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Girl, Stolen Classroom Questions
Girl, Stolen Classroom Questions
Girl, Stolen Classroom Questions
Ebook78 pages30 minutes

Girl, Stolen Classroom Questions

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Scene by Scene Classroom Questions are essential resources for teachers, designed to save time and lead to rewarding classroom experiences. The guides are broken down by scene or chapter to complement the text they accompany. These guides provide a clear list of questions for every stage of teaching the text. Classroom Questions guides contain b

Release dateApr 8, 2016
Girl, Stolen Classroom Questions

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    Book preview

    Girl, Stolen Classroom Questions - Amy Farrell

    Chapter 1

    A Thousand Things Wrong


    Cheyenne is lying on the backseat of her car, waiting for her stepmom to return with her prescription, when someone gets in and starts driving the car.

    The thief is surprised to discover her, but instead of stopping, he speeds up. Cheyenne realises she is being kidnapped, but can’t see what is going on as she is blind.


    1. What is going on as the story begins?

    2. Why did Danielle leave the keys in the ignition?

    3. How does Cheyenne know that something is wrong?

    4. What does Cheyenne smell?

    5. How does Cheyenne react when she realises the car is being stolen?

    How would you feel, in her position?

    6. How does the thief react when he spots her?

    7. Why doesn’t Cheyenne see the guy kidnapping her?

    How does this add to the story?

    Chapter 2

    Drawing Blood


    Griffin knows having the girl is a problem for him, but he is afraid to let her go in case she gets the police after him. Instead, he speeds away as quickly as he can.

    Griffin had been stealing packages from cars when he spotted the keys in the Escalade.

    He drives as fast as he can to stop the girl from jumping out. When he does slow down, she comes at him, clawing him.

    He stops the car and wrestles with her, pinning her down.

    He apologises, saying he didn’t realise she was in the car when he took it. She asks him to let her go. He thinks about it and decides it will be safer to release her somewhere deserted, after dark.

    She starts screaming again, until Griffin threatens to shoot her.


    1. What stops Griffin from letting the girl go?

    What does he do instead?

    What would you do, in his position?

    2. What was Griffin doing in the parking lot when he stole the car?

    3. What does he do with the things he steals?

    4. Why does Griffin feel he was entitled to steal the Escalade?

    5. Why does Griffin drive fast?

    6. What does Cheyenne do when he slows down?

    7. How does she injure him?

    8. Why doesn’t he let her go?

    9. What does he decide to do later?

    10. How does he make her stop screaming?

    11. How would you feel if you were Cheyenne?

    12. What would you do next, if you were Griffin?

    Chapter 3

    Every Reason to Lie


    Griffin tells Cheyenne that he will let her go – later. He makes her lie on the backseat and ties her hands with her shoelaces.

    She offers him her ATM card and

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