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The Henchmen Chronicles: Backstory: The Henchmen Chronicles, #1
The Henchmen Chronicles: Backstory: The Henchmen Chronicles, #1
The Henchmen Chronicles: Backstory: The Henchmen Chronicles, #1
Ebook75 pages48 minutes

The Henchmen Chronicles: Backstory: The Henchmen Chronicles, #1

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About this ebook

The Henchmen Chronicles Backstory is a fantastic and original portal fantasy adventure that stands on it's own. It sparks the beginning of a full length 5-Book series, over 400,000 words long. If you love stories where everyday men and women become heroes, this one is for you. Below is the blurb from Book 1: The King's Henchmen, but the Backstory is a tale all of it's own that sets it all up. Don't miss out on this free 11,000 word novella. Try it out, you won't regret it. 


A washed-up pro athlete is transformed into the deadliest swordsman in the world. 

Still reeling from the tragic events that threw his life into turmoil, Abraham Jenkins now rides the lonely roads as a delivery man. Until one day fate intervenes…

Abraham is suddenly catapulted into a bizarre fantasy world unlike anything he's ever imagined. A world of assassins, monsters, and brutal lords. To survive, he must lead a notorious group known as the King's Henchmen on a do or die mission. 


Surrounded by henchmen who don't trust him, and a ruthless king's death sentence hanging over his head, Abraham must do whatever it takes to live long enough to save a kingdom in chaos and figure out how to return home. Because even a humdrum life on the road beats braving a bloody kingdom in chaos.

This gateway fantasy adventure offers a little bit of everything with a one-of-a-kind sci-fi and fantasy twist. Fans of Thomas Covenant and The Magic Kingdom can't miss on this complete series. 400,000 words, 400 chapters! Huge! 


Scroll up and Grab your Copy Today!


More about Craig and his books: 

Craig Halloran is a #1 Bestselling Amazon Author in the following genres and categories:

Epic Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, Dragons, Coming of Age, Werewolves & Shifters, Dark Fantasy and Collections & Anthologies. He is a KDP All-Star and Top 100 Amazon author as well. 

The Darkslayer, Series 1 (6 books)

The Darkslayer, Series 2: Bish and Bone (10 books)

The Odyssey of Nath Dragon, The Chronicles of Dragon Prequel Series (5 Books)

The Chronicles of Dragon, Series 1 (10 Books)

The Chronicles of Dragon, Series 2, Tail of the Dragon (10 Books)

The Supernatural Bounty Hunter Files (10 Books)

The Clash of Heroes (3 Books)

Zombie Impact (3 Books)

The Gamma Earth Cycle (3 Books)

The Red Citadel and the Sorcerer's Power (5 books in 1)


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Release dateNov 30, 2020
The Henchmen Chronicles: Backstory: The Henchmen Chronicles, #1

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    Book preview

    The Henchmen Chronicles - Craig Halloran


    Backstory to the Henchmen

    Several years earlier… when Ruger Slade was still Ruger Slade

    It’s good to see you, Pratt, Ruger said. He’d been summoned to the House of Steel, where one of his top knights greeted him at the gateway leading to the upper terrace that overlooked the Bay of Elders. Are you keeping at your daily routine?

    Pratt swung the black gate open and stepped aside. He wore a suit of plate-mail armor, which made the man look colossal to ordinary men. He was well-groomed and a fine specimen of a warrior. I haven’t failed to miss a day of your grueling routine yet, Captain. He patted his stomach. See, I’m flatter in the midriff. I can trot to the top of the spires now, in full armor.

    I had no doubt that you had it in you. Ruger gave Pratt a pat on the back. He was a man of extraordinary physique himself, but Pratt had noticeable inches and girth on him. You are a big target. You have to be quicker. The enemy will always aim at the easiest target. The biggest one.

    Then that would be you when I’m not along, Pratt joked.

    That’s why I like to bring you, Pratt. You make a fine moving shield.

    The pair shared a chuckle.

    King Hector and Leodor are waiting. Pratt locked his heels together and said, I’m ready for the field as soon as you request me, Captain. The castle detail… well, it’s very boring.

    Ruger returned his salute and said, It’s easier breathing. Make the most of it.

    He marched toward the terrace. The day was overcast. Seabirds glided through the sky. Many of the birds nested in the gigantic pommel of the sword buried in the crown of the House of Steel. He stopped and gazed at it.

    Every time Ruger saw the great sword of the legendary celestial being, Antagonus, he envisioned two great swordsmen battling in the heavens. He took the pommel of his sword, Black Bane, his grip tightening. If only I could have seen it.

    He marched out onto the terrace. King Hector was tossing bread crumbs up over the terrace wall, feeding the seabirds. The king wore a rich set of forest-green robes trimmed in gold. A small crown of six horns rested atop his head. A single emerald was set in the horn in the front.

    Viceroy Leodor stood beside the king. The hair of the oldest man in the group stirred in the wind. His little chin sagged, and his hands were hidden inside the oversized sleeves of his deep-brown robes. He noticed Ruger’s approach and whispered in the king’s ear.

    King Hector dusted off his hands and turned toward his guest.

    Ruger took a knee and bowed.

    Captain Ruger Slade, King Hector said in a rich voice full of charm. Is there something that I can do for you?

    Ruger lifted his eyes and said, My king, I was told that I was summoned.

    King Hector chuckled. Ruger, you were summoned. I was only jesting with you. Please, my champion servant, rise and properly greet your king.

    Ruger stood at attention.

    King Hector walked up to him, put his hands on his shoulders, and said, Ruger, you are more than my servant and finest knight. I consider you a friend. Will you please relax?

    A Guardian is always vigilant and mindful in the presence of the crown.

    Then I will take it off. King Hector handed the crown to Leodor and said, Take that inside. It’s making my champion uncomfortable.

    Leodor’s face tightened. He gently bowed and said, Certainly, Your Majesty. He short-stepped up to the terrace’s raised patio and vanished through the curtains leading inside the castle.

    King Hector led them to the table on the terrace. A tall carafe filled with wine sat there, along with plates of fruit, meats, and cheeses. Will you have a drink with me, Ruger?

    Certainly, Your Majesty. He poured two golden goblets half full. He handed

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