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Life, Not Doctrines
Life, Not Doctrines
Life, Not Doctrines
Ebook57 pages51 minutes

Life, Not Doctrines

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Our walk with the Lord is a progression towards fullness. Woe unto the person who starts and then stops. One of our messages asks the question, "Is your dwelling a house or a tabernacle?" speaking of where you are spiritually. If your dwelling is a house, then you have a permanent dwelling. You are not planning to move. Many Christians do that. They build themselves a spiritual house with their doctrines and Christ is on the outside knocking on the door, "If any man hear My voice, and open the door...". Are you hearing Him? Is the Lord revealing Himself to you today? We must move beyond doctrines and find the Life.
Release dateJun 3, 2018
Life, Not Doctrines

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    Life, Not Doctrines - Henry DuBose

    Life, Not Doctrines

    Life, Not Doctrines

    Henry DuBose


    Copyright ©2004 by Henry DuBose

    All rights reserved.  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2018

    ISBN 978-1-387-85007-5

    Open Heavens Ministries

    928 Double L Trail

    Jamestown, SC 29453

    Freedom of Religion?

    Leviticus 19:4 Turn not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods; I am the Lord your God.

    Turn not unto idols forbids the worship of false gods. This command touches several religions in the world. As far as Christianity is concerned, though, it is mostly unrelated – unless, of course, it is spiritualized so that the love of money, materialism, prestige, etc., is considered idolatry. Turn not unto idols, then, eliminates several religions. God does not give us the freedom to be a part of any religion that worships idols.

    Nor make to yourselves molten gods forbids the worship of the true God under the form of a molten shape. A scriptural example of this is the molten calf Aaron made (Exodus 32:1-6). Aaron’s calf is different from the idols previously mentioned, because it was intended to represent the true God. Now we see that our freedom of worship is restricted even more. God not only forbids the worship of other gods, but He also forbids a worship of Him using visible representations – sculptured or painted, or any sign or symbol of Him.

    As Americans we have claimed a great freedom in religious worship. One can interpret the Scriptures and worship according to his own choosing. As a result, almost every kind of religion and worship can be found in America, Christian and otherwise.

    Because of their different doctrines and scriptural interpretation, Christians have formed various denominations. Moreover, many denominations have offshoots, some resulting from minute variations of Scripture interpretation.

    Americans have assumed total religious freedom. If a person wants to worship God, he has his rights, and it is the same with the atheist. If one chooses to believe that God does not exist, he has his rights. Among those who choose to be religious, each reserves his right and freedom to choose his form of worship. It is normal for people to shop around for the church of their choice. If they don’t find a church to their liking, then they may form their own. Consequently, there are not only various denominations, but also denominational sub-divisions, along with independent and interdenominational churches. Our democratic form of government has given us this kind of religious freedom, but is it really acceptable to God?

    Man’s right to interpret the Scriptures as he chooses is a basic foundation of denominationalism. Each Christian has the right to form his own opinion about God and the Scriptures. This kind of religious freedom is deeply ingrained in the thinking of most Christians. Government gives it and the people tenaciously cling to it, but does God give us the freedom to have our own opinions concerning the interpretation of Scripture? Does He give us the freedom to decide who He is, what He is, how He relates to man, and how man relates to Him? The general attitude of Christianity in America says, Yes! We have religious freedom!

    The Scriptures, however, do not give us the kind of religious freedom that we have assumed. Listen to what the Lord says through the apostle Peter, Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:20-21. This scripture rips out the foundation of every denominational church. We do not have the right to our own interpretation of the Scriptures! We do not have the freedom or right to have our own opinion concerning God and His Word! Rather, we have a responsibility, the responsibility to allow the Holy Spirit to interpret and give understanding of the Scriptures.

    The religious freedoms we have in this country are very valuable and necessary. We should and must diligently protect them. At the same time, we

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