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February is Love: Women's Daily Devotional, #2
February is Love: Women's Daily Devotional, #2
February is Love: Women's Daily Devotional, #2
Ebook83 pages52 minutes

February is Love: Women's Daily Devotional, #2

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About this ebook

A new Bible verse and devotional about God's love for each day of the month, including February 29!

Start your day off right each morning by studying God's word. Grab your Bible and this new devotional, get cozy, and take a few quiet moments with the Lord to get your day off on the right foot. Or end your day snuggled in bed while you let God speak to your heart.

Each day of the month begins with a Bible verse on the topic of love, followed by a personal story from author Sparrow Brooks and how she interprets this verse in her real life. She ends each devotion with questions to ask yourself and a focus for the day.

While we often associate February with romantic love, this devotional isn't aimed at married women. It discusses love in a variety of relationships and situations. Whether you're in a serious relationship or not, you will find deeper understanding of love in every aspect of your life when you study this devotional.

With 29 days dedicated to love, this devotional is perfect any time of the year!

Release dateNov 20, 2022
February is Love: Women's Daily Devotional, #2

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    Book preview

    February is Love - Sparrow Brooks


    Love is a wonderful thing! Whether it’s the romantic kind, love of a family or friend, or the enormous amount of love our Heavenly Father lavishes on each of us on a daily basis, love is truly what makes the world go round.

    In February, we have a special day to celebrate romantic love, but what about all those other types of love? Aren’t they just as important? This devotional will explore many different facets of love in multiple situations in order to strengthen your bonds with family, friends, coworkers, and anyone else you have a relationship with or interact with.

    So, let’s get to it!


    Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

    1 John 4:7-8

    February is one month where we are constantly bombarded with images and messages regarding love. While we tend to think of February and Valentine’s Day primarily as a celebration of romantic love, why not take this month to cherish all of the people that we love a little more than usual, such as our friends, families, and co-workers?

    When I was younger, we used to sing a song about this verse at church, and it has always been special to me because, even as a little girl, I could feel that love radiating out of heaven from God to my soul. I remember thinking how amazing it was that the God who made all of creation not only loved me enough to accept me despite my flaws--He loved me enough to teach me how to love others.

    In a different translation of this verse, the first word is beloved--one that is loved. We can see in this translation that the sentiment is the same, as we are called, dear friends. While the book is attributed to John the Apostle, we can rest assured the message is from God. How does it feel to know that our God, the one who made every living thing, every creature, every majestic landscape, every single person who has ever walked the earth, loves you? Can you feel the warmth radiating from within your heart when you consider He is sitting on His throne on high, reflecting on you?

    God doesn’t just know us--he knows us intimately. He knows more than our names. He knows the number of hairs on our heads, our thoughts, our desires, our potential. When He sits on high and considers us, it is with a smile upon His face that He considers the one He created for a special purpose, the one He loves.

    Knowing that He loves us, despite our human station, despite our flaws, it is easy for us to see how we can learn to love one another. In the first verse, God is calling upon us not to simply care for one another or be pleasant to one another, but to love one another, as He loves us--despite knowing each time we make a mistake or act in a way that others may find unlovable.

    How does it feel to know that you are capable of this sort of love? That you can open your heart to others, to show mercy and forgiveness, to replace burdens and hard feelings with love and compassion because your Maker has endowed you with this same ability that He feels for you? Surely, if He can love us in His perfect state when we are so inferior, we can find it in our hearts to reach out and love others.

    Start this month off by reflecting upon the people in your life who may need you to show you them your love more than any others. Do you have a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while? Do you need to clear the air or speak about forgiveness? Perhaps there’s someone you used to spend time with that has just gotten away from you recently. It’s time to catch up. Or maybe you have a co-worker or someone else in your life who seems lonely or withdrawn. In what ways could you show this person your love? Now is the perfect time to go out of your way to show them that, just as our Heavenly Father loves each of us, they are loved by you.

    What is one thing you can do today to show someone you love them?

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