Zakat Management
Recent papers in Zakat Management
Islam offers its own social, political, and economic approaches that, if applied, will contribute positively to poverty reduction and income inequality, and thus result in improved human capital and economic development. zakat means... more
Bentuk lembaga pengelola zakat di Indonesia mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu. Perubahan itu terutama dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan pemerintah yang berlaku. Secara umum, kebijakan pemerintah dalam urusan zakat menunjukkan perbaikan dan... more
Jika merujuk kepada Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia bahwa pengertian zakat profesi adalah zakat yang dikenakan kepada tiap usaha (kasab) pekerjaan atau keahlian (profesi) tertentu yang dilakukan secara sendiri ataupun bersama-sama... more
Bagaimana seharusnya berzakat? Kemanakah orang harus berzakat? Siapakah yang berhak mengelola zakat? Disalurkan ke mana saja zakat yang terkumpul? Apa pungsi dan tujuan utama lembaga pengelola zakat? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas akan... more
This book describes a comparative zakat management, especially going to explain about the government's fiscal policy part of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam on development programs and poverty reduction with charity instruments in both... more
This book describes a comparative zakat management, especially going to explain about the government's fiscal policy part of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam on development programs and poverty reduction with charity instruments in both... more
Dana zakat yang terkumpul pada awalnya lebih didominasi oleh pola pendistribusian secara konsumtif untuk tujuan meringankan beban mustahiq, dan merupakan program jangka pendek dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan umat. tanpa harapan... more
Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) has been corporatized and governed as a corporate entity. For good corporate governance, LZS implements a management control system (MCS) in one of its zakat distribution program known as Asnaf... more
Rumah Zakat (RZ) mempunyai peran dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan nasional dalam sektor sosial melalui penyaluran dana ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, dan Shadaqah) yang dihimpun dari donatur dalam maupun luar negeri yang sasarannya yaitu... more
Manajemen Zakat & Sejarah Pengelolaannya
Kano state government established its zakat institution in 2003 called Kano State Zakah and Hubusi Commission. The institution, however, could not meet its desired goals of improving the socioeconomic wellbeing of Kano citizens. Poverty... more
Buku yang saya susun ini adalah kumpulan peraturan tentang zakat, infak, dan sedekah. Mulai dari Pusat hingga Daerah. Setidaknya dapat menjadi acuan bagi daerah lain yang sedang mencari format dan perangkat aturan zakat, infak dan sedekah.
Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) has introduced the asnaf entrepreneurship program in order to encourage the productive asnaf to generate their own income. This income is expected to cover the daily needs as well as to create surplus which... more
Abstract: The potential of Zakat in Indonesia are very large. But the great potential that has not been comparable to acquisition. This is partly caused by the Institution of Amil Zakat (LAZ)'s management in Indonesia has not been overall... more
Perjumpaan bangsa Indonesia dengan Islam sebenarnya sudah mulai terjadi sejak abad ketujuh Masehi. Pada mulanya, Islam dipeluk oleh sebagian kecil penduduk bangsa ini, namun secara perlahan agama ini terus meluaskan pengaruhnya hingga... more
IZI (Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia) adalah salah satu lembaga penyedian layanan pembayaran zakat secara online. Dalam makalah ini saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana mekanisme pengelolaan Zakat Online yang diterapkan oleh IZI. Selamat Membaca!
Zakat is enshrined by Allah on every Muslim who posses a certain amount of wealth over a certain periods of time, to be given to particular category of people. With all conditions governing the zakat systems, Muslims living during the era... more
Poverty reduction has become the focus of historians, sociologists and economists throughout its history. The causative factors of poverty have been identified in the form of income ineligibility to social injustice and economic system.... more
Abstract Zakat is an Islamic mechanism that could help in establishing a social welfare and ensuring love and peaceful co-existence among the Muslim societies. Kano is the most popular Muslim state in Nigeria and has been affected by... more
Al-Fiqh Al-Islami written by Muhammad Akram Nadwi is a collection of the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) of Imam Abu Hanifa and his school of thought. This work covers rulings of Hanafi Fiqh alongside the examples from current day issues.... more
Concern for poverty is not new and has been the focus for centuries by historians, sociologists, and economists. The cause has been identified, ranging from shortcomings in the administration of income support, until the injustice of the... more
Bitcoin spearheaded the rise of cryptocurrencies since it was first launched in 2009. The concept of bitcoin as digital currency was first published publicly in the 2008 well-known whitepaper by pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. The... more
Uniquely, zakat is featured as the major tool of Islamic wealth redistribution that routinely collects designated amounts of public money from zakat payers and channels same to identified beneficiaries in accordance with the principles of... more
The encouraging accomplishment of contemporary zakat management is undoubtedly praiseworthy, but a thought on the avoidance of hiccups along the way is necessary. Based on the Malaysian experience, this paper attempts to explore into two... more
Transformasi Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Barat Menjadi Sinergi Foundation Kepada Yth. Bpk/Ibu Donatur dan Segenap Insan Peduli Assalamua’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Teriring salam dan do’a mudah-mudahan Bpk/Ibu Donatur dan segenap insan... more