Leadership Style
Recent papers in Leadership Style
One of the issues that always have been of great concern in organizational debates is organizational effectiveness. When an organization makes attempts to fulfill its goals, internal instability and external threats are considered as... more
Why do most leaders or managers elicit merely competent performance from their followers, while a select few inspire extraordinary achievement? Leadership expert Bernard Bass takes this question beyond the usual speculation, presenting... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
There has been a great interest in terms of leadership and its effects in organizations. Upon this huge impact this study examines the effect of transformational/transactional leadership on innovation and organizational performance. Data... more
it examines the effect of transformational leadership styles on the attitude of the employees toward the organization
Derzeitige Ansätze der Führungsforschung deuten darauf hin, dass die generellen Vorstellungen der Mitarbeiter über Führungskräfte und Führungsprozesse maßgeblich bestimmen wie diese auf ihre tatsächlichen Führungskräfte im Alltag... more
Evidence suggests that some factors can determine the successful implementation of strategic IT systems, i.e. Business Intelligence (BI). Although BI systems can provide companies with insights into their business operations they are... more
Much of existing research on employee engagement is deficient in examining organizational actors' lived experiences of organizational engagement activities. This article, deriving from qualitative research in a public-private partnership... more
Personal and national cultures derive from peoples' personal values and pervade the role of effective management leadership and successful firm performances. This paper explores the differences of the two aspects of cultures on effective... more
The topics of leadership and organizational culture have attracted considerable interest from both academics and practitioners. Much of the interest in the two areas is based on explicit and implicit claims that both leadership and... more
This study examined the interactive effect of distributive justice and leader self-sacrifice on employees' organizational commitment and autocratic leadership perceptions (ALP). We propose that positive leadership styles like... more
This paper reviews the insights that research offers on the impact of different leadership styles on innovation. To do so, we develop a framework, structuring research insights into four dimensions: people, means, effects, and... more
This article describes a Hong Kong study that examined the effects of full range leadership in the university classroom. The full range (transformational-transactional) leadership model was chosen because research has indicated that a... more
Research on leadership has either ignored women or focused on sex differences. This paper illustrates how both of these strategies have been detrimental to women. An alternative conception based on sex-role orientation is presented and... more
Objectives: This study examined whether social-environmental factors influenced the psychological responses to participation in a single session of group fitness exercise for females with heightened body image concerns. Design/Methods:... more
This paper identifies positive (motivating) and negative (demotivating) sources of academic work motivation in Australian universities. In 1998, the Academic Work Environment Survey (Winter, Taylor, & Sarros, 2000) was administered to a... more
Employee retention is a major concern of the Nigerian banking sector today because of increased employee turnover. This can be said to be as a result of the series of banking reforms, mergers and acquisition of banks, loss of job... more
Promoting gender equality and equity remain an important goal for schools in South Africa, and strides have been made in many areas to reduce inequalities.
Bass's (1990) multifactor model contrasts transformational and transactional styles of leadership with an essentially ineffective style: laissez-faire leadership. This study examines the relationship between these leadership styles... more
Objectives: This study represents ancillary analyses of data published by Social environmental factors and psychological responses to acute exercise for socially physique anxious females. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 8, 463-487] and... more
Leadership research to date has mainly focused on leaders' subjective effects. In this study, we examine the effect of different leadership styles on two financial measures of organizational performance and three measures of... more
New leaders face a challenging task when they take charge of their teams. They have to determine how best to guide the work process, and they must understand how their behaviors will affect the members of their team. This research... more
Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
Prior research has highlighted the problem of dysfunctional reactions to control systems. Studies carried out in auditing firms have revealed high levels of budget pressure leading to a variety of dysfunctional behaviours which can be... more
Women are continuing to make a major impact through their participation in organizations and their ownership of businesses and it is reasonable to assume that the number of women taking up significant roles in society will increase in the... more
... 2003), and organizational best practices in managing diversity (eg, Kalev et al., 2006; Kellough & Naff, 2004; Wentling & Palma-Rivas, 2000). ... & Rosen, 1995), very few studies have linked diversity management to CEO... more
This study examined leadership styles and staff performance in sports organizations. Five hundred and thirty two management staff were purposively selected from five states Sports Councils. The “ Management Staff Response Questionnaire ”... more
Purposes of this study were to identify the leadership style of coaches, player satisfaction and relationship between leadership style of the coaches and player satisfaction. This study comprises of 101 basketball players in Malaysian... more
Though several key enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation factors, including top management commitment and support, change management, and consultantsÕ support haven been broadly discussed in literature, other factors such as... more
Several countries in Asia such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, their leaders and governments practise a benevolent type of leadership, the father leadership style. Paternal or maternal authority captures the expectations of... more
The purpose of this study is to examine and identify the influence of learning organization as a mediator on the relations between leadership styles (transformational, transactional and passive-avoidant) and ROA. Multifactor Leadership... more
Brita Bjørkelo, for keeping up with me during these four years. All members of the Bergen Bullying Research Group, for your kind support. Helga Marie Meling, for appreciated help with all sorts, all the time. Professor Oddrun Samdal,... more
"Elinizdeki bu kitap, sosyal psikolojinin konularını en geniş kapsamıyla ele almakta, klasikleşmiş deneysel ve saha araştırmalarını en güncel bilimsel çalışmalarla harmanlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, akademisyen ve öğrencilerin... more
This article examines whether the emotions of frustration and optimism mediate, fully or partially, the relationship between leadership style and subordinate performance in the context of structural equation modeling. The findings show... more
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This study examined the factor structure of the School Counselor Leadership Survey (SCLS). Survey development was a threefold process that resulted in a 39-item survey of 801 school counselors and school counselor supervisors. The... more
Leadership styles in nursing management: preferred and perceived Aim The aim was to explore nursing leadership regarding what nurse managers and subordinates see as important and to explore subordinates' opinions of their nurse manager's... more
Little attention has been given to the role of leadership characteristics in the organization design literature despite significant evidence of its importance in explaining firm behavior. This study develops and tests a model to assess... more
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to address three of the theoretical and empirical questions on two main leadership styles-transformational and transactional leadership-what effect both transformational and transactional leadership... more
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between project manager's leadership style and performance of water projects in Kenya. Operationalization of leadership style was based on transformation and transaction... more