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Suriname: Geographical Curiosities, #10
Suriname: Geographical Curiosities, #10
Suriname: Geographical Curiosities, #10
Ebook49 pages33 minutes

Suriname: Geographical Curiosities, #10

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About this ebook

In terms of both its history and its geography, the South American nation of Suriname is frequently disregarded. Suriname is a small country. 

However, it is a country with a rich and varied cultural background, which is represented in its one-of-a-kind blend of indigenous, European, African, and Asian influences. 


This is one of the reasons why it is such an interesting place to visit. This ebook will delve into some of the historical and geographical oddities of Suriname, which combine to make the country a fascinating and one-of-a-kind place to learn more about.

In this book, we are going to take a more in-depth look at the history of Suriname, beginning with the pre-colonial age and moving on to examine the influence of Dutch colonialism as well as the legacy of slavery. 


In addition to this, we will investigate the topography and natural characteristics of Suriname, including its tropical rain forests, rivers, coral reefs, and offshore oil drilling. In addition, we will delve into the culture, traditions, and artistic representations of the country.


You will finish this ebook with a clearer grasp of the historical and geographical peculiarities of Suriname and, hopefully, a newfound appreciation for this South American country that is a hidden jewel.

PublisherNord Alps
Release dateApr 29, 2023
Suriname: Geographical Curiosities, #10

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    Book preview

    Suriname - Magic Geography


    Magic Geography

    Marcell Mazzoni


    Nord Alps

    Alpz Publishing

    First Edition


    A Division Of Nord Alps Media

    All Rights Reserved

    Magic Geography


    1. Indigenous

    2. Europeans

    3. Dutch Colonization

    4. Slavery

    5. Maroons

    6. Independence

    7. Society

    8. Geography

    9. Amazon Rainforest

    10. Rivers

    11. Mountains

    12. Beaches

    13. Coral Reefs

    14. Oil

    15. People

    16. Cuisine

    17. Music

    18. Art

    19. Literature

    20. Culture Fusion



    Nord Alps


    In terms of both its history and its geography, the South American nation of Suriname is frequently disregarded. Suriname is a small country.

    However, it is a country with a rich and varied cultural background, which is represented in its one-of-a-kind blend of indigenous, European, African, and Asian influences.

    This is one of the reasons why it is such an interesting place to visit. This ebook will delve into some of the historical and geographical oddities of Suriname, which combine to make the country a fascinating and one-of-a-kind place to learn more about.

    In this book, we are going to take a more in-depth look at the history of Suriname, beginning with the pre-colonial age and moving on to examine the influence of Dutch colonialism as well as the legacy of slavery.

    In addition to this, we will investigate the topography and natural characteristics of Suriname, including its tropical rain forests, rivers, coral reefs, and offshore oil drilling. In addition, we will delve into the culture, traditions, and artistic representations of the country.

    You will finish this ebook with a clearer grasp of the historical and geographical peculiarities of Suriname and, hopefully, a newfound appreciation for this South American country that is a hidden jewel.



    A number of distinct indigenous peoples call Suriname their home, each of which maintains its own distinct culture and set of practices that have been passed down for generations.

    One of the indigenous peoples who lived in Suriname long before European explorers came was a people who called themselves the Arawak. They were a peaceful people that got their food from farming and hunting. This was how they made a living. Through the use of song, dance, and oral storytelling, the Arawak people are able to keep their language and ancient practices alive even in modern times.

    The Carib people had a reputation in the past for being hostile toward other indigenous communities due to their proximity to those communities. However, in addition to that, they were also accomplished farmers, fishers, and merchants. The Carib people have managed to keep their language, arts, and crafts alive throughout the centuries, and many of its customs are still observed in modern-day Surinamese society.

    The Maroons are the descendants of Africans who were enslaved on Dutch plantations

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