What did you do in the garden today?

One year I got a lb of in Shell Peanuts for my brother. His favorite. I took scraps of wrapping paper and comics and wrapped each peanut 🥜. Put them in a big box with white packing peanuts. Drove him nuts looking and unwrapping
That is the funniest/cleverest present I've heard of in many years! :lau :lau
It made it to 55 degrees today. The winds were howling, but it was still shirt sleeve and skirt weather out, since the winds were from the south.

I took the opportunity to pull the tomato plant stumps, turn the soil, add alpaca manure, blood meal, and bone meal and turn that all in.

Besides the continuing saga of the loom rebuild....that's it.
Cabin fever? Insanity? Couldn't stand one more day in the kitchen doing Xmas baking? Not sure the reason but I was outside pulling weeds today! Only got 1/2 of a flower bed done before every bone in my hands was frozen, but still it was something accomplished.
My weeds are frozen in the ground.

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