Apuntes de Buenas Prácticas de Almacenamiento (BPA) para la industria.
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      Good practicesBuenas prácticasGSPIndustria Farmaceutica
Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth. Carbon dioxide emissions come from combustion of carbonaceous fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Since 2000 fossil fuel related carbon emissions have equaled or exceeded... more
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      Climate ChangeLogisticsEnergy Efficiency BuildingsWarehousing and distribution
India is the second largest country in the world in terms of population currently being 1.35 billion [1] and is continuously increasing. And looking at the rate of this rise it is seemingly to beat china by 2030. Hence in such a large... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringSupply Chain ManagementSustainable ArchitectureFood Security
The objectives of this paper is to see any relationship between the warehousing operation (WO) and warehouse efficiency (WE), to examine the mediating effect of warehousing MIS (WM) in the warehousing operations and warehouse efficiency... more
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    • Warehousing and distribution
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      FinanceWarehousing and distribution