The miracle of childbirth

By Val - 09/07/2024 03:00 - United States

Today, I realized my marriage is over. I was in labor with our first child and my husband acted like being there with me in the hospital was a chore. However, he saw a young nurse and his mood did a 180. He left soon before I gave birth because he “got hungry.” All of this and he STILL has no clue why I’m upset with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 649
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Men might be “clueless” as the first commenter said but treating you like that when you’re at your most vulnerable is a scummy thing to do. Unless he’s willing to go to counseling, don’t let yourself be treated like that by someone who is supposed to put you before all others. You don’t want your child to believe that’s how a marriage works.

tiptoppc 19

Ya’know, I’m pretty inept (just ask my wife), but that’s bullshit. Even I can tell he’s got one foot out the door for SOMEONE, like he’s looking to cheat. It looks like he doesn’t want to be married to OP for whatever shitty reason he can possibly give, but he’s a piece of shit for this behavior. The only thing that may tip this on its head would be if OP cheated and he suspected he’s not the father, but unless OP says otherwise, he’s just a piece of shit. This is stuff my grandfather did, IN FRONT OF HIS WIFE AND KIDS. This guy needs to be smacked aside his head, as now he’s brought a kid into the marriage and he’s looking for anything to make that break. **** OPs life, and **** that poor kid’s life. They have a piece of shit for a father/husband.


Men are often clueless, but review the facts. He got impatient in a hospital. He saw someone pretty and reacted normally. He got hungry. To him, everything is normal and he has no idea how he made you feel. Tell him. Forgive him.

tiptoppc 19

Ya’know, I’m pretty inept (just ask my wife), but that’s bullshit. Even I can tell he’s got one foot out the door for SOMEONE, like he’s looking to cheat. It looks like he doesn’t want to be married to OP for whatever shitty reason he can possibly give, but he’s a piece of shit for this behavior. The only thing that may tip this on its head would be if OP cheated and he suspected he’s not the father, but unless OP says otherwise, he’s just a piece of shit. This is stuff my grandfather did, IN FRONT OF HIS WIFE AND KIDS. This guy needs to be smacked aside his head, as now he’s brought a kid into the marriage and he’s looking for anything to make that break. **** OPs life, and **** that poor kid’s life. They have a piece of shit for a father/husband.

@Lost Reggie - You are lost, indeed.

TomeDr 24

Men might be “clueless” as the first commenter said but treating you like that when you’re at your most vulnerable is a scummy thing to do. Unless he’s willing to go to counseling, don’t let yourself be treated like that by someone who is supposed to put you before all others. You don’t want your child to believe that’s how a marriage works.

Divorce now. Get half his assets and so much child support and alimony, he can't spoil his future girlfriends.

Get out. Now. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. They won’t change. Unfortunately, some guys don’t show their true colors until all is said and done and there’s a kid in the picture. Sorry you had to find out like this. Be strong for your kid, they’re your priority now.

MistressAfrodite 5

sooooo a new born and a divorce. believe me leaving him would be much less painful than staying with this asshole while you do all the work for the baby yourself the house and his ass. life’s much easier when you don’t have a man child to care for.