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FE1.9 - Dams: Swimming Upstream (Part 1)

FE1.9 - Dams: Swimming Upstream (Part 1)

FromFuture Ecologies

FE1.9 - Dams: Swimming Upstream (Part 1)

FromFuture Ecologies

48 minutes
Nov 8, 2018
Podcast episode


Dams remain one of the ultimate demonstrations of human power over nature. Wild rivers can be tamed to deliver energy for industry, lakes for recreation, and water for agriculture. But severing the link between land and sea has come with grave ecological costs. The impact of dams on salmon populations has been especially obvious and painful.
This is part one of a two-part series on dam removals. In this episode, we return to the Klamath river to examine the fierce conflict (and unlikely partnerships) in pursuit of the deconstruction of 4 major dams.
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Nov 8, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (95)

Future Ecologies is a podcast about relationships: between, within, amongst, and all around us. Made for audiophiles and nature lovers alike, every episode is an invitation to see the world in a new light – set to original music & immersive soundscapes, and weaving together interviews with expert knowledge holders.