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Oakland: Devil's Advocates, #7
Oakland: Devil's Advocates, #7
Oakland: Devil's Advocates, #7
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Oakland: Devil's Advocates, #7

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

It was almost the end. The war was drawing closer.


Oakland had been waiting patiently for this time. He couldn't wait to see the god's powers evolve and have the chance to fight alongside the next generation in bringing an end to Ettore. First, though, the Warlock Council had called on him. He hadn't been back to England since he was a child, and his parents took him there to have his powers tested. It was found then that he was what now was known as the executioner. A secret role that only the Warlock Council and Anghus knew was Oakland's.


Adan had grown up under the rule of the Warlock Council. He'd been schooled in magic since the day he was born. His father on the board means that he had no other choice. News of the war that was looming was becoming increasingly frightening. He and other members of the council powers had been tested and examined. When Adan's father calls on him to help an Australian warlock to end the infamous Nystrom, Adan jumps a chance to prove himself.


This is a MM Omegaverse Mpreg story. There are scenes and language that could be triggering. Suited to 18+

PublisherS L Davies
Release dateSep 13, 2022
Oakland: Devil's Advocates, #7

S L Davies

S L Davies is an Australian Author living in Country, Victoria. She is inspired by the world around her. 

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    Oakland - S L Davies



    How the hell is he still alive? my father, Eben, growled. His execution was ordered over one hundred years ago. Does this mean he has been running around without our knowledge, causing chaos all this time?

    Chiltern Moore sighed and nodded his head. The council of warlocks met after a phone call from a man named Kade Sinclair. He’d told Chiltern, the head of the council, that Nystrom was free and joined with the Nephilim Ettore. I didn’t know Ettore. But Nystrom I’d heard of. Everyone who was a warlock had heard of him.

    The Warlock Council ordered him to die well before I was born. He was an evil man who was very powerful. As kids, we told ghost stories about him. The stories would have terrified me even more if I’d known that he was still alive.

    This is not good, Kayne Mallor exclaimed. I agreed. This wasn’t good. Not at all. Who knew what Nystrom had been doing for the last one hundred years.

    He was known as a pedophile and liked to torture his victims. He was supposed to have been executed because he’d tried to assassinate council members and their families. From the stories I knew, he’d succeeded in killing a few of them. But my father and three others had survived to build the new council. Nystrom was caught and sent to the supernatural prison, where he was supposed to be put to death.

    The biggest question is why he wasn’t put to death, Heath Drach said. Who was responsible for seeing his execution?

    Dad flipped through an old book and skimmed his finger down the page. He was due to be executed by executioner Matuna.

    Heath looked over at Chiltern. Is Matuna still alive?

    Chiltern shook his head. No. He was killed in prison.

    By Nystrom? Heath asked.

    Chiltern shrugged his shoulders. I didn’t know. But now I’m wondering. There has been a real letdown in communication, though. We should have been informed if Nystrom was responsible for Matuna’s death. I won’t be taking this lightly. Eben, I’d like you to pull all the names of the staff at Purgatory during the time that Nystrom was there. I want to find out what exactly happened. If there was an escape, we were never informed of it, and that isn’t good enough.

    Dad nodded his head and flicked open another sizeable old book. He started to write on a notepad in front of him.

    What do we do now? Kayne asked.

    Chiltern looked over the room. Now we gather up people who can take Nystrom down.

    Is there even anyone strong enough to do that? Kayne asked.

    Chiltern sighed and shrugged his shoulders. I believe there is, but we will have to wait for an opportune time.

    We can’t just send our members to their death. Nystrom isn’t going to go down easily. Not to mention if he has Ettore's backing, he will be well protected, Heath argued.

    I know, Chiltern replied. This isn’t going to happen quickly, unfortunately. It is something we are going to have to plan. Now we can’t even get to Nystrom as Ettore has him hiding in the underworld. We must wait until he is back earthside and can get to him.

    Should we take volunteers? Kayne asked.

    When the time comes, we will. For now, let’s discover exactly how this happened in the first place. Those that let Nystrom out of prison need to face punishment. I won’t be playing with this, Chiltern growled.

    I watched with wide eyes as I listened to the council members discuss what was planned. My stomach swirled with fear of what could be about to happen.

    Do you reckon they are going to go to war? Jaison Whispered to me.

    I shrugged my shoulders. I don’t know, I Whispered back.

    I hope so, Bolder Whispered in return.

    I wasn’t sure I agreed. We were the children of the current council. Jaison was the oldest of us all at eighteen, but if we went to war and our fathers were killed, we would have to take over as the Warlock Council. I was only thirteen years old. I didn’t know how to run a council. It would never work.

    I also didn’t want to lose my father. He was my whole life, him and Mama. Even though I was born an omega, they never looked down their nose at me. They weren’t ashamed of me. Dad never let any of the council members treat me differently. I didn’t know what to do if I lost him or my Mama.

    Chapter One


    Fuck, baby, I’m sorry, you’re going to have to stop, I groaned as I looked down at the cute twink on his knees, slurping my cock. My phone continued to ring; I’d ignored it the first three times, but now I had no choice; it had to be something important.

    I stroked my fingers down beneath the twinks chin and lifted his face before kissing his lips gently. I’ll be back.

    I walked over to where I’d dropped my phone and keys after coming in from the club I’d been at.

    Mama? I answered as the phone started to ring again for the fifth time. My heart began to ricochet in my chest as I started to panic. Mama and I spoke once a week, and she never rang between times because the call cost too much to ring from England to Australia.

    Oh, Oakland, thank gods, she said. I was beginning to think I was going to have to scry and see why you weren’t answering.

    I bit my lip, grateful my mother didn’t go to that extent; I would not have wanted her to see what I was doing. I glanced over my shoulder as the guy I’d picked up from the club pulled his tight jeans on and slipped on his shoes. My cock had gone soft when I heard my mother’s voice on the other end of the line. I watched him as he stood from the couch and blew me a kiss before slipping out my door.

    What’s wrong, Mama? I asked, turning my attention back to the phone call.

    The council wants you back here; they have a job for you.

    I frowned. I hadn’t returned to England since I was eighteen and chose to travel the world. Only a few years later, I met Anghus and Lynx and joined the Devil’s Advocates. Everything they stood for aligned with me. I wanted to stop those that took advantage of supernaturals.

    What do they want? I asked.

    I’m not sure. I just received a visit from Chiltern Moore. He said that he had been in talks with a Kade Sinclair. Apparently, you know who that is.

    Yeah, I do. He is the head of the AJE authority in Australia; we’ve been working with him and the Onyx Rebels to stop Ettore.

    I’m thinking that the council is asking you back then for something to do with Ettore, Mama said.

    "Alright. I’ll contact Chiltern and organize to come back.

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