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3X02 The Audacity of Growing Up

3X02 The Audacity of Growing Up

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

3X02 The Audacity of Growing Up

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

100 minutes
Jun 26, 2020
Podcast episode


This week we're diving into the minds of Kirk, Emily, Dean and Christopher. We're still mad at Christopher, but what else is new? It's also the introduction of Dave Rygalski and Lane's new musical story line. The early 2000s are a weird time for pop culture and not even Queen Amy Sherman-Palladino is immune to misogyny. The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, 70s sitcoms, college applications, tuition fees, and so much more!
Jun 26, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (90)

A podcast hosted by two professional introverts discussing the fast-talking, pop culture-obsessed phenomenon that is Gilmore Girls.