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The Viper's Bloodline Awakened: THE GODS' SCION, #5
The Viper's Bloodline Awakened: THE GODS' SCION, #5
The Viper's Bloodline Awakened: THE GODS' SCION, #5
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The Viper's Bloodline Awakened: THE GODS' SCION, #5

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"The bloodline awakens, and with it, the power to reshape destinies." 


In the thrilling 5th installment of the Gods' Scion series, brace yourself for Rodrick's and Arcelia's new journey that will leave you breathless and yearning for more!


Snakes slither into the forefront as betrayals and curses unravel long-held family mysteries. The battle between Rodrick and Arcelia's royal families reaches new heights, with struggles of power, magic, and, hopefully, loss. More of Rodrick's family secrets rise to the surface and begin to shake the very foundations of loyalty he and his siblings once held. 


And with every new revelation, Arcelia begins to doubt who she can trust and believe more and more. She will now have to delve deeper into the darkness that lurks within mortals and deities alike to save the ones she holds dear–even if it kills her.

Release dateAug 2, 2024
The Viper's Bloodline Awakened: THE GODS' SCION, #5

Winnifred Tataw

Winnifred or Winnie, as most know her by, is an artist, writer, and author of her debut novel: The Gods’ Scion: Child of Tempus. As a military child, Winnie has traveled extensively around the US East Coast and Germany, learning about the history, lore and culture of each region. Winnie has spent the last two years writing and expanding the world of  The Gods’ Scion trilogy series. Winnie has had a lifelong love of literature and art.  As a new writer she wants to create beautiful fantasy world and with compelling and intriguing characters. Winnie resides in South Carolina and is an undergraduate at the College of Charleston. She loves to spread positivity and joy to those around her, and look at the world through a glittery pink lens.

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    The Viper's Bloodline Awakened - Winnifred Tataw


    Mother’s Moths and Flowers


    appy birthday, Mom. We wish you many more years of peaceful rest. Rona smiled somberly as I handed her the bouquet of flowers to lay on the tombstone. She turned to me. Anything more you want to say to Mom before we leave, Rodrick?"

    I looked at Maria’s glossy, black tombstone with its budding flower garden of moss, dandelions, and lilies. Every year now, Rona and I had made it a mission to come to Maria’s grave on her birthday to celebrate and mourn her. I believe in all the years since we lost her, we were never able to properly mourn her death or celebrate her life. It was nice that we started to do this. Arcelia was originally the one who pushed us to start this tradition. No. I set down the slice of cake I was holding next to her flowers. I already talked to her in my dreams a few days back.

    Rona sucked her teeth. No need to rub it in. As Rona has gotten older, she has become more attached to her dead mother rather than the likes of Riva, finding that the love that her birth mother had for her was even greater than she could have imagined, even in death.

    I’m not. I stood up from the grave. She’s told me she’s visited you before, but you seem to not remember.

    Rona’s eyes were downcast. Maybe if I do remember, the pain will feel more real.

    I knew Rona had regrets and guilt about her mother dying. But as my other siblings and I said, it wasn’t her fault. Maria’s time on Earth may have been short, but it was never forgotten.

    But you know dreams aren’t the only way to communicate with her, I said. She can show up in diverse ways through you.

    She smiled. Like the moths that visit my plants.

    I nodded. I miss her so much.

    And I wish I missed her just as much, Rona whispered.

    I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She wouldn’t want another sad face to watch over.

    Well, she wouldn’t have a choice, would she?

    I chuckled. I guess not.


    Ray’s Reason


    s the years passed, I hated having to walk down the long corridor to Riva’s office. It always felt so dreadful, and her office felt so enclosed and stuffy. Luckily, I wasn't alone. My brother, Rayden, was here to tag along with me.

    Ready to go beg the old hag? I asked Rayden.

    He chuckled. Don’t call the old hag an old hag.

    Since being crowned next in line after Riva, Rayden had been working on his feet all day to dedicate himself to international issues plaguing Diar. The biggest one being our immigrant and refugee policies. We were just coming off the heels of Fairwell Summit, discussing every topic with other world leaders. It was hosted in the country The Boscages of Waeven.  The Summit was created after the civil war in The Sanguine Palisades started. The Summit’s propose was for allied countries to delegate how to operate with the new influx of refugees that poured out of the country as a result.

    Strategically, Riva had sent me and my brother over there for some official royal duties, as well as my welcoming in the summer season for Tempus Order followers in the capital city. It was all very convenient that we had time to stop by while the reigning queen and newly appointed reigning king were out for other events. And it was, oh, so nice to see Arcelia’s Aunt Calandra, again. Nice.

    You two are late, Riva greeted us as we entered her cold and dark office. Berri her therapy dog barked and happily trailed over to us.

    Rayden went down to pet the dog. We have lives outside of your demands, Riva—

    Mother, she snapped.  And leave my dog alone. We have a lot of important things to discuss.

    I flopped on the couch. Yes, we know, we are busy, too.

    Rayden sat in the chair opposite me with Berri clumsily trying to sit in his lap.

    I was thinking that Aldala would be a great voice for this mission. Ray chimed in.

    Aldala, who Ray still didn’t know was our half-sister, was coming to Diar in a few days. After many years of waiting to get into Diar’s Refugee Program, she finally got accepted five months ago. It was only now that she was able to finally leave Cadaliri and come here. We had been staying connected all this time, so she was very aware of the initiative Rayden, and I were cooking up. Aldala was kind and willing to work with us, and honestly, most of the heavy lifting was done by Aldala and Ray. I was there merely to be the team cheerleader and stand-in for Aldala. Truly, there was little to no difference in their work efforts; at times, it really did seem like they were siblings.

    She’ll be easy to manage. She’s already trained properly, Riva said, glancing at the papers on her desk.

    Riva, she’s not our play puppet, she’s a person, I said, gritted my teeth.

    She’s not your family, Rodrick, why care? Riva questioned.

    I am not going to lie and say that it did not hurt a bit when I heard her serious adverse reaction. But I couldn’t pinpoint why it hurt. Maybe because Riva was full of shit, and she knew she was lying. Or maybe because we both knew we weren’t going to tell the truth with Rayden in the room. I decided to ignore the feeling for now and continue with our conversation.

    Aldala would be a great advocate for this cause, I said.

    So, you are on board? Rayden asked, trying to hide the gleam in his eyes.

    She stayed silent for a moment, then spoke. We shall see.


    Seeing Your Sorrows


    id your talk with Queen Riva go well?" Arcelia asked me as she laughed and lay in a hammock on the castle’s courtyard.

    It was not too bad. With the help of my brother, we were able to convince her of allowing some type of immediate leeway for refugees and incomers to the country.

    Hmm. Do you think that would work? Riva does not seem like the one to do something so rushed, she said.

    Arcelia was correct in her doubt, but I knew if I had my brother on board with the plan, it could work. You see, Rayden’s wife was a refugee. Alistine came from Amarem with their first three children when the country was experiencing large battles with ecological terrorism and famine. I wanted to bring him on board to possibly persuade Riva to help The Sanguine Palisades refugees escaping the country and the newfound country of Nakai—its fifth name change, I may add—now led by Sheba, to the shores of Diar. Rayden and I witnessed firsthand how Siesa Arid (S.A.) worked on and treated its class and racial divides. And through my half-sister, Aldala, while she was in S.A. after leaving Cadaliri, we heard about all of the horrors and struggles people were going through.

    I’m thinking of bringing Rayden to vouch for his wife, and myself to vouch for your mother and Aldala, as reasons of why this temporary law should go into order and, hopefully, become finalized within the coming months.

    She raised her eyebrows. Rodrick, you’re willing to debate a border opening just for the sake of my mother?

    Not only for her sake, but the sake of so many. After what happened in the S.A. civil war, Rayden and I have been busy helping fund aid for the country. But we both know it’s not enough, and we know that some people just must physically leave. And I know Riva’s top priority isn’t S.A., but if I can persuade her that this is mutually beneficial for both countries, she’ll change her mind. But the thing is, I know I won't be able to convince her as well as my brother will. And quite frankly, it was his idea first. I had mentioned it to your mother, and she gave us some advice on how to go through with it.

    So, what I’m hearing is Rayden already had a set plan to do this and you were just tagging on my mother and Aldala for your own benefit? She smirked, raising an eyebrow.

    Well, don’t make me sound that selfish.

    She laughed, turning and leaning back on my chest. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I do appreciate what you’re trying to do. And I do hope it works out because I think it will help so many people who need it. If we have enough resources to feed, clothe, and shelter people, why not help? Who is it hurting?

    Before either of us could say something else, my Emblem started to glow. I looked down at my forearm: it was Oracle.

    Have to go? Arcelia asked.

    I sighed. Sadly. I’ll be back, though. Visits with Oracle usually didn’t take long physically, but mentally, they did take their toll.

    Tell the Apostles I said hello, she said.

    I gave her a crooked smile. Look at you remembering our Tempus’ terminology.

    She rolled her eyes. Yes, I learned from the most annoying one. Don’t keep them waiting, go.

    I gave her a kiss before getting up from my seat. I pressed my arm. Aperta porta ad Taporis.

    The ring opened before me as I gave one last look to Arcelia before I stepped in. I was met with gushing waterfalls and flowing rivers. The smell of fresh flowers and water mist flooded the air. Oracle was resting in a bed of flowers as a small waterfall cascaded behind her. She was in a soft pink tunic that melded with the petals of the flowers around her.

    Hey Oracle, good to see you again.

    She snorted as she got up. Good to see you, too, though I could go without the subtle blind jokes.

    I chuckled. I wasn’t trying to joke this time. So, why’d you call me here?

    Congratulations, she said. You stopped your girlfriend from dying.

    For the last two weeks, I’d had some terrible nightmares and visions, through Oracle, of Arcelia dying. The only problem was she died in many ways, and every time, I was the last person she saw before she passed. And every time, I became a particular person—the person I hated the most. I wanted to tell Arcelia, but it never felt like the right time.

    Thanks, I whispered slowly.

    Aww, Rodrick, Oracle said, stretching her limbs. Don’t look so glum, you didn’t lose.

    Not this time. Yes, I know, but I highly doubt you called me here just to give me a pat on the back.

    She dropped her shoulders. You’re right. Yet, I am a bit wary of what I saw. And even more wary to show you.

    Why? I asked. What could be worse than seeing your girlfriend die in your arms multiple times?

    She shook her head. I don’t want to tell you, Rodrick, I want to show you.

    Am I going to see something concrete or something more abstract? I asked her.

    Oracle shrugged. Not sure, but there is only one way to find out.

    She held out her hand. I looked at it cautiously before grabbing it.


    My head perked up as I turned to face Arcelia’s voice. Her face was covered in tears as much as it was stained with blood.

    I rushed over to her in a panic. Baby, what happened? Are you okay?!

    As I grabbed her arms, she fell into my chest, motionless. No!

    Arcelia, baby, are you alright?

    I’m sorry, Rodrick, she whispered. The sound of her heart thumping slowly started to fade out. No. This couldn’t be. I took her head into my hand and looked her in the eye. She was gone. Her once sparkly blue eyes stilled like a quiet pond. Tears rushed down my face.

    Arcelia. No, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay. Let me—

    I told you this would happen. As I cradled Arcelia’s body in my arms, I turned around. There stood Calandra, also bathed in a pool of blood which dripped from her fingertips as she pointed at me. I told you this would happen. It’s all yours and his fault.

    What? Whose fault? I didn’t do this! I—

    Before I could say anything else, I was flashed to an all-white room. Arcelia and her aunt were gone. I was again alone. The place felt strange, but it was familiar. I had been here before. Then, it dawned on me. Was this the place? Area? I was not sure, but I recognized it. I started to walk in every direction, trying to figure out what I was supposed to see. Until, finally, it appeared in the distance. Or should I say, he appeared.

    I eventually figured where I was: I was in Nullum Inane, the place I left Ryton to rot in with Milky. And from Milky and Caro’s telling, he was doing just that. But Ryton’s figure looked the same as it was the day, I’d left him.

    I heard maniacal laughter bouncing from the wall-less space. It sounded as torturous as it did manic.

    We warned you. We warned you!

    I kept looking around the room in search of who and where the voice was coming from.

    We warned you, Rodrick.

    Beads of sweat started to form on my forehead as my palms began to quiver. Then, in the far distance, I saw what looked to be a hunched-over body. Was that Ryton? It had to be the growing gray hair, the taut skin. That must be the Demon King. Even from where I stood, I could see three bullet holes gaping in his chest.

    We warned you, Rodrick.

    Even with the ominous voice looming over me, I decided to get closer to Ryton. As I did, the voices got louder and louder.

    We warned you.

    But what was even scarier was how they started to sound more familiar to me. Riva’s voice, then Rona’s, then Rahima’s—voices of all my family—taunting me, circling around, slowly growing louder and clearer as I got closer and closer to my target. But then, as I got close to Ryton, something strange started to happen. I realized he seemed to be morphing. His body became taller and leaner. His hair, longer and longer. His skin became paler.

    Don’t waste my time with your words. At least one of my spawns turn out to be a monster. You did what others tried, killed the Demon of Diar. But if you live, so will my spirit. That was the first time Ryton had spoken since I’d got there.

    I stopped walking. Something was wrong. Even though he said those words, something told me that he wasn’t talking about me.

    Long live the King.

    Those words belonged to Ryton, but that voice wasn’t Ryton’s, and neither was that face.

    It was—

    Rayden? I whispered in fear.

    He looked up slowly and smiled. His demon blue eyes glowed. Hello, Child of Tempus.


    My Sister’s Keeper


    ow was your talk with sister Ephedra?" my other sister Queen Calandra,  asked me. She walked into my foyer, dressed in a long, red robe and her locked hair pinned up in an extravagant hairdo. Her face was as decorated as the jewels on her skin. Oh yes, she was coming back from some charity gala the government had hosted earlier that evening. And that was the exact reason I wanted to talk with our youngest sister, Ephedra-Rosanna—while Queen Cal was gone.

    I wanted to talk

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