Muslim Moslem
About this ebook
Clive Alando Taylor
As a young boy at school, I always found myself playing with words & rhymes especially when it came to writing poetry, it wasn't the fact that I was especially gifted or talented but it was mainly my enthusiasm, and style & ability to be creative with words and rhyme in my own unique way, although in this day and age some may regard this as a small degree of autism but I’m not quite certain about that, as many of my peers could be just as challenging and inventive about writing prose. When I left school at the age of 16 I attended dance school and was as far removed from literature as anyone could possibly be, but I always kept a diary and also decided to study English Language part time. During break time and in between classes once again I would find myself writing & exploring various themes using rap, rhyme and spoken word to amuse myself and my fellow classmates with. At that time I didn't take it too seriously but I loved the fact that through expression along with the effect of creative writing was becoming an inspiration to me as well as a positive tool for expression.
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Muslim Moslem - Clive Alando Taylor
Muslim Moslem
Clive Alando Taylor
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37920.pngI begin all things in the name of he that first of all and foremost sustains the breath of life, and therefore and thereafter sustains the spirit becoming of the mind, the body and soul Allahu Akbar Bismilliah Raheem Subhanallah La ilaha Muhammadur Rasulullah Bismilliah Raheem Subhanallah Al Hamdulillah.
Muslim Moslem where does this story begin, as every ending is also a beginning, and so the old things have become discarded and are no longer useful or have any useful purpose, well that is until perhaps one day they are rediscovered again, but what about the new things, where do they come from, and how useful are they really, especially when the new things compared to the old things are much more interesting to explore and to understand within their curious nature of distracting cause and usefulness.
And so I am myself, but where do the old things become new once again, or is it when one idea triumphs over another, or perhaps when the old things are found to be more effective and reliable in their own familiarity that we return to them as being faultless and reliable and effective, and so for now let me begin with the new idea, as the old idea shall eventually come to claim its own right and proper place in the scheme of things as all new things soon become old things and consume us within as they always will do until another idea replaces or supersedes it, and so for the duration of this transition or change towards Islam, your name shall be Abdul Ali, or servant of Ali, as your old name can only serve to signify and remind you of things that you do not wish to recall or be associated with as it is now to be placed or relegated to the fact this is now connected to all things past, but this new name is written and pronounced within the context of this the present and the future tense.
As before you embraced Islam, you were a Christian in Christ, which in part and portion served you thus far, but before you were with the full knowledge of yourself or your people, you were a slave of your own creation and you were without understanding of the purity of the word of God Allahu Akbar, but now you have grown and matured and you have become ready to receive the translation of the words that are written to set you free from such a teaching of stumbling religion and spiritual matters, yes I know you are simple, and humble, and pious, and obedient, and loyal in seeking both knowledge and wisdom of self in your search for God and the truth Allahu Akbar, well this matter of concern in such seeking and searching has now become the truth concerning not only you but also your fellow Brothers, Sisters, Mother and Father, now before you proceed let me tell me what is that is your life’s legacy and Shahada Allahu Akbar.
Well I went to school in South London, and I attended a Pentecostal Church over several years of my life, for a while I became distracted and blinded by religious teachings, but apart from that I maintained a discipline in reading the Bible carefully and whenever I could, maybe that was enough to keep me close to God Allahu Akbar, or maybe it was because I was unsure of the way that after some careful thinking I felt free to go into my own imaginings of this Worldly approach to religious teaching, grounded with this basic understanding of what it was that I felt the teachings of the Bible had given me.
Yes I know, we were all given a similar teaching and understanding of the Bible, as we were all taught similarly the same principle of doctrine, and we all grew with this same interest and awareness of Christ’s teachings, although for some of us we began to grow and evolve out of the Bibles’ teachings and we perhaps were less satisfied or became more curious beyond this basic narrative of the teachings of this particular book of power and authority.
And so I felt that it was time to reveal to you another book, but tell me first my brother, have you ever embraced Islam, no not exactly and why what it is?, was your reply upon reaction, well permit me to say that it is the teachings and the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed, Yes I have heard of the Prophet Mohammed, he is the last Messenger of God, yes I have heard this also, but what about the teachings of Jesus Christ, well in the Koran it teaches us that Jesus Christ was a prophet, and just like Jesus Christ, and that the Prophet Mohammed was also in many ways also a prophet well rehearsed in the truth and the teaching of all things and just like all the prophets mentioned in the Bible, the Koran also demonstrates to us how to conduct our livelihood and conduct our affairs in society and with regards to each other in our pubic and domestic affairs.
But tell me how is it that the Prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ are the same as one another, as I am somewhat in doubt about how to find my way to understanding this truth, the truth my friend is that you are separated away from it, the truth in being, but for now we can discuss this further once you have embraced Islam, and I will help you to learn the valuable teachings of the Koran, yes but I am still somewhat skeptical about a new faith especially when I am a Christian, my friend there is nothing to worry about if you are a Christian, as many Christians read the Koran in a comparative study to get to know and to understand the truth about who we are and what we are doing here and what shall inevitably become or us in the life hereafter Subhanallah.
Now let me part in saying that I shall come to meet you tomorrow and we shall attend the Mosque together, and you shall make Ablution and Wudu, and then we can begin to pray together, and then you must make yourself worthy before Allah, and dress yourself appropriately, and prepare to act in accordance with the Sunnah in recognizing the five pillars of Islam, and then I can tell you more about what it is to practice your faith, my faith, but is not my faith in the Bible enough to satisfy you that I am a good person, no my friend, just because you are a good person, is not good enough to satisfy the five pillars of Islam, I will show you tomorrow how to begin your true relationship with Allah Al Hamdulillah.
And so it was that we parted company,