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Stage: Feathers and Microphones, #2
Stage: Feathers and Microphones, #2
Stage: Feathers and Microphones, #2
Ebook48 pages45 minutes

Stage: Feathers and Microphones, #2

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"You make me forget everything. You make me feel like a regular guy. If you can get over what I did in the past, please come see me after the concert."
Seth's whispered words haunt Florian the whole day, and without making a choice he shows up at the concert, seeing the rock star in his element on stage. Making the choice even harder.

Seth doesn't think he'll see the angel again, so when the man suddenly shows up at his dressing room, it's a nice surprise. But he knows that they'll need to talk, because an angel and a man branded by a demon, or even a rock star and another man… That's not going to be easy.

Only, after spending the weekend together, has the fate of these two men become intertwined in ways that they couldn't foresee?

Release dateNov 7, 2016
Stage: Feathers and Microphones, #2

Rosa Swann

By day Rosa Swann spends too much time playing videogames and coming up with new ideas for stories, by night she writes sexy stories for the adult public.Sexy men, paranormal creatures, a bit of angst? Definitely right up her street! Rosa Swann writes sexy stories about men, with other men, both in romantic and erotic (and often both) settings.

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    Stage - Rosa Swann





    Stage (Feathers & Microphones 2)

    Copyright © 2015 Rosa Swann

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the store and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Edition: 20211207

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Next: Fear (Feathers and Microphones #3)

    About Rosa Swann

    About Easily Distracted Media

    Published by Easily Distracted Media


    You make me forget everything. You make me feel like a regular guy. If you can get over what I did in the past, please come see me after the concert.

    Seth’s whispered words haunt Florian the whole day, and without making a choice he shows up at the concert, seeing the rock star in his element on stage. Making the choice even harder.

    Seth doesn’t think he’ll see the angel again, so when the man suddenly shows up at his dressing room, it’s a nice surprise. But he knows that they’ll need to talk, because an angel and a man branded by a demon, or even a rock star and another man… That’s not going to be easy.

    Only, after spending the weekend together, has the fate of these two men become intertwined in ways that they couldn’t foresee?



    Fuck, fuck, fuck! I grab the handle of the door and swing it open as hard as I can, hoping to scare whoever was knocking on it.

    A few steps away my twin brother, Liam, is standing with his arms crossed and shaking his head.

    What?! I turn back into the room and search through my bags.

    Where were you last night? Liam comes after me and closes the door again, giving us some privacy.

    Don’t worry, I’ll be in my own room tonight. I finally find the jeans I want and toss them on the chair in front of the mirror, then I go back on the hunt. I need to find a clean shirt, this one smells like Florian all over.

    "I don’t care. Where were you?" Liam grabs my arm and turns me towards him.

    None of your business. I try to pull free but Liam is way stronger than me.

    You’re my brother and we’re in the same band. It’s every bit my business when you disappear for a night and then don’t show up for a meeting in the morning. He pushes me back, forcing me into the chair.

    Fuck, the meeting. It takes away all the anger in one go. We had a meeting with the producer about the new CD, that was this morning. Our second CD, the one that will show the world we’re not just one day flies. I’m sorry, I forgot about the meeting.

    "I kinda guessed that. I told them you were sleeping off a hangover and that I didn’t

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