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2x02 - Houses for Harvard and Freakouts Vis à Vis Weddings

2x02 - Houses for Harvard and Freakouts Vis à Vis Weddings

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

2x02 - Houses for Harvard and Freakouts Vis à Vis Weddings

FromCoffee With a Shot of Cynicism

57 minutes
Nov 22, 2019
Podcast episode


Lorelai's mad at Emily and Emily's mad at Lorelai. Rory's mad at Dean and Dean's mad at Rory. Don't worry, though. Things end well. And hell may have frozen over because we can KIND OF see where Dean is coming from. Can you say Hyung Yung? Lane's being shipped to Korea and may never be back. Elective summer school, college admissions, tiaras vs. veils, and so much more. We're embarking on a reading adventure for charity! Find out how you can be a part of it and win a Gilmore Girls gift basket!
Nov 22, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (90)

A podcast hosted by two professional introverts discussing the fast-talking, pop culture-obsessed phenomenon that is Gilmore Girls.