Being “In Christ”: We Have Victory!
About this ebook
Dr. Glen E. Clifton became pastor of his first church at age nineteen while attending Baylor University. He and his wife Dee have had four children. He has been pastor of Southern Baptist churches in Texas twice, Mississippi, and California twice, with three interim pastorates in Florida. He retired to the Treasure Coast of Florida, where he has been serving churches for the past eleven years.
A native Texan, Clifton is a graduate of Baylor University (BA), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (MRE), and Louisiana Baptist University (DMin). He has also taught in public schools in four states, as well as Seminary Extension of N.O.B.T.S. He has had the privilege of speaking and preaching revivals in almost twenty states.
Clifton has also served as a church planter in areas with no church. Most of the churches he pastored have led their association in baptisms, church growth, and mission giving in California, Mississippi, and Texas.
This is Cliftons second book. His first, What All New Christians Should Know, is a quick-start book for new Christians. It is in its fourth printing.
Although retired, Clifton fills the pulpit almost every Sunday somewhere on the southeast coast of Florida.
Dr. Glen E. Clifton
Dr. Glen E. Clifton became pastor of his first church at age nineteen while attending Baylor University. He and his wife Dee have had four children. He has been pastor of Southern Baptist churches in Texas twice, Mississippi, and California twice, with three interim pastorates in Florida. He retired to the Treasure Coast of Florida, where he has been serving churches for the past eleven years. A native Texan, Clifton is a graduate of Baylor University (BA), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (MRE), and Louisiana Baptist University (DMin). He has also taught in public schools in four states, as well as Seminary Extension of N.O.B.T.S. He has had the privilege of speaking and preaching revivals in almost twenty states. Clifton has also served as a church planter in areas with no church. Most of the churches he pastored have led their association in baptisms, church growth, and mission giving in California, Mississippi, and Texas. This is Clifton’s second book. His first, What All New Christians Should Know, is a quick-start book for new Christians. It is in its fourth printing. Although retired, Clifton fills the pulpit almost every Sunday somewhere on the southeast coast of Florida.
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Being “In Christ” - Dr. Glen E. Clifton
Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Glen E. Clifton.
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Some Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
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This book is dedicated to my wife Dee (Delia M. Joiner—Clifton). From 1953 we have been friends. She became my love, my loving wife, the mother of our children (Pamela, Stephen, Mark and Joel), my companion in ministry. Through all my ups and downs, she continued to encourage and assist me as my partner.
For almost a year, during the writing of this book, she has been extremely ill. Much of this writing took place as she slept. Being in three Hospitals (one twice), two Nursing Facilities, and home nursing care, and many doctor visits, she battles on.
Each day as I pray, and as I claim Philippians 4:13,19, God has been faithful in hearing and answering my prayers. As you read, Being In Christ,
We have Victory!, please join me in a prayer for her health regained.
I would like to acknowledge the following individuals for helping me with this manuscript from spelling, corrections, elimination of duplicate messages, as well as adding some clarification of certain sentences.
First, I’d like to thank Don Cass for writing the Forward for this book. He has been a pastor, and a full-time Evangelist across the Southern Baptist Convention. He just recently retired as Evangelism Director for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Second, I would show my heartfelt appreciation to Richard and Beth Childs, graduates of Southern Seminary, and Assoc. Pastor of First Baptist Church of Ft. Pierce, FL. Their reading, correcting and suggestions were totally essential to the completion of the manuscript.
Third, A huge thanks to Rev. Robert N. Bennett, Pastor to Senior Adults at First Baptist Church in Stuart, FL, where he has served for over 18 years. He has served Southern Baptist churches from Tennessee to Florida for over 40 years. He and wife Nancy are Gospel Recording artists.
Fourth, I want to thank two men who attend our local Savannah Club Worship Group where I share weekly Bible Studies. Salvatore "‘Sal’ Franco, former professor of languages in Rhode Island and at IRCC, here in Port St. Lucie. With a Catholic background, I had the privilege of leading him to a relationship with Christ and baptizing him in the Atlantic Ocean, with six other seniors. George Waddy, who after 34 years of teaching English in Upstate New York, and in the N.Y. State Prison System, gave me great advice and corrections to grammar, spelling and sentence structure.
In my efforts to write this book, I have gleaned from over 55 years of sermon preparation, in which I quoted many individuals in my sermons without always writing down their names or the source. I have preached thousands of sermons and read scores of commentaries, and other thousands of pages of books, teachings and the sermons of others. The ideas and illustrations were taken from my experiences, along with many other sources. Where I could, I gave personal recognition. If you desire, I encourage you to use any of the thoughts and stories. As a teen-age preacher attending Baylor University, I received from Dr. W. Herschel Ford a box of free books, (his sermons) at the F.B.C. of El Paso, TX. We all said, When better sermons are preached… we’ll preach ’em.
And we did!
There are some things every follower of Jesus should know. My friend Glen Clifton has written a book that is filled with truths all of us should know. The content is built around the verse in II Corinthians 5:17, "If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new."
Every person who follows Jesus has a new life, so radically new that Jesus likened it to being born again
. However, the author of this book has focused on two words within II Corinthians 5:17 which helps us understand the impact of the rest of the verse. The words are, in Christ.
With God’s guidance and years of studying the Word of God, Glen Clifton has skillfully exposed the depth of meaning which always follows being in Christ.
Warren W. Wiersbe wrote in his book, Being a Child of God,
There is a vast difference between age and maturity. Age is a quantity of years, while maturity is a quality of experience." Novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about people who go from one childhood to another,
and he says, that kind of person is with us today. They don’t know the difference between being childlike and being childish. They go through life trapping people into becoming surrogate parents whose main task is to pamper and protect them. Consequently, they never grow up; they just grow old." John Debrine once stated, Christians will either grow in grace or groan in disgrace.
This a book, once you read it, you will want to read it again because its content will stimulate spiritual growth. The author writes from the overflow of his own spiritual pilgrimage.
Pastoring local churches for many years, helping people biblically address the challenges of life, and seeking out answers to his own life’s needs has set this author on the path of spiritual maturity you sense in the pages of this wonderful book. It will drive you to scripture, cause you to worship God through grateful praise and thanksgiving, and will inspire you to want to tell others how they too can be in Christ.
You will learn how God chose you, graciously forgave you, loves you, imputes righteousness to you, supplies every need you have in life, will one day raise you from the dead and give you the ultimate victory! This book will be like a valued gift which God will use to bless you beyond words. Read it and rejoice!
Don Cass
Pastor, Evangelist and recently retired
Director of Evangelism for
The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
INTRODUCTION : Being In Christ!
PREFACE : Being In Christ,
We Have Victory!
Chapter One In Christ
You Were ‘Blessed’ and ‘Chosen’ by God Before Creation!
Chapter Two In Christ,
You Were Given Grace
Before the World Was Created
Chapter Three In Christ
You Are ‘Redeemed’ and ‘Forgiven’ for All Your Sins
Chapter Four In Christ
You Are ‘Redeemed’ by God With an ‘Inseparable’, ‘Inescapable’ Love.
Chapter Five In Christ
You Are ‘Justified’ Before God, and the ‘Righteousness’ of God in Christ is ‘Imputed’ to You.
Chapter Six In Christ,
You Have ‘Assurance’ That You Are a ‘New Creation’ and a ‘Child of God!’
Chapter Seven In Christ
You Have Been ‘Seated in the Heavenly Places,’ Even While You Live On Earth.
Chapter Eight In Christ
You Are Being ‘Sanctified’ and Made ‘Holy’.
Chapter Nine In Christ
Everything You Really ‘Need’ Will Be Supplied.
Chapter Ten In Christ
the ‘Peace of God’ Will ‘Guard’ Your Heart and Mind.
Chapter Eleven In Christ
You Have ‘Eternal Life’
Chapter Twelve In Christ
You Will be ‘Raised From the Dead’ at the Coming of the Lord.
Chapter Thirteen In Christ,
We Have Ultimate ‘VICTORY!’
IN CONCLUSION : My Main Question Now Is: Are You
In Christ"?
: Being In Christ!
Spiritual growth is critical, but until those of us in the church, who claim to be Christians, realize who we are In Christ,
it will be impossible for us to go forward in the faith of our Lord.
This brief study emphasizes this fact: that to be In Christ,
means you are now so identified with Jesus, that God always views you in connection with Christ. Your spiritual identity is never viewed apart from Christ. Most Christians just don’t understand that God has imputed righteousness to us, as well as the forgiveness of sins.
Sometimes this is hard to fathom, because of our limited understanding. For the Christian, God is our Father! Because of our union, being in Christ,
we are adopted by God into His family. He is our Father, and we are His children. Paul writes, "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself." Because of this adoption, we have an intimate relationship with Him. We are to refer to God as Abba,
the Greek equivalent of the term Daddy,
(Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6).
Unfortunately, Spiritual Growth isn’t the major topic in most churches today. Today’s contemporary church is filled with leadership who are placing emphasis, not on spiritual growth, but on dramatic experiences, outward excitement, instant solutions to spiritual problems, the health and wealth/prosperity gospel, or how to get wealthy financially through God. They overemphasize physical healing and other spiritual fads, rather than emphasizing true discipleship and growth in grace in the Lord Jesus Christ—the basics that grow a dynamic New Testament church. (II Peter 3:18).
Because of this familial relationship, we know that we are secure ‘In Christ.’ As Christians, we may see ourselves in sin and in need of forgiveness, because we are out of fellowship with our Lord. We must realize that because we are covered by the blood of His Son, Jesus, God sees us as perfect and complete in Christ. Paul exhorted the Ephesians to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called.
(Ephesians 4:1) Because we now have been placed in His family, "when we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He, Himself is the propitiation for our sins…" (I John 2:1,2) Our advocate (attorney) propitiates us (automatically restores us) favorable before our Father.
I urge you to read and reread carefully all the scriptures given below.
Dr. Glen Clifton
: Being In Christ,
We Have Victory!
"If anyone be ‘in Christ,’ he is a new creation, old things (your old life) are passed away, behold all things (especially your life) are become new." II Corinthians 5:17
This phrase in Christ,
is probably one of the most simple, revealing and exciting doctrinal statements in the Word of God. Christian, what kind of words do you use to define your own salvation experience? Are they words like: redemption, atonement, reconciliation, propitiation, justification? Most people just don’t relate to those big $100. words. Salvation, simply put, means to be in Christ.
Did you know that being ‘in Christ’ is one of Paul’s favorite teachings to impress on us our position with God, since we have been redeemed. Being ‘in Christ’ means belonging to Jesus, having a personal relationship with Him, being in ‘unity’ with Him. This word, ‘in’ tells the world who we are! "In’ gives information about our state of being, about our self. This word, ‘in’ demonstrates many things. Anyone can be in love, in great health, in bad health, in the marines, in ministry, in banking, into golf, into music. Question: Does being ‘in Christ,’ describe who you are? Are you one of God’s children, as Paul describes in Galatians 4:19?
It’s amazing when you first realize the wonderful benefits of being in Christ.
We realize that we are remade
as individuals. Although we occupy the same body and are still the same person, several changes have taken place, and will continue. Paul tells us that when we are baptized into Christ,
we are then raised up to walk in newness of life.
(Romans 6:4). This baptism referred to here is a spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit of God, and is totally different from water baptism upon being saved.
The phrase in Christ,
occurs one hundred and thirty (130) times in the New Testament. It is used twenty seven (27) times in Ephesians alone. Let me remind you, Jesus said, You in me and I in you.
(John 15:4). How wonderful! You, as a believer, are in Christ,
and Christ is in you (the believer). Being in Christ Jesus
is an astonishing reality. It is a breathtaking experience to be in Christ,
in agreement in Christ. united to Christ. bound to Christ. If you are in Christ,
do you know what it means to you.?
I hope you realize that: those in Christ
have all that Jesus has. You may ask, What do you mean, brother Glen?
Here’s what the Word of God says in John 1:12, "As many as received Him (Jesus), He gave to them the right to become the children of God, to those who believe on His name. And in Romans 8:16, 17, "The (Holy) Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…"
I know this is hard for some to accept, understand, and/or believe. We must remember that these are the Words of the Infinite God, and it’s sometimes hard for our finite minds to comprehend. LISTEN: When we are in Christ,
Christ’s riches are our riches, His righteousness is our righteousness, and His power is our power to have. Please, open your mind as we study the Word together, and discover what it means to be In Christ.
Spiritual growth comes through understanding and practicing the truths of the Word of God. Multitudes of spiritual blessings are yours when you unlock and understand the major truths of the Scripture.
Being in Christ
is everything for the Christian! It is so important that after we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we must realize that we are to be transformed into His image. The Holy Spirit Who resides inside us now, is the only One Who can make us like Christ Jesus. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
(I John 3:2)
In this study it is my desire that we, who are in Christ,
will learn how God manifests Himself in and through us.
In Christ
You Were ‘Blessed’
and ‘Chosen’ by God Before Creation!
God’s Word states in Ephesians 1:3-4, "Blessed be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all (every) spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ. God chose us in Him
before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before Him in love."
The Apostle Paul begins his greeting to the Ephesians with the word blessed.
Webster defines Blessed
as, of or enjoying happiness. specifically enjoying the bliss of Heaven.
It carries the idea of that which brings pleasure, contentment, or good fortune.
Simply stated, it is that state of being that we all want to enjoy. Now, let’s be honest, we all like blessings don’t we? There isn’t a person reading this that does not enjoy a blessing! And, certainly, we are a blessed people!
Paul begins his greeting to the saints (Christians) at Ephesus by praising God for having blessed us with so many blessings… in fact, ‘all’ blessings (v. 3). That little three letter word tells us that in the Lord, we find every single thing we need to live the Christian life. God has held nothing back from His children. When He saved us, He gave us everything we needed to serve Him. We have everything we need right now to be content, to be successful, to be obedient, to be useful to the Kingdom and to be happy in Jesus! We received everything Jesus had to offer us! We received it at that very moment when we were saved.
He begins in verse 4 with the thought of the foreknowledge of the Almighty. This verse deals with the matter of election. For some reason, God, in His wisdom, chose me before the world was formed. He knew me before He formed me in my mother’s womb, (Jeremiah 1:5), and He had already determined that I would be in His family. I cannot explain election and all the ramifications of it, but I am still going to rejoice in it! One of the greatest spiritual blessings we enjoy as saved people is the fact that we were chosen in Christ
by the grace of God. The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, explains this in Romans 8:28-31. God loved me even though He knew all about me! Praise God!
God hasn’t blessed us with every ‘conceivable’ blessing. Paul doesn’t say that God has blessed us with every ‘physical’ blessing. He says that God has blessed us with every ‘spiritual’ blessing. The blessings that He will talk about come specifically through the work of the Holy Spirit. Later, Paul will write about why we need to be filled with the Spirit
(Eph. 5:18). As we are filled with the Spirit, we will experience more and more the blessings that God has for us as Christians.
One young mom wrote, "One day I asked my two-year-old daughter, Catherine, where her slippers were. "Downstairs in the kitchen, she told me.
What are they doing there?" I asked. Nothing,
she replied. "They can’t walk because they don’t have feet in them right now." The Holy Spirit gives us ‘unction,’ or ‘feet,’ like Catherine said, to go and do the things of God.
The question now arises, what are these spiritual blessings? Pardon, adoption, redemption, the earnest (guarantee) of the Spirit, sanctification, peace, glorification, etc., referred to in many scriptures, blessings which individual Christians enjoy. (Galatians 4:5; 5:22, 23; Colossians 3:15; II Corinthians 1:22; 5:22).
We saints while still in this body on earth, are enjoying some of the blessings which we will enjoy in heaven. We call this our spiritual ‘position.’ We do not currently and physically live in heaven. But we have a position here and in heaven. Paul will tell us later that we are seated in the heavenlies
(Ephesians. 2:6).
What does this mean?
Perhaps you read about the lady named Hetty Green. For many years Hetty Green was called America’s greatest miser. When she died in 1916, she left an estate valued at $100 million, an especially vast fortune for that day. But she was so miserly that she ate cold oatmeal in order to save the expense of heating the water. When her son had a severe leg injury, she took so long trying to find a free clinic to treat him that his leg had to be amputated because of advanced infection.
It has been said that she hastened her own death by bringing on a fit of apoplexy while arguing the merits of skim milk because it was cheaper than whole milk.
For her to possess such great assets but to live so miserably, to live the life of a pauper when her wealth was so tremendous, was very foolish. Paul teaches us in his letter to the Ephesians, that many of the benefits, and the blessings, which are ours today, are unappreciated by so many of us. This results in some Christians living in what Thoreau would call, lives of quiet desperation.
Let me add: the reason many don’t know of the wealth, the blessings, and the benefits of God… that are now ours . . . is because we don’t read the handbook… the Word of Almighty God, the Bible. Unfortunately, the church today is filled with many Biblical illiterates.
Many who struggle with the Christian life, who seldom experience joy, who wrestle with finding peace, do so because they do not know how rich God has made them. That is Paul’s concern in Ephesians. We see most of the purpose of his teaching in this letter, in his prayer in 1:18: I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
You may want to read that verse again!
The overall thrust of the book of Ephesians is to expose us to the riches that we have from trusting in Christ, and to learn to see how it affects our lives. God doesn’t want us living a miserable existence like Hetty Green, who had some incredible resources at her disposal, but didn’t take advantage of what she had available to her.
James stated, "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures" (James 1:17-18).
In churches across our land and around the world, Christians sing:
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."
—Thomas Ken
We also sing
"Come Thou fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy praise
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of highest praise."
—Robert Robinson
The theology of these songs of praise certainly agrees with Paul’s teaching, and that of the rest of the apostles. In Ephesians 1:3, Paul not only praises God for His bountiful blessings, but he calls for us to join with him. In the broadest sense, every blessing comes from God, including our material blessings (Matthew 5:45; Acts 14:17; 17:24-28). But in our text, Paul draws attention only to the spiritual
blessings, every one of which originates with God and many of which await us in the heavenly places.
Our blessings are in the heavenlies
because our Lord, the source of all blessings, dwells there and this is where we will experience them to the full (see Ephesians 2:6; Hebrews 11:13-16; 1 Peter 1:4). Paul describes these things as blessings in heavenly places.
This literally means that these blessings are things that originated in heaven. They are not earthly blessings, but they are heavenly blessings! In the most literal sense, they are Heavenly Things!
God has blessed us! It is something He has done. It is all because of grace, His unmerited, undeserved favor. He has done everything; you can do nothing except receive it. There is only one way to find yourself in this verse, and that is by the words of the old hymn, by Augustus Toplady, Nothing in my hands I bring; simply to thy cross I cling.
There is nothing you can do except to receive it, but receiving this blessing means you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Why would God do such a thing? There is nothing we can say in response to this except for what Paul said: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
Because He has blessed us in His election, we receive all the blessings, while He receives all the glory!
In the late 1960’s, while pastor of the First Baptist Church in Pleasanton—Livermore, California, my sons got a 2-wheel scooter. We lived in the outskirts of Pleasanton where they could ride in open fields. Mark and Joel were riding around on that thing like race drivers in the field. Joel, the youngest, came up to me and he said, Dad, why did God make Honda QA50’s?
I had no idea how to answer the question, and so I just made something up: "Well, Joel, I guess it’s because He wanted little guys like you to have fun." "No, Dad! for His own glory!" Touché. He had actually been listening to a sermon I had preached a week earlier. He was exactly right! Everything in this world is for God’s own glory. But my friends, if you really believe that, that’s life re-orienting. Everything is for His glory! Everything!
On T.V. they were interviewing a woman who was 23 years old when she was working as a stewardess on an Air Florida jet that took off from Washington, D.C. You may remember the story of that Air Florida jet that never made it any further than the 14th Street Bridge. She was one of the survivors. All she remembers of that crash is the fear in the faces of the people, and in coming up for air in the freezing river and being rescued. She had never prayed in her life until that day. She had never gone to church. She is now teaching a Sunday School class in a church in Miami, Florida. She has three beautiful children, she’s married to a Christian man, and she, in her interview, said, "God used that to change my life for my eternal good and for His own glory." That’s exactly right. She understands exactly what Paul is getting at.
In our Scripture, in Verse 4, there is an extraordinary statement. God chose us ‘in Christ,’
which indicates that it is a matter of His grace and not our personal worth. It is not by our "works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us . . . through Jesus Christ our Savior." (Titus 3:5,6). We do not have to earn this exalted position in Christ.
It is already ours through our salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are secure forever in Christ.
A shipwrecked man writes a message, places it in a secure, capped bottle, and throws it into the sea, in the hope that it may reach some shore. But will not the water damage and destroy it? No; for, while it is cast into the sea, it is first sealed in a bottle—and so it arrives. Yes, in Philippi, with all its destructive influences, but in Christ,
so they are secure, and so, in spite of all antagonistic forces, they arrive at the haven where they would be.
With all the temptations, evil and distractions of the world, how can a holy life be lived in such unholy surroundings?
Just like the little water-spider going down to the bottom of that pond. It doesn’t really belong there, even as we believers are: in the world
. . . but not of it, (John 17:11,16). The little creature has the queer, and amazing, ability of weaving a bubble of air around itself, and hidden in that it is able to pursue its way even amid such adverse conditions, in the water, but in the bubble!
Wayne Barber shares, "If you ever see anything good in me, you know, it didn’t come from me. It came from He Who is in me and Whose I am (and Who I am in). It came from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself." It’s the same with you, when you see something in me that is good, remember it is not me, it must be Christ in me. The ability to be faithful as well as the ability concerning our responsibilities to Christ, is an ability that comes from our being in Him and Him being in us.
Remember: Everything you have is in a Person, and His name is Jesus. And if you’ll come to Him and bow down to Him, you will begin experience inwardly what you’ve been looking for all along. The key is a repentant and submissive heart. When you are ready to bow, at that very moment, you attain access to the things that are yours in Christ Jesus because they’re all available in Christ. The problem with most of us is, we look for these things, (spiritual blessings), everywhere except where they are found. And, if we don’t have our needs met spiritually in Christ, they’ll never be met anywhere else.
Remember: In these verses, Paul expounds on the idea of a believer’s new identity, using the phrase in Christ or its synonyms (over 160 times in some form, in Him, in the Beloved, in Christ, in Christ Jesus, in the Lord). The words, In Christ,
summarizes the profound truth that believers are now and forever in spiritual union with the Lord Jesus Christ. This mysterious spiritual truth is one of the most significant teachings in the New Testament.
Charles Ryrie states, Probably the most important doctrinal fact underpinning the spiritual life is the believer’s union with Christ. It is foundational to the truth of co-crucifixion of the Christian with Christ (Romans 6:6; Galatians 2:20), which in turn is the basis for freedom from the power of sin.
Remember that freedom in Christ is not the right to do as one pleases but the power to please God by doing what is right! Unfortunately, this concept is little understood, unbalanced in its presentation, and unused in its application. What does this concept mean? My own definition is simply this: To be in Christ is the redeemed man’s new environment in the sphere of resurrection life.
These thoughts are beyond my understanding. Listen: Reading these verses, We were ‘planned’ by the Father from the beginning for His glory. We were ‘purchased’ at an expensive price by His Son at Calvary. We were ‘preserved’ by the Spirit in order that we may be with Him forever. Each person of the Triune God was involved in these truths of God’s family secrets. Why? to the praise of His glory.
(vs.12, 14)
Having been a Scuba diver since the mid 1960’s, when I was first certified in California, I’ve always dreamed of searching for lost treasure. Watching the History Channel recently I watched a treasure-hunting company find a sunken galleon with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of coins. The Christian life is really a treasure hunt as you progressively discover the vast wealth that already is yours because you are now in Christ.
From the moment He saves you, God bestows on you, as Paul puts it, every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
And this lifetime is just the beginning, because throughout eternity we will go on discovering the riches of God’s grace, which He lavished upon us (Ephesians1:7-8).
William Randolph Hearst, wealthy newspaper and magazine publisher, once read about an extremely valuable piece of art, which he decided he must add to his extensive collection. He instructed his agent to scour the galleries of the world to find this masterpiece. He was determined to own it at any price. After many months of painstaking search, the agent reported that the piece already belonged to Mr. Hearst and had been stored in one of his warehouses for many years. How many Christians are unaware of the many treasures that the Father has given us.
The first half of the book of Ephesians tells us about the treasures that we already have as Christians. In the last half of the book Paul will tell us how we are to live as Christians. I think it’s very important as we learn about what we’re supposed to be doing as Christians that we first know what we already have.
For those of you who like a challenge in your Bible Study, don’t get all upset about the words, ‘election,’ ‘choosing,’ ‘predestination,’ etc. Remember: You and I didn’t do the choosing. He chose us!
I believe it was Charles Spurgeon who once said, God chose me before I came into the world, because if He’d waited until I got here, He never would have chosen me.
In other words, you and I are not chosen because of our goodness, our works of righteousness, our benevolence, our expertise, or anything else, God chose us because of His love for us! He can do this because HE IS GOD, and He can do anything He desires… . and He desires to choose us!
We like to quote Romans 8:28, which states, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." We all know and like to quote the first part, but we usually leave the last part out… . about being called for His purpose.
Much of today’s pulpit presentation is: ask Jesus into your heart,
make a decision for Christ,
accept Jesus as your personal Savior,
etc. Please know this: this alone is not a full Biblical terminology or teaching. In an effort to make the gospel palatable and easy, the gospel has been watered down, and the truth of salvation diluted. The message that Jesus proclaimed calls us to discipleship. It is a call to submissive obedience. Having written that, let me quickly state, I became a Christian as a boy, by asking Jesus into my life. I’m not sure at the time if I understood about the Lordship of Christ.
But, I guarantee you, that as soon as I heard and understood that Jesus is Lord,
He was the Lord of my life.
John 1:12 sets two conditions of receiving Jesus and believing Jesus: But to all who RECEIVED him, who BELIEVE in his name, he gave authority to become children of God.
Receiving Jesus means that when Jesus offers Himself to you, you welcome him into your life for what he is. If he comes to you as Savior, you welcome his salvation. If he comes to you as Leader, you welcome his leadership. If he comes to you as Provider, you welcome his provision. If he comes to you as Counselor, you welcome his counsel. If he comes to you as Protector, you welcome his protection. If he comes to you as Authority, you welcome his authority. If he comes to you as King, you welcome his rule. Receiving Jesus means taking Jesus into your life for who He is. It does not mean a kind of peaceful co-existence with a Christ who makes no claims, as though he can stay in the house as long as he doesn’t play his music so loud.
Much of our preaching/teaching today has become fuzzy. There is no call for repentance, commitment, surrender, and separation from the world, or living a life that produces fruit. Someone once said, cheap grace produces a cheap ineffective salvation, which produces a meaningless faith.
This is not a saving faith! Saving faith is more than just understanding some facts and deciding for Jesus.
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