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Chile: Geographical Curiosities, #5
Chile: Geographical Curiosities, #5
Chile: Geographical Curiosities, #5
Ebook53 pages59 minutes

Chile: Geographical Curiosities, #5

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Rich and interesting, the history of Chile prior to the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors offers an insight into the lives and cultures of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the territory for thousands of years before Europeans arrived. 


The Mapuche people were historically the largest and most dominant indigenous community in Chile; furthermore, the culture and traditions of the Mapuche people continue to play an important part in contemporary Chilean society.


Before the arrival of the Spanish, Chile was home to a number of different indigenous peoples and cultures. 


One of them was the Mapuche, but there were others as well. The most important of these was the Inca Empire, which controlled much of what is now known as northern Chile and had a huge influence on the history and culture of that region. 


Other indigenous civilizations, such as the Aymara and the Atacameo, also left their influence on Chilean history and continue to be remembered and cherished in modern day Chile. 


This is especially true of the city of Santiago.


Indigenous peoples of Chile were recognized for their sophisticated agricultural methods, expert craftsmanship, and spiritual beliefs. 


They lived in small villages spread out across the country and were famed for their seclusion. 

Despite the fact that they lived in relative seclusion, the indigenous people of Chile maintained a sophisticated trading network, which enabled them to engage in cultural and economic interaction with other communities across South America.


The entrance of Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th century marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Chile. 

During this time, the indigenous peoples of Chile were gradually integrated into the Spanish colony, and as a result, their cultures and customs were changed irrevocably. 


In spite of this, indigenous peoples continue to have an impact on contemporary Chilean culture, and their contributions to the history and heritage of the country are honored and recognized.

PublisherNord Alps
Release dateApr 29, 2023
Chile: Geographical Curiosities, #5

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    Book preview

    Chile - Magic Geography


    Magic Geography

    Marcell Mazzoni


    Nord Alps

    Alpz Publishing

    First Edition


    A Division Of Nord Alps Media

    All Rights Reserved

    Magic Geography


    1. Mapuche

    2. Inca Empire

    3. Other Indigenous Civilizations

    4. Spaniards

    5. Spanish Culture

    6. Independence

    7. Republic

    8. Libertadores

    9. The Battle Of Maip

    10. 20th Century

    11. Chile Today

    12. Physical Geography

    13. Andes

    14. Atacama

    15. Pacific Coastline

    16. Central Valley

    17. Volcanos

    18. Plants & Animals

    19. National Parks

    20. Climate

    21. Climate & Economy


    Further Readings

    Nord Alps


    Rich and interesting, the history of Chile prior to the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors offers an insight into the lives and cultures of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the territory for thousands of years before Europeans arrived.

    The Mapuche people were historically the largest and most dominant indigenous community in Chile; furthermore, the culture and traditions of the Mapuche people continue to play an important part in contemporary Chilean society.

    Before the arrival of the Spanish, Chile was home to a number of different indigenous peoples and cultures.

    One of them was the Mapuche, but there were others as well. The most important of these was the Inca Empire, which controlled much of what is now known as northern Chile and had a huge influence on the history and culture of that region.

    Other indigenous civilizations, such as the Aymara and the Atacameo, also left their influence on Chilean history and continue to be remembered and cherished in modern day Chile.

    This is especially true of the city of Santiago.

    Indigenous peoples of Chile were recognized for their sophisticated agricultural methods, expert craftsmanship, and spiritual beliefs.

    They lived in small villages spread out across the country and were famed for their seclusion.

    Despite the fact that they lived in relative seclusion, the indigenous people of Chile maintained a sophisticated trading network, which enabled them to engage in cultural and economic interaction with other communities across South America.

    The entrance of Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th century marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Chile.

    During this time, the indigenous peoples of Chile were gradually integrated into the Spanish colony, and as a result, their cultures and customs were changed irrevocably.

    In spite of this, indigenous peoples continue to have an impact on contemporary Chilean culture, and their contributions to the history and heritage of the country are honored and recognized.



    Before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors in Chile, the Mapuche people were the dominant indigenous culture due to their size and influence in the region. They lived in the middle and southern parts of the country and were noted for their robust cultural traditions and advanced agricultural practices. They occupied the central and southern portions of the country. The Mapuche people were also great fighters

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