Pleasing People Quotes
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Pleasing People Quotes
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“To spend your time thinking about what you can do to keep from disappointing him, or what might happen if you were to displease her, or how it might look if you did this, or how you might be rejected if you didn’t do that, rather than simply thinking about how you can please God, is not only worry, but stupidity.”
― Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
― Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
“Unlike the people-pleaser, who worries himself sick when he senses that he may have displeased someone by his words (or actions), the person who pleases God knows how to dismiss such anxiety with the assurance that he has, in fact, said (or done) that which pleases God. . . . if he knows that he hasn’t sinned, he does not worry or fret about the consequences of his actions. He trusts God to use what he has said or done for His glory, and he knows that God is causing all things to work together for his own good.”
― Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
― Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
“Even though [the God-pleaser] knows that the plans he is making wouldn't be condemned by most God-fearing men, and might even be praised, he doesn't proceed with them until he has examined his heart to make sure that he is doing the right thing for the right reason in the sight of God. He is performing on God's stage for an audience of One. Though many others may be watching, he considers the applause of God to be better and sweeter, more thunderous and more glorious than the applause of all the kings and rulers, celebrities, and dignitaries he will ever hope to meet. He knows that mere humans can evaluate him only subjectively and superficially by what they see with their eyes, but that God will evaluate him righteously by what he sees in his heart.”
― Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
― Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
“the people-pleaser struggles to do it with the right motive. Pleasing and glorifying God by serving others takes a backseat to serving others to promote and glorify self.”
― Pleasing People: How not to be an "approval junkie"
― Pleasing People: How not to be an "approval junkie"