Not sure where to start, I have a lot of crazy questions sorry!
My 12yo has been a big help with the chickens and loves her little wyandotte pullet. She expressed an interest in showing. I have been to the county fair many times and have seen the chickens there but I've never participated (it's also youth only) so I don't know where to start. There's a form for registration and it gives some details but doesn't really explain much. I thought this year if they don't cancel it we could at least go and check it out, see what the setup is like, ask questions, and possibly try it next year or the following. It's a decent size fair but I think the poultry show is kinda small.
Our flock is brahmas and a columbian wyandotte pullet, most came from TSC so I don't think her wyandotte would stand a chance. The last two are buff laced brahmas from a breeder. They're 5 wks old and already stand taller than my 8wk old TSC brahmas. The cockerel has a single comb and the pullet has a pea comb, an rrpp rooster matched with a rrPp hen offspring has a.. 50% chance for pea combs? And a 75% chance for pea combs if the hen is rrPP?
I know light, dark and buff are the 3 standard colors. Will the lacing disqualify the buffs from showing?
Then here's the next question. Can you typically buy show quality birds from the breeders at/after the shows? What kind of pricing could we expect to see?
"All poultry entries must be accompanied by health papers issued by a licensed veterinarian indicating a negative blood agglutination test for Pullorum Disease within the last ninety days and/or the birds are to be tested" Is it best to have a vet do this or wait and do it at the fair? I do not know if my chicks were vaccinated. So I should vaccinate the next generation of chicks at least for mareks and quarantine them after showing for the safety of the flock? I'd rather not vaccinate if we don't have to but with exposure to so many birds it seems best? The birds have to be there approximately 3 days. It just gives a drop off and pick up day, no schedule. Usually can you come and go to care for and check on them?
My 12yo has been a big help with the chickens and loves her little wyandotte pullet. She expressed an interest in showing. I have been to the county fair many times and have seen the chickens there but I've never participated (it's also youth only) so I don't know where to start. There's a form for registration and it gives some details but doesn't really explain much. I thought this year if they don't cancel it we could at least go and check it out, see what the setup is like, ask questions, and possibly try it next year or the following. It's a decent size fair but I think the poultry show is kinda small.
Our flock is brahmas and a columbian wyandotte pullet, most came from TSC so I don't think her wyandotte would stand a chance. The last two are buff laced brahmas from a breeder. They're 5 wks old and already stand taller than my 8wk old TSC brahmas. The cockerel has a single comb and the pullet has a pea comb, an rrpp rooster matched with a rrPp hen offspring has a.. 50% chance for pea combs? And a 75% chance for pea combs if the hen is rrPP?
I know light, dark and buff are the 3 standard colors. Will the lacing disqualify the buffs from showing?
Then here's the next question. Can you typically buy show quality birds from the breeders at/after the shows? What kind of pricing could we expect to see?
"All poultry entries must be accompanied by health papers issued by a licensed veterinarian indicating a negative blood agglutination test for Pullorum Disease within the last ninety days and/or the birds are to be tested" Is it best to have a vet do this or wait and do it at the fair? I do not know if my chicks were vaccinated. So I should vaccinate the next generation of chicks at least for mareks and quarantine them after showing for the safety of the flock? I'd rather not vaccinate if we don't have to but with exposure to so many birds it seems best? The birds have to be there approximately 3 days. It just gives a drop off and pick up day, no schedule. Usually can you come and go to care for and check on them?