
  1. BuergsChickens

    Orpington Genetics/Breeding

    Okay, so I am new to chickens, or sort of, I am definitely new to breeding and genetics, I am obsessed with the orpingtons primarily (Marans and Ameraucana's are right up there as well) I've been doing a lot of research into genetics and I do have a basic understanding of genetics, though...
  2. StefneyRSA

    Could someone please explain the ‘Guaranteed Analysis’ on chicken feed so that I know what each percentage means?

    I am new to chickens, I have a flock of 8 Orpingtons (2 x full size pullets, 1 x bantam cockerel, the rest are all bantam POL hens and younger pullets). I’ve done some research on the nutritional values of the feed I need to be giving my flock. Members on this forum prefer protein levels of...
  3. StefneyRSA

    Why do my Orpingtons prefer to huddle together on the floor instead of roosting or using their nests at night? How should I design their coop?

    Why do my Orpingtons (bantam and regular) prefer to huddle up on the floor at night instead of roosting on their perch? I’m busy drawing up plans for a luxurious coop for them to sleep in (this will be inside of a very big catio-inspired run/enclosure/aviary in my backyard). They’ve been in a...
  4. Egzermalda


  5. Frej

    What colour will I get?

    I have lavender orpington and black split orpington roos, and I have some silver and gold laced ladies, i know the lacing is recessive, but what colour would my chicks be if I put these girls with these roos? Can anyone enlighten me?
  6. NRHobbyFarm

    What do you think she is?

    I bought Ariel fully grown from a farm. The owner buys heritage breeds and doesn’t really ID her birds. I thought she might be Orpington but kinda looks like a New Hampshire Red. One of these eggs is hers and the other belongs to my Plymouth barred rock.
  7. S

    Vaccinating yes or no?

    Hi all! We are new to raising chickens and did a lot of research, we have 4 buffs and 10 australorps and they will be for family use once they get to that point. ie. eggs and meat. We will only be keeping a handful of these through the winter for continued egg production. my question is: we...
  8. L

    Returning to Chickens and goats❣️

    After moving back to central Fl and a 55+ community from Tn we can’t take it anymore and bought an acre in north Fl in Hamilton County. All this so we can have our Buff and Lavender Orpingtons, some goats and a food forest. We may be past our prime but we want to do what makes us happy again❣️...
  9. Star silkies

    Assorted breeds big egg layers half price

    This is for 12 hatching eggs. Not refrigerated or washed. Packed Insulated for summer. Shipped priority with tracking. Selling 1/2 price for the fourth. As long as you ask and pay on the fourth you get them for $13.00. large hens high hatch rate. Daily egg layers of their needs are met.Pay here
  10. Wangxian520

    English Orpington Chicks Hatched

    My Orpington chicks started to hatched. These are Black split Lavender Orpington and BBS Red Laced Orpington chicks from Papa's Poultry.
  11. ElimAcres


    Excited to join this forum to learn more about chickens! I currently just began raising silkies and lavender Orpingtons on our homestead. We raise meat chickens during the summer as well. We also raise Kinder goats for meat/milk. Hope to learn a lot!
  12. B

    How to Dose Oxytetracycline

    Hi there! I am looking for advice on how to administer injectable oxytetracycline. I am willing to inject, but oral administration is preferable since I’m having difficulty finding needles and syringes. So, I have two main questions: 1) Is one method more effective than the other? (Injecting vs...
  13. Jhinkle

    How to breed lavender Orpingtons

    I have buff Orpingtons but how do I breed lavender Orpingtons?
  14. C

    Chocolate roo over Jubilee hen?

    Hi all! I was wondering the genetic results from crossing a chocolate roo to a Jubilee hen. I just wanted to see if my assumptions are correct as far as possible offspring. Jubilee is a variant of the mottle gene, which is recessive. Thus no mottling would be passed to the offspring, but they...
  15. Cato0608

    Chickens afraid of DE

    Hi, so I have been reading on a few ways to prevent mites and decided to get some food grade Diatomaceous earth. I then went on cleaning the coop as usual and scattered the DE around the inner and outer lining of the coop as well as on the ends of the roost bars (the DE was visible, but not...
  16. sabrfencer

    New Member in Central Texas

    Hi Everyone! We have chickens. Yikes! What have I gotten myself into? My wife who grew up on Oah'u in Hawai'i had a pet chicken when she was a little girl. I have ZERO experience with chickens, although I've always liked them. I find their clucking and scratching soothing. We have...
  17. G

    Orpington Egg poll

    Hello Orpington lovers! I've made this quick little poll to give me an idea on when your Orpingtons started to lay eggs. Every vote is a contribution to my research:).
  18. Happy Chickens Cleveland

    Various breeds of egg layers

    I just sold 11 Blue laced Red Wyndottes and I have 10 chickens left! In the Clevland area, near Hopkins airport Wyndottes (2 years old ), Silver laced (1) Gold laced (1) Lavender orpington hen (1) Ayam Chimani hen (3 year old and laying ) Jubliee Orphington (1), 3 yr old A pair of Coronation...
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