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Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride: Enjoying the Trip to Heaven
Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride: Enjoying the Trip to Heaven
Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride: Enjoying the Trip to Heaven
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride: Enjoying the Trip to Heaven

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About this ebook

This collection of devotionals started as morning emails to a friend. It just gives real life happenings that turned into life lessons learned by the author, and it is a desire that others will read and be helped as well. It seems like we get so stressed about life and living life that we forget to sit back and enjoy the trip of being a forgiven child of God on our journey home.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 12, 2015
Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride: Enjoying the Trip to Heaven

Patti Womack

Patti Womack is an English teacher. She has been a teacher for over twenty-five years in Christian education. She has worked in Christian schools in Missouri, Kansas, Florida, and Arizona. She has also done short-term mission work. She spent a short time in Japan teaching English. She worked with Navajo Indians in her time spent in Arizona. Her love is writing, and she has put devotionals she has written over time in this book.

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    Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride - Patti Womack

    Copyright © 2015 Patti Womack.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1924-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1925-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1923-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015918558

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/06/2015




    Breathe or Blow a Gasket

    Attention Grabber

    Apple of God’s Eye

    Afraid of the Dark

    What Attitude Are You Toting Around?

    Appraisal Is Good for the Soul

    Blind Spots

    The Before and After Effect

    A Balancing Act

    Know When to Duck or Say No

    What Blows Us Out of the Water

    Chains or Change

    Feeling Blessed

    Pushing Our Buttons

    I Would Give You a Kidney

    Critical Spirits


    Comfortable in My Skin

    Lesson Learned from a Piece of Chocolate

    What Can Happen While Standing in Line

    Communication Is an Art

    Spiritually Stressed Out

    The Gospel Simply Put

    We Can Have It All

    A Clear Conscience

    Choices Make or Break Us

    Get Out of the Boat

    Our Faces Will Tell on Us

    What Will Really Count

    A Good Report

    Driving under the Influence

    God Has Our Backs

    In a Slump

    Working against or through Struggles

    What Defines You

    Drama Free


    Slow Learners

    The Proof Is in the Pudding

    Just Claim It

    Bosom Buddies

    Going through a Funk

    My Favorite Things

    Friday the Thirteenth

    Going Forward

    Facebook Religion



    Throwing in the Towel

    Guilt-Free Conscience

    Use It or Lose It

    Gospel Hardened

    How Do We View Our Giants?

    Spiritually Gullible

    What Grade Are We Making?


    Beautiful Harmony


    Heart of the Matter

    Help or Hindrance

    Humdrum Moments

    Humor Me

    Home Sweet Home

    Habit Forming


    The Insignificant

    What Are You Inhaling?

    The Invisible

    Out of My League

    Judgment Calls

    Just a …

    Judgment Day


    Lessons Learned from a Child


    Love versus Fear

    Live in the Moment

    Is Our Loaf Moldy?

    Life’s Not Fair

    What a Difference a Day Makes

    Coming in Second Place

    Modern-Day Miracles

    Motives of the Heart

    Drop the Act

    Maturity Level

    Missed Opportunities

    Nobody Gave You That Bad Mood

    We Can’t Do It All

    Nurturing Isn’t for the Faint of Heart

    I Found My Niche

    What to Overlook

    Outward versus Inward

    This Ain’t It

    Let God Call the Shots

    Push the Pause Button

    Living inside the Hedge

    Someone Only a Mother Could Love


    Our Help Is Just a Prayer Away

    It’s All in How You Look at It

    Our Daily Appointment with God


    R & R


    How We Will Be Remembered

    Random Questions

    Small Stuff

    The Sacred Moments

    Support Group

    Just a Big Toe Syndrome

    In the Eye of a Storm

    A Servant’s Heart

    Rockin’ the Outfit

    Anchors Aweigh

    Caught off Guard

    Pleasant Surprises

    Workout Journey

    No More Sin

    Steadfast or Stubborn

    I’m a Survivor

    Passing with Flying Colors

    Walk in Truth

    Lesson Learned from a Jigsaw Puzzle

    Doughnut Holes

    Watch That Tone

    Touchy-Feely Kind

    Wishing Our Lives Away

    Finding God’s Will

    Are You Packing Heat?

    Not One of My Best Days

    What to Put On



    The Last Chapter


    This book was birthed out of devotional e-mails I sent to a friend who also works in education. I sent one devotional daily to help jump-start our day at school. She kept telling me I should write a book. So, Marcy Winter, this book is dedicated to you, my friend. Thank you for giving me the push it took for me to step out and share what I love to do. I’m thankful God allowed our paths to cross so we could help each other on our journey to heaven. You’ve made the ride enjoyable.


    I’m very directionally challenged. I can get turned around and end up getting lost leaving a parking lot. Please tell me to turn right or left, not north or south. Thank goodness for that little compass in my car’s rearview mirror. That lady inside my phone’s GPS even gets testy when I can’t seem to follow her directions. She is always recalculating. I then find myself taking yet another lap around the block to get back on the right road. Today there isn’t really any excuse to get lost with all the technology that lets us know our location at all times. We just need to avail ourselves of this great convenience.

    The same is true spiritually; there’s no excuse for losing our way with all the books, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit to lead us and keep us on the right track. This book is just a collection of devotionals out of my heart about different situations I’ve encountered on my journey. They are in no certain order or in a time frame. Just enjoy reading it at your leisure. Hopefully this little book will give you encouragement and direction as you travel to heaven. Nothing is better than a road trip, especially if you go with a friend and know where you’re going. So let’s enjoy our trip to heaven together and delight in reading about what we can do when life happens to us.

    Breathe or Blow a Gasket

    I sometimes become tired of people who continually have a negative attitude. No matter how many times you try to steer them down a more positive path, they soon veer off again. What’s ironic about this situation is that when I become frustrated with their attitudes, they end up giving me an attitude.

    We need to guard against this tendency to become negative when we feel our emotions or attitudes heading south. I had a heating-and-air guy preach a sermonette to me one evening and didn’t realize that was what his service call had become, although I must say that he did take up an offering when he charged me for his services. He said that as long as there are moving parts, they don’t last forever, and they certainly have more of a chance to continue working if they are maintained. Obviously he didn’t think, by the looks of my furnace unit and its filter, that I had that done very often, if at all. He was right, of course.

    Yes, my heating and cooling units will get dusty, and everything else will clog up my vents, my drains, and whatever else is involved with the moving parts. In the same way, spiritual life will get stifled, lose its effectiveness, and become stagnant because of attitudes, feelings that are stuffed down, or problems that make us want to blow a gasket. We maintain our spiritual moving parts by giving them to God and letting Him help with whatever is bugging the ever-loving delights out of us.

    Philippians 4:4 says, Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

    Attention Grabber

    Hey! What gets your attention? This varies with different personalities. With some people, it takes just a touch or look to get their undivided attention. Others may need more of a jolt to get them to focus on what’s going on. Then there are others who are simply oblivious and don’t even know what’s going on around them.

    Being a teacher, I have seen all of the above in my classroom. Sometimes we get so caught up in doing the game plan and getting it right, organized, or funded that we sometimes forget to look to our Coach for strength, direction, or just encouragement. Then we get discouraged when the plan isn’t working, the money isn’t covering the need, or people are just being people; then come frustration, irritation, and stress.

    We need to stop, look over toward third base, and get our Coach’s sign to proceed with our game plan. Because just like a coach, God will get our attention one way or another. One night while lying on the couch, I felt the floor shake and realized we were experiencing an earthquake in Wichita, Kansas. I can tell you that God had my full attention. It shouldn’t take a jarring like that to get our attention or remind us of a truth. When we spend time with the Coach, all it takes is a check of the Spirit, a little prick of our conscience, or just a gut feeling of discernment. All these come through the Word and time spent in prayer. So let’s be in a place where we can hear the still, small voice and not be so consumed with obligations of life that God has to shout to be heard above all the distractions that can cover up His voice.

    Colossians 3:2 says, Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

    Apple of God’s Eye

    In chapter 1 in Deuteronomy Moses turned over the leadership to Joshua and was soon going to die. He reminded the people of Israel of all God had done on their behalf and said that though they had been through many tough situations, God really loved them. Moses made a statement in this chapter that is an encouraging thought for us today. We’re the apple of God’s eye. Some of us here on earth are, or were, the apple of our dad’s eye, but how awesome is it to know that we’re the apple of the eye of the God of the universe?

    Just like He did for the Israelites, He knows where we are in our wilderness. He will instruct us on how to maneuver through that wilderness, and He will always surround us with His protection. So mark it down, my fellow Christian; we’re pretty special to God. My dad always carried my senior picture in his billfold; I like to think that if God had a wallet, my picture would be in there as well.

    Deuteronomy 32:10 says, He found them in a desert land, and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness. He encircled, He instructed them, and He kept them as the apple of His eye.

    Afraid of the Dark

    I can’t say I’ve been afraid of the dark, but I haven’t been a real fan of it either. I know one thing for sure: I don’t like staying in the dark.

    Spiritually we run into dark places. Some of these places can be doubts, fears, worries, sicknesses, circumstances, or disappointments. These are just a few on a long list. We might be in the dark, waiting to receive our answer to a prayer, to be healed, to feel confident in our faith, or to have the courage to step out of our comfort zone and be completely at rest in God’s will and direction for our lives. We need to step into the light; then things will look differently to us than from our viewpoint from the shadows.

    Spiritually if there is light, then there is Jesus. If there is Jesus, then there is a firm belief for any doubt, courage to replace the spirit of fear, trust to cancel out our worry,

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