Workplace culture
Recent papers in Workplace culture
Two competitive intelligence processes within a Global Energy Multinational are critically analyzed-Competitive Strategic Business Intelligence (CIAD) and Competitive Technical Intelligence (CTI). It has been found that the CIAD process... more
This paper examines office culture by way of the novels (Poor Folk, The Double, Notes from Underground) by Fjodor Dostojevski,
Do you want to become a Super Navigator? Life Navigation is four concrete tools about time, goals, energy and spaces – each of which can provide a significant boost to your productivity and life quality. In a knowledge society it’s not... more
The aim of this paper is to examine diversity training effectiveness in the workplace and evaluate its relationship with motivation, empathy, and perspective taking. We are going to look at the ways in which motivation, empathy, and... more
This work was motivated by research findings, suggesting that the prevalence of workplace bullying is increasing across the world. The workplace bullying research further suggests that the basic risk determinants of bullying lie in an... more
The theory of Transformational Leadership is crucial to raising morale in a failing or stagnating organization, whether public or private, by instilling hope in employees. When applied properly and by a leader with altruistic intent,... more
Organizations have started paying growing importance to millennial management, considering that the modern workplace consists of a significantly higher millennial population. Millennials hold values, behaviors, and expectations that are... more
The poor physical health of people with a severe mental illness is well documented and health professionals’ attitudes, knowledge and skills are identified factors that impact on clients’ access to care for their physical health needs. An... more
Artiklis käsitletakse teadusfilosoofilisest vaatenurgast soostereotüüpide toimimist teaduses. Autor lähtub Alison Wylie episteemilise ebaõigluse käsitlusest, mille abil on võimalik selgitada, kuidas stereotüübid aitavad kaasa... more
Arbetsmiljöverket har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att informera och sprida kunskap om områden av betydelse för arbetsmiljön. Under kommande år publiceras därför ett flertal kunskapsöversikter där välrenommerade forskare sammanfattat... more
In India’s rapidly developing global cities, large multinational corporations implement theater-based corporate training programs that are designed to inspire employees to be more dynamic, aspirational, and self-motivated at work.... more
About 5 pm on Monday evening 17July 1995, after working an early shift, a twenty-five year old midwife ended her life. Her suicide note clearly stated her disillusionment, her frustration and her profound sense of hopelessness. Her words... more
Localization also Known as Omanization aims to increase the number of Omani workforce in both public and private sectors in Oman. This study aims to determine the factors perceived to hinder localization practices in Oman's private... more
This is an introduction to the book Topographies of the Obsolete, ed. Neil Brownsword
In Saudi Arabia, it is generally perceived that private special education institutes (SEIs) provide a higher quality education than their public counterparts. Parents tend to trust and invest in private rather than public institutes. This... more
Two competitive intelligence processes within a Global Energy Multinational are critically analyzed-Competitive Strategic Business Intelligence (CIAD) and Competitive Technical Intelligence (CTI). It has been found that the CIAD process... more
Victim surveys from both Sweden and her Nordic neighbours show that the proportion reporting exposure to violence at work has increased during the 1990s. This article examines the question of how this trend should be understood. Does the... more
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, our work-life balance rapidly became disrupted when our homes became our workplaces blurring the boundaries and creating work-life interference. The author explores the challenges that agile working presents... more
This article locates itself in the postcolonial experience where organizations were conceived and where they evolved imitating the concepts of the developed nations. As we found this to contradict existing theories of organizational... more
I spoke at a conference recently that was focused on digital transformation. Over and over, the speakers explained that it wasn't really about the technology. It was about culture, and change. Then it was my turn to talk, and they gave me... more
There are many types of employee incentives in various work fields and industries. Incentives are used to reward employees for their performances. Some employees appreciate widespread incentives, whereas other employees simply do not... more
This article locates itself in the postcolonial experience where organizations were conceived and where they evolved imitating the concepts of the developed nations. As we found this to contradict existing theories of organizational... more
Localization also Known as Omanization aims to increase the number of Omani workforce in both public and private sectors in Oman. This study aims to determine the factors perceived to hinder localization practices in Oman's private... more
(Internationale kollaborative Konferenz Cultures of Work, King’s College London)
A cultural assessment of Hear Nebraska: "Hear Nebraska, a nonprofit organization, is hoping to change those perceptions of the state and “make Nebraska a globally recognized cultural destination.” Founded in January 2011 by husband... more
This article addresses workplace culture in academic libraries as an aspect of organizational success in achieving on-the-job diversity. It introduces a conceptual framework for assessing the cultural consciousness of an organization by... more
A growing body of research has shown the benefits of optimism on health, socioeconomic status, and at work. This two-phase mixed-method study revised and validated an instrument to measure an employee’s personal experience with optimism... more
This work was motivated by research findings, suggesting that the prevalence of workplace bullying is increasing across the world. The workplace bullying research further suggests that the basic risk determinants of bullying lie in an... more
This paper examines changes in contemporary organizational spaces and cultures. We confront private-sector appropriation of social media spaces, specifically in the architecting of workspace through play, both digitally and materially.... more
Happiness Lincoln: A Summit on Wellbeing Scholarship and Civic Health Celebrating 15 years of positive psychology! Conference... more
This article locates itself in the postcolonial experience where organizations were conceived and where they evolved imitating the concepts of the developed nations. As we found this to contradict existing theories of organizational... more
Read this book to understand why common employee engagement efforts aren't working. When you shift your thinking, and then arm yourself with the practical solutions in this book, you'll achieve results you never imagined could be... more
Victim surveys from both Sweden and her Nordic neighbours show that the proportion reporting exposure to violence at work has increased during the 1990s. This article examines the question of how this trend should be understood. Does the... more