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The Pagan
The Pagan
The Pagan
Ebook43 pages22 minutes

The Pagan

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Summary of the Pagan

The pagan is a note of experiences of poet and brief comment on worldly shows and affairments to the Beyond.It has metrical beauty and words of wisdom.  The 'Pagan'who had not have a sociological name ,only called pagan by a drunker.  He was a young lad excommunicated for his profanity and  disobeying cannon by the villagers . When he got much knowledge and sharpest thoughts ,he returned back to his hamlet. His villagers were so astonished to see him among their children and they made request to him to go back so that lest their ones should be profane.But, at
the request of an old –hollowed man who had been seen the world came ahead from concourse, he stayed.But old man made a condition . If he define their catechisms. He agreed and accept this deal and explained every interrogative of the villagers as- God, Religion, Rest, Appetite,Maya, Fear, Mind,  Truth,Sin, Blood-bossom, Diseases, Future, poverty, childhood,youth and elderity, Friendship, Thoughts and almost so many chapters concerned to human affairs.
On his first round he commented and compared their falsy folking deeds as-' your pains 'll not thunder with  space-veil, God 's ear filled with polluted prays. Now,your louding-Dig deep into ocean,Your crying –Watering to banyan with single little drop; Thy love –patting to lizard 's tail; Religion- To dissolving newt 's  claws;Toil- makinh snuff dunk to dead rat; Democracy- Lion of wax ; Happiness – Thief of life; Faith- adried straw,bibling in the gust etc.
At somewhere ,during his expression, he became furious and directly challenged to villagers-"Go ! Go! thou homes ,And allowed to thy 's wives,They doth not yield children, But grow seer to present,
Then,all thee may go 'Ultimate End Door',And thou forefathers too. on his other round he took out conclusion of temporally ashority,only say to enjoy in living present but don't forget to their responsibities
While, the structure is narrative ,the language is so simple and rhythmic and biblical in style,using phrases as 'light of moon,but your sun, 'Don't live accord to your needs,but to your freeds.The repetation  of such words as 'but' and 'for'helps to maintain the thoughts and logic of the theme. At every catechism he got  a new name as-Lord of hermits,dear gentle,humble man ,Daniel and teller of truth. 

PublisherChandrab Lona
Release dateMay 30, 2018
The Pagan

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    Book preview

    The Pagan - Chandrab Lona


    Lo! Lo! He appeared again!

    Who was banished from our large home

    For disobeying God ‘s rules,

    Who sprung acid over powering Religion crop

    Hath tried to lit books of Orders

    And whose eyes had seen the Court of Judge.

    He came re-again-

    Who killed to Rama

    Took away Krishna ‘s breath

    And crucified to Chirst

    And to Mohammoda fog of sands,

    Indeed he hath not steel,But can make part of Soul.

    His coming now hath more painful to us ,

    For,his  tongue sharp as eagle nails,

    And seems to us his soul came in his eyes,

    His bitter thoughts poisoned so much

    And his feet descending unto depth of earth,

    Yet, he hath not combed his hair

    Nor brushed his teeth,

    But all these not have to seen,

    Only embarking his spirit cream,

    How much likely he play among children,

    How much simply he  make up  their mind

    Now; they  will not return to us

    For, they have known what is  Truth

    And  our  falsehood?

    A  large concourse

    of village gradually gathered and looking him with mixed sight . And longed man came forward and uttered-  Thee! Yea! Thee! You Pagan!  Go  back  upon  those  mountains,  Where thy shadow not eclict upon our children,  So that our  ones may remain our  And worshiper of God.  So that you can‘t  blundred them,  Let go me on those olden signs  And our ‘s children too.  Because you don‘t  know  that-  Life, Religion, God,  Who are we, Appetite, Fear, Poverty, Sin, Hope,  Truth, Blood –Bossom,  Rest ,Maya, Greatness, Sayings &Hearing, Mind, Thought, Heaven& Hell ,Love, Faith, Solitude and Death-etc;  Those are commoneth living of our ordinary life,  What they are?  You ‘ll spoiled everything, you to us as we are  Please, you return back and leave to us on our pitiness;

    At once ,a old man

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