Matthew's Reviews > A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
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bookshelves: own, 2019, book-a-book-club, classic, historical-fiction

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.”

Another classic down! The copy of this book that I read I have owned since middle school/high school – so it has been with me for about 25 years! I figured it was about time to get to it.

The book is divided into three parts and when I got to the end of part two (which is a little over 200 pages into the book), I was sure I was going to give the book 2 stars. Not that I was kidding myself that Dickens would be an easy read, but I had to force myself back into the book every day because I knew it would end up being a chore.

Then I hit part three.

It is all worth it for part three! Part three by itself is 5 stars all the way – so I averaged out my overall rating to 4 stars. If you are struggling with the beginning like I did – don’t give up! I hope that you find the ending as interesting and engaging as I did.

Also, thanks again to Shmoop for helping me along the way with chapter summaries. I didn’t have to read a summary of every chapter, but there were a few that had me scratching my head so it was very helpful having a place I could go for help.

Finally, while I started my review with one of the most famous beginning quotes in literature, I didn’t realize that the famous quote that ends this book was from Dickens. I will end my review with it – but I am not marking it with a spoiler, so if you want to avoid knowing what it is, don’t look down!


“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”
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Reading Progress

December 12, 2018 – Shelved
December 12, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
December 12, 2018 – Shelved as: own
February 1, 2019 – Started Reading
February 1, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
February 1, 2019 – Shelved as: book-a-book-club
February 1, 2019 – Shelved as: classic
February 1, 2019 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
February 3, 2019 –
page 13
3.52% "Buried alive for eighteen years"
February 12, 2019 –
page 34
9.21% "Hunger"
February 13, 2019 –
page 77
20.87% "Acquitted"
February 14, 2019 –
page 108
29.27% "Monseigneur"
February 15, 2019 –
page 150
40.65% "Three suitors and a funeral"
February 16, 2019 –
page 172
46.61% "Knitting"
February 17, 2019 –
page 193
52.3% "The end of a shoemaker"
February 18, 2019 –
page 228
61.79% "Loadstone Rock"
February 19, 2019 –
page 262
71.0% "La Guillotine"
February 19, 2019 –
page 297
80.49% "Not so innocent after all"
February 21, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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Tracey Excellent review of one of my most beloved books.
Time for a re read me thinks and as I'm having a month of re reads this year, this is definitely on my list. :)

Kelsey  Baguinat This was one required book that I actually enjoyed in high school. Every time I hear the "It is a far, far better thing" quote, I still tear up!

Stepheny For me, the ending of this book is what made it! Excellent review, Matthew!

Henry Good review of one of my favorite books. However, I give it an easy 5 stars.

Matthew Tracey wrote: "Excellent review of one of my most beloved books.
Time for a re read me thinks and as I'm having a month of re reads this year, this is definitely on my list. :)"

Thanks, Tracey! I will probably wait another 25 years for a re-read! :)

Matthew Kelsey wrote: "This was one required book that I actually enjoyed in high school. Every time I hear the "It is a far, far better thing" quote, I still tear up!"

Yeah, when I got to that quote and realized what it was and that it was ending the book, it was a very powerful moment!

Lorna Great review Matthew of one my favorite classics. Those quotes get me every time.

Matthew Stepheny wrote: "For me, the ending of this book is what made it! Excellent review, Matthew!"

Thanks, Stepheny! :)

Matthew Henry wrote: "Good review of one of my favorite books. However, I give it an easy 5 stars."

If it wasn't for the first 200 pages I might have, too! :)

Audrey I had to read this in 10th grade; I was 14. It was so wordy, it drove me crazy. It was the first book I ever fell asleep reading.

Matthew Lorna wrote: "Great review Matthew of one my favorite classics. Those quotes get me every time."

Thanks, Lorna! Perfect bookend quotes!

Matthew Audrey wrote: "I had to read this in 10th grade; I was 14. It was so wordy, it drove me crazy. It was the first book I ever fell asleep reading."

I am not sure if I would have stuck with this in High School!

~☆~Autumn Audrey wrote: "I had to read this in 10th grade; I was 14. It was so wordy, it drove me crazy. It was the first book I ever fell asleep reading."

You did way better than me. I was supposed to read it and I just quit on it. It might have been 10th grade but it was too long ago for me to remember for sure.

Matthew ~☆~Autumn♥♥ wrote: "Audrey wrote: "I had to read this in 10th grade; I was 14. It was so wordy, it drove me crazy. It was the first book I ever fell asleep reading."

You did way better than me. I was supposed to read..."

The only Dickens I read in High School was Great Expectations - ironically enough, I expected more!

message 15: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Richards I`ve had a copy of this for years too; definitely will try it this year.... and see how far I get!

Matthew Natalie wrote: "I`ve had a copy of this for years too; definitely will try it this year.... and see how far I get!"

Good luck! It is definitely a chore at times!

message 17: by Jen (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jen Great review Matthew! Funny, but I loved this book UNTIL I got to part three! Makes me curious to try it again. :)

message 18: by Alan (new) - rated it 4 stars

Alan A great read!

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Love this book! Great review!

Matthew Jen wrote: "Great review Matthew! Funny, but I loved this book UNTIL I got to part three! Makes me curious to try it again. :)"

Interesting - so, did you give up at part 3, or you just didn't like the last part as much as the rest?

Matthew Dita wrote: "Love this book! Great review!"

Thanks, Dita! 😁

message 22: by Pat (new)

Pat I admire your perseverance Matthew. I was never able to read Dickens, nor Tolstoy. And I did try. My one claim to perseverance though is reading Gone With The Wind twice in high school, and it was a whopping 1042 pages!

Matthew Pat wrote: "I admire your perseverance Matthew. I was never able to read Dickens, nor Tolstoy. And I did try. My one claim to perseverance though is reading Gone With The Wind twice in high school, and it was ..."

Gone With the Wind was much more user friendly than this one! 😁

message 24: by Gloria ~ (new)

Gloria ~ mzglorybe I applaud your effort Matthew, and for sticking with it. I’ve struggled with many classics... struggled staying awake. 💤 Good job and review.

Matthew Gloria ~ wrote: "I applaud your effort Matthew, and for sticking with it. I’ve struggled with many classics... struggled staying awake. 💤 Good job and review."

Thank you much, Gloria! :) :) :)

message 26: by Amanda (new) - added it

Amanda Espinoza Your experience reading this one makes me feel so much better about my own struggle to push myself to read it. I read it in a year where I was visiting both those cities. It didn't help me know the cities better, but I'm glad I persevered and read it anyway. Great review!

Matthew Amanda wrote: "Your experience reading this one makes me feel so much better about my own struggle to push myself to read it. I read it in a year where I was visiting both those cities. It didn't help me know the..."

Glad to help, Amanda! :) And, thank you! :)

Yeah - it says "A Tale of Two Cities", but the cities are just an afterthought - except maybe Paris, you get some Bastille/revolution background.

message 28: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Nice that you topped and tailed the quotes. There are many books that contend for best opening line, and also for best closing line, but I think this is the only one that is a contender for both.

Matthew Cecily wrote: "Nice that you topped and tailed the quotes. There are many books that contend for best opening line, and also for best closing line, but I think this is the only one that is a contender for both."

Exactly! And, it was a nice surprise when I got to the end and saw that! :)

message 30: by Liz (new) - rated it 4 stars

Liz Fothergill Totally agree with you on Part 3-and the need for chapter summaries here and there. Thanks fir the thoughtful review!

Matthew Liz wrote: "Totally agree with you on Part 3-and the need for chapter summaries here and there. Thanks fir the thoughtful review!"


Thank you, Liz! And you are very welcome!

I often find that mediocre books can be saved by a fantastic ending!

Aramide Salako Did you finish reading Moby Dick? I gave up!

Matthew Aramide wrote: "Did you finish reading Moby Dick? I gave up!"

I did - I have a hard time not finishing books.

Matthew Royal wrote: "visit our site:
This site focuses on Mughal History and give it's users an amazing access to Mughal Collection."

Matthew Royal wrote: "Not Spam"

It has nothing to do with my review - SPAM!

Matthew Royal wrote: "You can search on google about . . ."


message 37: by Terry (new)

Terry Your review makes me want to give this one a shot! I never had to read any classics when I was in school, and I’ve never picked them up as an adult either. I need to follow your example and become better read. Great review!

Matthew Terry wrote: "Your review makes me want to give this one a shot! I never had to read any classics when I was in school, and I’ve never picked them up as an adult either. I need to follow your example and become ..."

Thanks, Terry! Glad to be an inspiration . . . I hope it works out for you like it did for me!

message 39: by Nilguen (new) - added it

Nilguen Wonderful review, Matthew m! I’m currently reading this classic!! Still to hit part three ;))

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