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Winged: Feathers and Microphones, #5
Winged: Feathers and Microphones, #5
Winged: Feathers and Microphones, #5
Ebook51 pages42 minutes

Winged: Feathers and Microphones, #5

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"Everything for the band, right?"
Florian is gone, leaving Seth and the band behind. He takes on a new identity and starts living on the fringes of the human world. He follows the band's progress online, but stays as far away from them as possible. Until a man hangs up a poster next to him at a bar, a poster for a birthday concert from Seth's band, a concert for Seth's birthday, in two days.

Ever since Florian left, Seth has been focusing on his music, on his career. Anything to stop him from facing reality, anything to stop him from thinking. The birthday concert is just another gig, another meeting with the fans. But when he performs the new song he has been working on, and opens his eyes, suddenly nothing else exists but that one person in the crowd…

Release dateNov 7, 2016
Winged: Feathers and Microphones, #5

Rosa Swann

By day Rosa Swann spends too much time playing videogames and coming up with new ideas for stories, by night she writes sexy stories for the adult public.Sexy men, paranormal creatures, a bit of angst? Definitely right up her street! Rosa Swann writes sexy stories about men, with other men, both in romantic and erotic (and often both) settings.

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    Winged - Rosa Swann





    Wings (Feathers & Microphones 5)

    Copyright © 2016 Rosa Swann

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    Edition: 20211207

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    Published by Easily Distracted Media


    Everything for the band, right?

    Florian is gone, leaving Seth and the band behind. He takes on a new identity and starts living on the fringes of the human world. He follows the band’s progress online, but stays as far away from them as possible. Until a man hangs up a poster next to him at a bar, a poster for a birthday concert from Seth’s band, a concert for Seth’s birthday, in two days.

    Ever since Florian left, Seth has been focusing on his music, on his career. Anything to stop him from facing reality, anything to stop him from thinking. The birthday concert is just another gig, another meeting with the fans. But when he performs the new song he has been working on, and opens his eyes, suddenly nothing else exists but that one person in the crowd…



    I sit back at the back of the bar, the people around me doing their own thing, I’m just one in the crowd. When I left Seth, I left the city, county, almost the country, but even for me, that went a bit too far. It’s been four weeks since I walked out of that meeting. I dumped my phone in the first trashcan I came across, changed my name and left everything behind. Going rogue, going off the grid, it’s what I’ve always been taught to do, and it comes as a second nature to me. Leaving one identity behind and taking on another, there is nothing more freeing than that. Unless… it isn’t. Not now. Everything in me screams to go back, to get back to Seth.

    My eyes fall on a poster that someone is putting up on the board next to me. In the middle of the poster is my beautiful purple haired front man, his eyes fierce and his body wrapped in that beautiful corset of his.

    I tap the shoulder of the man who is putting up the poster. I didn’t know they were doing a concert here. Okay, so I may have been following them on social media. I may have left Seth behind, but I can’t stray from him too much, even when I’m cities away from him.

    Yeah, last minute thing. It seems the manager thought it would be a good birthday present to the vocalist and the guitarist, so it’s been kept under wraps. The man shrugs. "To be honest, if they perform like they have lately… I don’t know how many more tours they will be going on. The whole thing with

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