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Promise Me Forever
Promise Me Forever
Promise Me Forever
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Promise Me Forever

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About this ebook

Charlie Jennings and Jhett Hudson knew that a single moment could change everything.

It took them one song to find each other, one question to give them a chance, one kiss to fall in love, and one night to almost lose it all. But they had one thing other couples lack - pure, unconditional love - and that takes more than a moment to walk away from.

Falling in love is only the beginning. Forever is what happens next.

Release dateMar 17, 2014
Promise Me Forever

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    Book preview

    Promise Me Forever - Sarah Ashley Jones

    a novella


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    Smashwords Edition

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    Promise Me Forever

    Copyright © 2014 by Sarah Ashley Jones

    Cover design by Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations

    Edited by Stacy Sanford

    Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    For other titles by Sarah Ashley Jones, visit Smashwords

    Table of Contents









    The Lost Scenes



    About the Author

    This book goes out to my writing partner, one of my best friends, and my peanut butter to my jelly.

    Michele, if it weren’t for you, I would be in the loony bin and this book would be in the trash bin.

    Thank you for all your continued support and love and for keeping me grounded.

    This book also wouldn't have been made into what you are about to read if it wasn't for all the late nights and long talks with my amazing Alpha Reader, Melissa.

    Thank you for everything you have done for me over the last few months. Your support means so much to me!

    Sunlight shone through the newly hung sheer drapes above the sliding glass door, filling the bedroom with a soothing blanket of warmth. My bare legs extended in front of me, causing the comforter to puff underneath them. I leaned back against the solid headboard and shut my eyes while basking in the rays of light that danced over my exposed skin. Despite the last few weeks of constant rain, it was a gorgeous spring day - just warm enough to wear a dress and not need a sweater.

    Sucking my lip into my mouth, I bit down hard to try and contain my growing excitement. It took everything I had to sit still. I wanted to get up and jump around and scream like a crazy person. I’d waited for this day to come for a long time.

    Turning to the side, my gaze drifted to the framed picture of Cameron and I at our high school graduation. A new kind of smile fell over my lips. It was one tinged with sadness, but also a little contentment, too. There was a time I thought I would never be completely happy again, but I proved myself wrong. My heart may have been a little bruised, but it was full of love, passion and new found adventure. There would always be a place for Cameron in it, but I realized it didn’t need to be a sad one.

    I studied his smile, the way his shaggy golden hair poked out in an unruly mess under his purple cap, and his unzipped matching gown that exposed his ‘epic’ rule-breaking casual attire of jeans and a t-shirt. He held his diploma up in the air with one hand while the other draped across my shoulders. I stood right beside him, my arms wrapped around his waist, in my white cap and gown and matching heels. I remembered in that moment, I didn’t want to let go. There were some days I wish I didn’t. Maybe if I’d held on a little longer, he would be beside me again. But then I think, maybe a little selfishly, that if he were still here I would never have gotten a chance to start living the life I always wanted.

    I did it, Cam, I whispered into the still room. I’m happy. A chill shot down my spine and I drew my legs up into my chest, resting my chin on my knees. I was happy. So happy that sometimes, I couldn’t help but question if I deserved everything that was happening to me, but my reassurance always lay in the fact that between Cam and I, I was the lucky one. I was the twin who got a second chance, and because of that, I made the choice to listen to only my heart – not my head and not my parents – just my heart that only beats for one person.

    It was somewhere between the fight with my parents and the walk to Jhett’s door when things changed - I changed. I decided to live my life exactly the way I should have all along - for me - and it all started with finding my way back to the hippie-looking yellow house and the maroon door in hopes there was someone waiting for me on the other side.

    I inhaled deeply as I stood before the bright door. There was one single piece of wood standing between me and my uncertain future. With shaky fingers, I reached out and pressed the doorbell; anxiously counting down the seconds until I would be forced to find the words to express everything I felt in my heart but could never admit out loud.

    Jhett appeared in the doorway looking just as broken as I felt. Our eyes met, and I saw their usual glistening amber hue was gone. He hurt. I could tell with once glance.

    We stood there unmoving as we stared at each other, and the uncomfortable stillness in the air could be felt all around us.

    Hi. My voice was almost unrecognizable when I spoke. I inhaled an unsteady breath and prayed he would say or do something, because there wasn’t much holding me together anymore. It didn’t feel like I was standing in front of the same man I once knew…that man was long gone. In his place stood an empty shell of the man I loved and it was my fault.

    Jhett’s lips parted as he started to speak. His forehead creased a little more each second longer he stared at me, but no words ever came. Instead, he shifted his weight uneasily from one foot to the other.

    The familiar prickling sensation of hot tears overwhelmed my senses. I knew there was a risk coming back to him. I knew that not every story had a happy ending, and the idea that my story might be one of them was something I honestly wasn’t prepared for. I bit my lip and looked down at the concrete patio, my leg bouncing in anticipation.

    Jhett reached down, cupped one finger under my chin and lifted my gaze back up to meet his. The man looking down at me was no longer the stranger who opened the door. I finally recognized Jhett – my Jhett. As his hand moved to my cheek and his features softened, his signature lopsided smirk made its long awaited appearance. He traced a path across my warm flesh with his thumb while his eyes darted back and forth to my lips, to my arm wrapped in its yellow cast, and finally ended up staring back into my eyes.

    I leaned into his palm, needing to feel more of him around

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