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5x11 Girl, Hooker, Prostitute, Kirk

5x11 Girl, Hooker, Prostitute, Kirk

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

5x11 Girl, Hooker, Prostitute, Kirk

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

82 minutes
Mar 3, 2023
Podcast episode


It's snowing, and there's a reenactment - we've seen this before. But this time, Kirk just wants to make Taylor happy. Christopher's father died, and while most of us don't care, Lorelai and Rory want to make sure he's okay. But we start to question them when the guilt and the lying kick in.
Mar 3, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (90)

A podcast hosted by two professional introverts discussing the fast-talking, pop culture-obsessed phenomenon that is Gilmore Girls.