Helga's Reviews > Doctor Zhivago
Doctor Zhivago

What in the name of all the soul-destroying books was this?
It was too long! And this comes from someone who has read War and Peace twice!
And it was boring. Like ‘Vanity Fair’ boring!
Not only there were too many characters, but the author was kind enough to alternate the character names between the first, middle and last name in every other sentence. For example Yury Zhivago was referred to as Yury, the Doctor, and Zhivago in three consecutive sentences. Add pet-names and women’s maiden and married names and you’ve got yourself a fuzzy confusing stew.
The plot 🙄 the plot was disjointed to the extent that I felt I was reading the pre-draft of the book. Sometimes the story was jumping to four or five years later without any coherent explanation and then there was the unfortunate times one was stuck with a character’s daily activities, unnecessary dialogues and long-winded ramblings.
If this book wasn’t a classic and was written in the 21st century I would have thrown in the towel after 100 or so pages.
That said, based on so many rave reviews, probably it was me and not the book.
It was too long! And this comes from someone who has read War and Peace twice!
And it was boring. Like ‘Vanity Fair’ boring!
Not only there were too many characters, but the author was kind enough to alternate the character names between the first, middle and last name in every other sentence. For example Yury Zhivago was referred to as Yury, the Doctor, and Zhivago in three consecutive sentences. Add pet-names and women’s maiden and married names and you’ve got yourself a fuzzy confusing stew.
The plot 🙄 the plot was disjointed to the extent that I felt I was reading the pre-draft of the book. Sometimes the story was jumping to four or five years later without any coherent explanation and then there was the unfortunate times one was stuck with a character’s daily activities, unnecessary dialogues and long-winded ramblings.
If this book wasn’t a classic and was written in the 21st century I would have thrown in the towel after 100 or so pages.
That said, based on so many rave reviews, probably it was me and not the book.
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message 1:
Jan 29, 2025 01:50PM


Thanks! 😂 On a whim, I decided 2025 is the year to read some of the oldest added books in my TBR. It wasn't a good choice apparently. 🙄

I enjoyed every page of War and Peace! The story-line, the prose and characterization was just brilliant. It's a big book, so you should be in the mood and also put aside some time, daily, to read a considerable portion of it.

Oh, no!! Please read it! There are so many 5 star reviews that I wonder maybe I wasn't in the proper mood to read it.

Yes, specially with the difficult Russian names.