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Fever Hitch
Fever Hitch
Fever Hitch
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Fever Hitch

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About this ebook

Felicia Walker loves her job as an illustrator at Fever Hitch Comics. During this year’s annual Earth Con, she will not only draw caricatures, but she’ll also be decked out in body paint to represent the F’ldae -- an alien species from the comics. As she starts off a night exploring the off-limits, alien side of the convention, Felicia is unprepared for the spiraling events that will make her behave like a true F’ldae… in full mating heat.

Agent Slate Reese and with his best friend Agent Ryker Seals are Metons who want to settle down, but they’re having a difficult time finding the female to complete their mating trio. With the vast assortment of alien species converging on this area, surely there’s one female who wouldn’t mind spending a night with both of them.
Release dateFeb 4, 2023
Fever Hitch

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    Fever Hitch - Ayla Ruse

    Fever Hitch (Earth Con)

    Ayla Ruse

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright ©2023 Ayla Ruse

    BIN: 07008-02257

    Second Edition

    Formats Available:

    Adobe PDF, Epub


    Changeling Press LLC

    315 N. Centre St.

    Martinsburg, WV 25404

    Editor: Katriena Knights

    Cover Artist: Reneé George

    Adult Sexual Content

    This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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    Table of Contents

    Fever Hitch (Earth Con)

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Ayla Ruse

    Fever Hitch (Earth Con)

    Ayla Ruse

    Felicia Walker loves her job as an illustrator at Fever Hitch Comics. During this year’s annual Earth Con, she will not only draw caricatures, but she’ll also be decked out in body paint to represent the F’ldae -- an alien species from the comics. As she starts off a night exploring the off-limits, alien side of the convention, Felicia is unprepared for the spiraling events that will make her behave like a true F’ldae… in full mating heat.

    Agent Slate Reese and his best friend Agent Ryker Seals are Metons who want to settle down, but they’re having a difficult time finding the female to complete their mating trio. With the vast assortment of alien species converging on this area, surely there’s one female who wouldn’t mind spending a night with both of them.

    Chapter One

    Slate. Wait up. We have to talk about finding a mate.

    Agent Slate Reese turned his head to see his best friend and partner, Ryker, striding up to him from down the hall. Later, he scowled. It’s about time you showed up.

    I’ve been here the whole time, Ry answered as he caught up. He grinned and slapped Slate on the back. I was talking to the new recruits downstairs. There’re a few cute ones I think we should check on.

    Slate’s mouth flattened. He was tired of trying to find a mate. He and Ry had tried to find a compatible female for over two years now. The younger man wouldn’t get it through his thick head it wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t answer, however, as they were intercepted by the voluptuous Agent Tae.

    Slate, she purred, sliding her hands up his chest. He stopped walking and waved Ry on. Ryker rolled his eyes but walked away to afford them some privacy.

    Tae. Ry and I are on our way to see your father.

    Ooh. If he knows you’re with me, he’ll forgive your being tardy. I won’t keep you but a minute. She ran long-fingered hands around his neck, and he remained stiff. There was a time he would have welcomed her attention, but that was before he realized she was a cold hearted bitch.

    She leaned in close and whispered against his lips. After you’re done with my father, why don’t you meet me in the transportation room? I have three tickets to Earth Con. We can get away from here and have some serious fun.

    I’ll ask Ry if he’s up for that.

    She scowled and pulled away. You know my feelings about Ry. She darted a lethal glance at his friend. He’s so… young and eager and nothing like you. We match up well. And I know if we added Hudon, we’d have a strong mating together.

    And there is was. The reason he would never be hers.

    Tae, Slate started, we’ve been over this. I’m to be in a mated relationship with Ryker and our female. If you don’t like that, look somewhere else. I’m not going to drop Ry for you. I’ll not leave our friendship for any female.

    He stared into her eyes, his fathomless inky blackness meeting hers in a fierce match. Finally, she stepped back.

    Seeming to pull herself together -- or leash her anger, he could never be sure with her -- she shook her head, lifted her chin and smiled in what she probably thought was pure seduction. Your loss, Slate. But remember me as you and Ry continue to fuck nameless females in separate rooms, looking for that one that’ll never be pleased with the both of you.

    Her words cut deep, but he didn’t let it show. Trust this one to get to the heart of his insecurities.

    Tae turned and gracefully walked away, completely ignoring the warm greeting from Ry. Slate bit back a chuckle when Ry flipped her off as she passed, before coming over to him.

    Man, Slate. I know she’s gorgeous, but I don’t know what you ever saw in her.

    A few months ago she’d started to come onto Slate, but had never wanted anything to do with Ry. Slate had fucked her, hopeful, but anytime he suggested bringing in Ry, she’d balk.

    Like you said, Ry, she’s hot. But if she can’t accept you, I can’t accept her.

    The problem worked both ways for them. There had been females who had preferred Ry over him. He lost sleep at night wondering if a compatible female even existed for them.

    Slate rubbed his smooth chin. Do you think the Matching Group got it wrong? I mean, we’ve been friends for a long time and I honestly can’t see being in a mated relationship with a different male, but maybe they messed up our assessment?

    Ry shook his head as the pair walked to their boss’s office. You’re stressing out too much over this.

    It’s been two fucking years, Ry. I’m nearing the end of my prime. I want a family. I don’t like that we can’t find a female who will accept us both.

    Ry studied his shoes a minute. We’re polar opposites. Accept that. I have. And somewhere out there is a female who will accept this, too. She’s out there, Slate. I’m sure of it. Look at it this way. Be glad that the Matching Group said our mating is only three individuals. I couldn’t imagine what we’d have to go through if it were four or more. My parents always talk about how long it took the four of them to meet and hook up.

    Slate turned his head. Ry was right, but it didn’t ease the ache, the hole that seemed to be growing in him.

    By this time they’d reached their boss’s office. Ry and Slate headed in, closing the door when Senior Agent Tark asked them to, and sat down.

    I saw that Tae held you up. Do I need to talk to her?

    Slate shook his head. No, sir. She just has a hard time accepting she’s not for us.

    Tark shook his head. I’m sorry. I told her to leave you alone, but I think one of her mothers is pushing her. I don’t know. Not that I wouldn’t love to have you as a son-in-law, but I know the pitfalls of being with mates who don’t always want one another. I wouldn’t want that for either of you.

    Slate knew Tark’s story. He was mated with two females, one whom he’d fallen head over heels for and the other one he accepted only because his female loved her. Slate’d be stuck in the same miserable relationship as his boss if he threw over Ry for Tae.

    Just then Tark slapped his beefy hands on his desk and cleared his throat. Now, enough of that. The reason why I called you two in today is because I have a new case for you. An off-planet case.

    Slate nodded and straightened in his seat. Work. That’s what he needed. A new case to pull his mind off the shitty relationship situation.

    * * *

    Ryker listened as Tark spoke to Slate about Tae. In the back of his head he mulled over the mating situation, and vowed that he’d work extra hard to find a female who would accept them both. He hated seeing Slate so down on himself. They’d been best friends forever, and when they found out they were destined to be with one female, he’d been as eager as Slate to make that happen.

    He let his mind wander on that situation until Tark slapped his hands down

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