The Phone Call

By turnmyphoneoff - 24/09/2019 00:01

Today, I got a drunken call from my boyfriend, which consisted of him telling me that he, "does man things like fuck bitches and roll with hoes," and that I've been, "trying to turn him into a half-ass girly man," but, "that shit ain't right." Then he threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 957
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Phil 14

Just tell him that you're more woman than he can handle, and twice the man he'll ever be.


Hopefully she isn't anymore. I would've dumped his ass right then.

Phil 14

Just tell him that you're more woman than he can handle, and twice the man he'll ever be.

LostSoul 19

leave now! it will only get worse.

And then he woke up with a hangover, amnesia, and single.

TrashlifeKaylala 12

Sounds to me like being with you prevented him from doing something while he was out. Especially if hes out with his friends. Potentially stayed loyal but bitter he couldnt act like a **** boy. Dump him

Release him into the wild then, no losses here.

sounds like he was a **** boy to begin with and was getting ragged on by is Idiot Friends while out with them for not cheating on you. plus one for loyalty minus... Well more than one for all of the idiocy that phone call contained. the solution? Dump his ass and find somebody who has enough respect for you to not drunk dial you and disrespect you in that way.

E2dav 5

Please tell me you haven't and will not speak to him again. You deserve waaay better