Liong's Reviews > The Travelling Cat Chronicles

The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa
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's review

it was amazing

I started reviewing this book after I watched the movie recently.

Satoru traveled to meet his old friends with Nana (the stray cat) because he wanted to find a new home for Nana.

He was no longer in a position to look after Nana due to unforeseen circumstances.

The journey also gave Satoru a chance to reconnect with his old friends and reflect on his life.

The book is a story about friendship, loss, and the power of love.

It is a heartwarming and heartbreaking tale that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

We should cherish the time we have with our loved ones.

Love is precious in families, friends, and pets.
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Quotes Liong Liked

Hiro Arikawa
“As we count up the memories from one journey, we head off on another. Remembering those who went ahead. Remembering those who will follow after. And someday, we will meet all those people again, out beyond the horizon.”
Hiro Arikawa, The Travelling Cat Chronicles

Reading Progress

June 18, 2019 – Shelved
June 18, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
February 16, 2021 – Started Reading
February 16, 2021 –
February 17, 2021 –
February 17, 2021 –
February 18, 2021 –
February 18, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

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Darla So happy to see those five shiny stars, Liong!

Terrie  Robinson So glad you loved this one, Liong!❤️

Liong Darla wrote: "So happy to see those five shiny stars, Liong!"

Glad to know that, Darla. :-)

Liong Terrie wrote: "So glad you loved this one, Liong!❤️"

Yes, I loved it, Terrie.

message 5: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan Atherly There is a movie...? 😍😻

Liong Susan wrote: "There is a movie...? 😍😻"

There is a movie, You can search on Youtube. Try your luck, Susan.

message 7: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan Atherly Liong wrote: "Susan wrote: "There is a movie...? 😍😻"

There is a movie, You can search on Youtube. Try your luck, Susan."

I will! Thank you, Liong, for both the review and the movie tip!

Liong Susan wrote: "Liong wrote: "Susan wrote: "There is a movie...? 😍😻"

There is a movie, You can search on Youtube. Try your luck, Susan."
I will! Thank you, Liong, for both the review and the movie tip!"

You are welcome, Susan.

message 9: by Esta (new)

Esta Heartwarming review, Liong. 💛 Good reminder of the important things in life.

Liong Esta wrote: "Heartwarming review, Liong. 💛 Good reminder of the important things in life."

Thank you for your comment, Esta. 😉

message 11: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp Sounds like a beautiful story❤️

Liong Imme wrote: "Sounds like a beautiful story❤️"

Yes, you are right, Imme. 😉

~☆~Autumn Wonderful review! I loved this one also.

Liong ~☆~Autumn♥♥☔☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ wrote: "Wonderful review! I loved this one also."

Thank you, Autumn. 😊

PowerAvocado Wonderful book. Cozy and moving. The cat has balls.

Liong PowerAvocado wrote: "Wonderful book. Cozy and moving. The cat has balls."

I agree with you, PowerAvocado.

Utkarsh It's my favorite. I'm glad you loved it, liong. 🤧

Liong Utkarsh (Semi-Hiatus) wrote: "It's my favorite. I'm glad you loved it, liong. 🤧"

Thank you, Utkarsh.

message 19: by Joe (new) - added it

Joe Krakovsky Those closing statement sealed the deal on this one Liong.

Liong Joe wrote: "Those closing statement sealed the deal on this one Liong."

Thank you, Joe.

Swapnil Deshpande I switched between digital and audiobook for this book because I also listened to it while running and let me tell you, I was literally feeling like crying in the middle of a run 😭

Great review!

Liong Swapnil wrote: "I switched between digital and audiobook for this book because I also listened to it while running and let me tell you, I was literally feeling like crying in the middle of a run 😭

Great review!"

Thank you for sharing your reading experience, Swapnil. I shall try audiobooks when running. I felt heartbreaking too.

Liong ~☆~Autumn wrote: "Oh, do you jog? I used to long ago and felt so good when I was running."

Yes. Jogging is good for health, ~☆~Autumn.

Liong ~☆~Autumn wrote: "Can't do it anymore but I ran for about 3 years long ago until I got pregnant and that was that! Have fun!"

Happy reading!

message 25: by Türkan (new) - added it

Türkan Great review, really looking forward to reading this one!

Liong Türkan wrote: "Great review, really looking forward to reading this one!"

Thank you, Türkan.

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