I’ve been a SaddleBrooke, Arizona resident for over twenty-three years.
I was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana.
As a retired aerospace physicist, I have lived in nine...view moreI’ve been a SaddleBrooke, Arizona resident for over twenty-three years.
I was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana.
As a retired aerospace physicist, I have lived in nine states and have been writing poetry for over sixty-five years.
I am a “Distinguished Member” of the International Society of Poets and have earned a “Poet Laureate” certificate in that society. I was nominated to be the first Poet Laureate of Arizona in 2012.
I am a “Professional Member” of the Society of Southwest Authors and have been asked to submit a poem to their bimonthly magazine, The Write Word.
I am a fifteen-year member of the SaddleBrooke Writers’ Group and have held the offices of President and Secretary.
I have written over 2500 poems... of which over 90% have been published both nationally and internationally. My poems have appeared in newspapers, magazines, and nine poetry anthologies published by the Poetry Guild...where I was recognized as one of the best poets of 2000 through 2004. I have written fifteen poetic chapbooks and poetry CDs with over forty different poetic forms. My books, The Essence of Jim, As The Mood Prescribes and Rubai are available through AuthorHouse Publishing or local bookstores. The books are also available as e-books. My e-books Rubai Gems and All that rhymes are available on Kindle.
I taught the poetry class, From Babel to Bard for the SaddleBrooke Institute For Learning in Retirement.
I am a Past Exalted Ruler and soloist for Catalina Mtn. Elk Lodge #2815 and I submit a poem to their monthly newsletter, The Bugle.
I update my poetry website, http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com monthly and my poetry blog http://jim-cox.blogspot.com at least twice weekly.
James E. Cox (Jim)view less