
  1. MamaPoult

    Brahma Laying Capability Poll

    Hello all! So I purchased a dozen Brahmas for meat this spring but ended up loving them too much to eat😂! So right now we are considering switching out whole flock so Brahmas. The internet is giving me mixed answers on egg laying capabilities though. We are a family of 4 but do not eat eggs...
  2. Talullahch

    Brahmas & chequered leghorn sex?

    Hello All, We have acquired three Brahmas & an exchequered leghorn from a dangerous & ill environment. We are complete novices but love them dearly & they have blossomed in their chick brooder. We are creating a safe, secure & warm chicken coop & large run for them in our garden. We think by...
  3. MamaPoult

    I need chick names!!!!!😁😁

    Hi all! My 18 pure 4 week old Brahmas showed up yesterday and I really need name ideas!!!!! @Mellow800 @GirlsHuntToo @Pastel the Rooster @BackroadGirl57 @TesoroSena @notabitail @Patiocoturnix @Yard Farmer @Chicken poppy @Addicted To Chickens @everyone else Sorry if I forgot someone wasnt on...
  4. F

    Juvenile Chickens

    :weeJuvenile chickens in Georgetown South Carolina
  5. T

    Are feathered feet breeds harder or more maintenance than clean legged breeds?

    We’re in zone 7, in Tennessee. Our winters mostly average 15-20 degrees F, but we did have a week or a little over that where it was -4 F last year, during the big storm. We have a covered run on a hillside and are able to do deep litter in their coop. We get some humid and rainy times. I’ve...
  6. J

    Light Brahma hen or roo?

    Bought this light Brahma about 9 weeks ago as a pullet but these tail feathers are making me nervous! What do you think, hen or roo?🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  7. Ashley & Donna Dame

    9 week old brahmas. Genders?

    The lighter one is turning lavander. Pretty sure she's a hen. The dark brahma seems to be a roo which is great. We wanted a roo to add to the flock. Looking for some input from experienced brahma owners.
  8. C

    What does tractor supply consider EE?

    I’m just curious if tractor supply “Easter eggers” are just all breeds that lay various color eggs, The older my chicks get I think I have at least 3 wyandottes, a barred rock or Cochin mix and maybe some classic “Easter eggers” I’m really excited about the variety but the older they get the...
  9. BauerWFarm

    I have two Brahma hens that are having trouble joining the flock. Help!!??

    I have a small young flock of 6 hens…3 Brahmas and two Plymouth Barred Rock hens, and 1Plymouth BR Rooster. The Brahmas are just over a year old I think and we’re added at mid June. No issues…. But I had some younger hens two Buff brahmas I had separate till they were old enough and 4 others...
  10. H

    Brahmas Coloring Question for yall

    Ok y'all, I've been driving myself crazy 😂 I got 6 buff brahmas chicks, and one of them looks so much different than the others. And I don't mean in a roo vs pullet kinda way. I'm just curious if anyone can help me understand a little bit more, since the more I Google about brahmas the more...
  11. Colleen2016

    Chickens Again!

    Three years ago we moved right across Canada from Victoria BC to Saint John NB. I could not take my beloved chickens with me so re-homed them with a friend of a friend that would love them as much as I. But was time went on I realized I missed my chickens, so this summer we broke down and went...
  12. Phalennichole


    Hi, we have only had chickens a couple months now. I see how easy it is to become addicted to them. They are much cuddlier then I thought lol. Anyways We got some new chicks a couple weeks ago from tractor supply and they said they were Brahma chicks which I have been wanting but I thought they...
  13. SegiDream

    Showing Brahmas for beginners..

    Not sure where to start, I have a lot of crazy questions sorry! My 12yo has been a big help with the chickens and loves her little wyandotte pullet. She expressed an interest in showing. I have been to the county fair many times and have seen the chickens there but I've never participated (it's...
  14. Crazychick216

    Brahma's or not?

    We have six baby chicks that are about 2 weeks old. Two are buff orpingtons and the other four were supposed to be light brahma's, but they have mohawks, 5 toes, and one of them has grey feet and possibly grey skin. We have two bigger light brahmas and I don't remember them looking like this at...
  15. CheerfulF0x

    Hello All! First timer here.

    Since I am not the best at intros, I will go by the template for starters and add information as able/appropriate. :D (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? More or less? Yes. Please help guide me to make my girls happy. I should be getting them in the next month or...
  16. M

    white Silkie (hen) and Buff Brahma (roo) MIX!!!!!!!!!! PHOTOS

    Hey Chicken People, We have a mixed flock and decided to see what would happen when we hatched our own eggs! Well 4/5 hatched on March 1st and now that they are growing up they have become really awesome looking. We know that two of the chickens are Buff Brahma and Buff Orpington mixes. But we...
  17. Golden partridge Brahma Hens.

    Golden partridge Brahma Hens.

    Luna and her daughter
  18. O

    New Brahma mom

    Just joined your "flock". I'm new to raising chickens and have really gotten a lot of good information to get me started. I bought 3 young chicks & 1 turned out to be a rooster - now 4 months old. They are big beautiful birds!
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