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Name of the Neví: Rise of the Neví, #2
Name of the Neví: Rise of the Neví, #2
Name of the Neví: Rise of the Neví, #2
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Name of the Neví: Rise of the Neví, #2

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About this ebook

829 T.C.E. - All of Terrenden is reeling in the aftermath of the Restrictions brought in at the end of the last session of Parliament. Suffering the most are the industrial countries throughout the world. But the forests of Çtaráña and Shayanda are still being poisoned and fingers are being pointed bringing the continent of Kranisis to the brink of war. How can the A'mara save Kranisis amidst their own personal struggles?

Release dateMay 1, 2019
Name of the Neví: Rise of the Neví, #2

Lori Svensen

Student-of-the-world, jill-of-many-trades; mother and dreamer ready to share dreams with the reader.  Lori has never been able to follow everyone else, nor always follow directions or social expectations. Hence, her writing also tends to cross genres to create her own unique blend. A'mara Books are stories about personal relationships with strong flavors of fantasy, sci-fi, action and adventure, all wrapped into one plus a sense of social and moral responsibility that tends to be lost in today's world. 

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    Name of the Neví - Lori Svensen

    Pronunciation Guide – People


    A’mara   - (uh-MAR-uh) - leya-talented people

    Balan - (BAY-lan) - rebellious leya-talented

    Neví - (neh-VEE) - organized gang

    Uugli - (OO-glee) - dissolved organized gang

    Yerdua - (yer-DOO-uh) - evil/chaotic leya-talented

    Individuals by group

    A’mara & Allies in Çtaráña (Omrill)

    Coomar Everes   - head gardener

    Lia-lynn Çtenus *  - (STEHN-us)    - abári

    Oiŝiina Saalo - (oh-SHEEN-uh) - stella

    A’mara & Allies in Irola  

    Ek-ul Forester - (EHK-ool) - student

    Ja’tel Krijo  - (juh-TEL KREE-joe) - maqla to Lucao

    Jerreck Mastin *   - Terrenden abári

    Jilia Thule   - (JILL-ee-uh Thool)  - 1st Adviser to Jerreck 

    Lucao Linden  - (loo-CAO)  - chola to Ja’tel

    Marosio Muran  - (mar-OH-see-oh)   - chola to Yewan

    Neeca Belatta  - (NEE-kuh)  

    Saisha Sage  - (SAY-shuh)  - chola to Saraca

    Saraca Ríau  - (Sah-RAH-kuh)  - maqla to Saisha

    Truji Lo  - stella

    Yewan Avicent - (YEW-an AV-ih-cent) - maqla to Marosio 

    A’mara & Allies in Kri’enden (Joton)

    Cruro Stóri  - shaze trainer  

    Jessten Sipper  - daughter of Sipper

    Se-orna Jotoln  - (sey-OR-nuh)

    A’mara & Allies in Shayanda (Dalishi)

    Harren Danaus *   - abári

    A’mara & Allies in Towani (Towani City)

    Arya Cobar  - chola to Zarma

    Cyanus Ivald  - (sy-AN-us EE-vald) - maqla to Murin

    Janika Nathalis  - (jah-NEE-kuh)   - greenhouse worker

    Kinokei Zeren - (KIN-oh-kay) - stella 

    Murin Colí  - (MURR-in)   - cousin to Saraca

    Nina Ivald  - wife to Cyanus

    Samek Potam  - husband to Vanti

    Vanti Potam  - head of greenhouses

    Zarma Eris *   - abári

    A’mara allies in X’lea

    Savai  - stella


    Curator  - head of everything

    Cerástes Trodon  - (sair-ASS-stees)   - World #2, Towani #1

    Edina Kalvåg  - Elið’s lover

    Elið Seyri - (EE-lith SAY-ree) - World #4,Towani #2

    Jasper Jarly - (YAR-lee) - Terrenden #1

    Luoley Viper  - Terrenden #8, Irola #2

    Talina Kree  - Cerástes’ lover

    Tasp Yaiver - (YAY-ver) - Towani #3

    Uana Sistru - (oo-ANN-uh) - Terrenden #7, Irola #1

    Veritate Tétouan - (TEH-too-ahn)  - Irola #2

    Xanthine Dásav  - (zahn-THEEN)   - World #3, Kri’enden #1

    Zidka Nembus   - World #10, Irola #1

    Neví  & Assoc.

    Fashi Wolfkin - (FASH-ee) - founding Neví

    Liexi Firthorn  - (lee-EH-ksi)  - founding Neví

    Luoley Viper  - founding Neví

    Neeca Belatta  - (NEE-kuh)   - Neví recruit

    Uana Sistru  - (oo-ANN-uh)  - Neví recruit   

    Yidal Sipper  - (YIH-dall)  - founding Neví  


    Atiya Torvik -  Governor – Towani

    Cato Endellion -  Governor – X’lea

    Dian’ji Bicorn  - (dee-AHN-jee) -  peer councilor – Çtaráña

    Floris Attal -  elder councilor – X’lea

    Hamian Yase -  peer councilor – Towani

    Ives Valens -  assembly chair – X’lea

    Jory Isaik -  peer councilor – X’lea

    Keyne Lunak -  peer councilor – X’lea

    Klare Rand -  peer councilor – Çtaráña

    Linya Chestnut  - (LIN-ya)  peer councilor – Shayanda

    Mentions (absent or deceased)

    Aolan Starna - founding Neví, in Balan

    Gareth Raniel  - partner of Aolan

    Laisen Toban  - A’mara in Joton, Kri’enden

    Mero Dellan - deceased first husband

    Païsan Elind  - imprisoned Terrenden #5, lover to Xanthine

    Skÿl Mikala - deceased abári

    Vendar - Guardian god of Mt. Vendar

    Y’mera Dellan - deceased abári

    Denica Ríau  - deceased A’mara, sister of Saraca

    Other individuals

    Drewen Wolfkin  - (DREW-ehn)   - founder of nightclub

    Gareth Raniel  -  - partner of Aolan

    Tarja E’liida - (TAR-zhuh) - pre-teen in Atrua

    The Calendar

    Terrenden operates on a 9-day week.

    The days are named after gods except Terraday which represents the world or the void in popular mythology.

    Muranaday (mur-AHN-uh)

    Majanday (MA-JAHN)

    Rinday (RIHN)

    Terraday – midweek break – holy day for Faldur sects.

    Fenjaday (FEN-ya)



    Silnaday (SILL-nuh) – weekend – holy day for Silatians.

    Vasanaday (vuh-SAHN-uh) – weekend – holy day for followers of Vasana and other Faldur.

    The month is roughly 45 days always ending with the double full moon and beginning with a festival. Terrenden has 8 months in a year as follows:













    Solstice / Year End

    Note: glossary and image credits at the end.


    (Muranaday, Avrinari, 829 TCE)

    Towani City, Towani

    A young cameraman had a prime spot along the quayside. He looked up into the shedding sky and shivered momentarily as he zipped up his coat properly. Then, he pulled his hood over his white-flecked brown hair. Instantly, the hood was similarly flecked with cold, white snowflakes. The man put his gloves back on and re-examined the positions of the cameras.

    One camera was fixed on the typical location of the gangplank where the docking ship was likely to come to rest. The other was focused on the two women who also stood at the quay, near where the passengers were likely to disembark.

    Although the two women were of the same complexion, that was where the similarities ended. The dark-haired, older woman could easily have been the mother of the younger, but the young woman’s silver cloak that barely covered her red braids contrasted the forest green fringed cloak on the elder much the same as the thickly falling snow contrasted the dark green shrubs it settled on.

    A rabbit bounded quickly across the grass into its burrow underneath a shrub, its only care to get out of the snow with the last bit of fresh food it would see for awhile.

    Zarma Eris held her hood against a gust of wind that blew the teenager’s silver hood off her head of red braids. Just as quickly, it was sprinkled by snowflakes. The girl didn’t know how beautiful she was, which added so much to her innocence. Zarma laughed inside as she felt the teen try to rein in her exuberance to a more mature level.

    Arya Cobar pulled her hood back over her head as she bubbled excitedly. I’ve never seen the abári before!

    You see me every day, Zarma quipped with a smile on her face. She knew what her chola meant.

    I mean the abári of all Terrenden! Arya said. You’re teasing me, Maqla!

    I am, Zarma admitted. You remind me of the first time I saw the planet’s abári. I was probably about your age too! I was so determined to impress her! Then I went and tripped up. Yes, I made an impression all right!

    "I hope I don’t do something stupid, Arya said. Especially with us being on camera!"

    Pretend the camera isn’t there, but never forget that everything you do could be seen around the world, Zarma advised.

    I’ll try, Maqla! she promised, trying to hide her nerves again.

    I’m sure you’ll be fine, Arya. Jerreck is an admirable man. And he has an adviser now, Jilia. She’s from Maalan too, I’m sure you’ll find something to talk about.

    As if on cue, the two came down the gangplank, barely visible through the snow.

    Good to see you, Jerreck! Zarma said giving the man in the golden-fringed cloak a warm hug.  You too, Jilia! She gave the woman wearing a silver cloak a hug as well.

    I had forgotten how much I missed the snow! Jerreck exclaimed. He looked at the teenager, then back to Zarma. This is your chola?

    Of course! Zarma said turning to the teenager. Arya, this is Jerreck Mastin, Abári of Terrenden. And First Adviser, Jilia Thule. Arya Cobar, my chola.

    Nice to meet you, Arya said shaking the hands of each in turn.

    You’re from Maalan? Jilia asked. I’m from Ska’cullen.

    I’m from Ska’illi, Arya said. I’m so grateful that Zarma came to see our school – though I do miss my friends from there.

    You’ll have to tell me all about it – after we get inside, Jilia encouraged, taking the teenager’s hand.

    Zarma smiled. Arya was so innocent still. It would be good for her to get to know Jilia. And Jilia... there was that constant flutter in her heart. She knew what Jerreck was like. She also knew something about his struggles and why he was so scared to let his heart feel. She would have to say a few things – but carefully – and long after the cameras stopped following them!

    She stopped momentarily outside the Complex and addressed the cameras.

    We will have the official grand opening of our greenhouse project tomorrow morning if you want to come back then, Zarma said to the reporters. Then, she turned to escort her guests into the warmth of the A’mara Complex. Arya, if you would lead the way to the formal lounge, we will have refreshments.

    The chola opened and held the relevant doors for the group, pleased to have something important to do.

    Zarma escorted them to the lounge, intending to do introductions, but it was quickly out of her hands as Jerreck rushed towards Cyanus and Nina Ivald. Murin Colí, Cyanus’ chola hung back slightly.

    Cyanus! Jerreck exclaimed clasping the man with the pink cloak in a warm hug. I haven’t seen you in ages!

    Abári! Cyanus said. It’s so good to see you, Jerreck!

    Likewise. I see that marriage has suited you. Is this the lucky young lady? he charmed, looking to the woman at Cyanus’ side.

    My wife, Nina. My chola, Murin Colí. Jerreck Mastin, our charming abári, Cyanus introduced.

    Nina shook the offered hand.

    My First Adviser, Jilia Thule, Jerreck introduced the woman standing with him.

    Zarma mused how similar Jilia and Arya looked, the first adviser just a couple of tones darker than her chola.

    Nice to meet you, Nina, Jilia said. And you, Cyanus. Forgive me if I don’t remember everyone’s names at first. I’ll never forget your faces though.

    Zarma’s PCS link buzzed.

    This is Hamian Yase. I’m back for the winter and would like to see you urgently, the man requested.

    Of course. When would you like to meet? Zarma asked.

    I’ve heard that Abári Mastin is with you as well. It would be good if I could include him, Hamian said.

    Why don’t you meet us in the formal lounge in our Complex at once? I’ll have my chola meet you in the foyer, Zarma suggested.

    Thank you, Abári. I’ll be along in a few minutes, Hamian said.

    Arya, I need to you meet PC Yase in the foyer. Escort him in here, please, Zarma instructed the teen.

    Yes, Maqla, Arya said before leaving the room.

    How are you doing, Jilia? Zarma asked, leaving the men to talk together.

    I am well, thank you, Jilia replied.

    I can feel your tremors. I know your struggle. I don’t know why he fights you so, Zarma said gently.

    I am content where I am, Jilia insisted. I would not risk what I have.

    Zarma nodded. Do you know anything about his upbringing?

    Not much. I’m so much younger than him. My first memory of him is when he became a full-fledged A’mara.

    I’m aware that he was raised by the abári of the time, Y’mera Dellan. Do you remember her? Zarma asked.

    Yes. So, when she was killed..., Jilia said hesitantly.

    One of the reasons that was spouted at the time was that it was because Y’mera married a Dellan. So, relationships were said to be risky, at best. Then, Jerreck’s maqla Skÿl was another excellent man. He had always preached against relationships for the A’mara as well – he believed that before Y’mera Dellan’s death. So, poor Jerreck got a double dose of teaching against relationships, Zarma said.

    I’m happy enough just working by his side, Jilia insisted again.

    I know. It’s always been your mission. I was there – I felt it – when you said it for the first time, Jilia. I just hope he wakes up to full understanding, Zarma said.

    You loved once, I can feel it, Jilia said.

    Yes. Once. Long ago. It ended tragically, but I don’t regret the time I had with him – his spirit will always be with me, Zarma replied.  Here’s my chola bringing our appointment.



    (Muranaday, cont.)

    Towani City – A’mara Complex lounge

    Jilia sat next to Jerreck in the high-backed easy chairs. Murin, Cyanus and Nina sat on a sofa next to Jerreck while Zarma sat on the sofa next to Jilia, presumably reserving the space for her chola who approached with a man who lagged half a step behind her.

    Go ahead, Arya, Zarma encouraged the nervous teenager.

    May I present Hamian Yase, Peer Councilor for Towani, Arya began. She took a deep breath. PC Yase, please allow me to introduce Cyanus and Nina Ivald; Murin Colí, chola to Cyanus; Jerreck Mastin, Terrenden Abári; Jilia Thule, First Adviser and Zarma Eris, Towani Abári. I am Arya Cobar, chola to Zarma. Please have a seat, PC Yase. Arya sat next to her maqla who smiled her approval at a job well done as Hamian pulled up a chair.

    Watching Arya made Jilia want to take a chola again. Maybe she could persuade Jerreck to look around one or two of the orphanages for any missed A’mara children. She wasn’t completely sure she wanted to adopt a child though – she’d had so little experience with children herself. She’d somehow always imagined having children with Jerreck, but that had never happened. Zarma’s understanding of him had put the abári in a new light.

    Jilia had known about the death of Y’mera, of course. It had been headline news for months and consumed Skÿl for months thereafter when he became abári. Y’mera had been made to suffer the loss of her husband first, and later tortured and killed. Something about being A’mara, but also about that ill-fated Dellan family who threatened the Uugli for their power in X’lea until the A’mara were forced to close down their Hailu complex and relocate their members.

    I wish you guys were still in the Council! Hamian was saying.

    We do too, Jerreck assured. It made it a lot easier to keep up with what was going on in Parliament.

    Jilia nodded, making sure her flyppad was ready for note-taking. So, what’s got you concerned? she asked.

    I’m planning on introducing a bill to modify the restrictions. To make the main ones only applicable in the cities, Hamian said. People are finding it difficult to work, Abári.

    Please, just call me Jerreck, he requested. What have been the results so far?

    Towani, we’re doing okay, at least here in the capital, though some of our villages are finding it difficult to conduct trade. But it’s places like X’lea and Tephsa. Their industries are crashing. They can’t get what they need to operate. Just last week, the Hailu Hoverbil factory closed its doors in X’lea, putting 5,000 people out of work. They have nothing to fall back on, Jerreck. It’s a disaster! And I feel partly to blame because I supported the restriction bill.

    Jilia nodded her understanding. It wasn’t the first dire report she had heard.

    It is true, Murin added. "My mother was telling me this past week about all the jobs lost at Tephsan Works – if these restrictions are hitting the largest manufacturers in the Free World, then what’s it doing to everyone else? My father was also talking about the problems out in Joton, their shipping is getting hit harder than expected, even with the alterations that have been made to their ships. And the promised increase

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