Anatomy of a Single Girl Quotes

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Anatomy of a Single Girl (Anatomy, #2) Anatomy of a Single Girl by Daria Snadowsky
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Anatomy of a Single Girl Quotes Showing 1-30 of 60
“I’ve been so caught up with mapping out a picture-perfect “forever” that I’m completely neglecting my present, which I have far more control over anyway.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“After a breakup there’s a momentary relief that you’re free again. But that’s quickly eclipsed by all the good memories you had together and the realization that there won’t be any more of them.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Pain was my tie to a past that a part of me wanted to hold on to. The more I hurt, the more I knew I loved, and that felt like a good thing.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“It’s so evident to me now that just because someone is a great guy doesn’t guarantee we’ll make a great couple, no matter how much I work at it and want it.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“I can live without a boy. So why does it feel like I'm going to die?”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“How is it that two people can be in the same relationship and still have completely different ideas of what’s going on?”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“As juvenile as we sound, sometimes the most fun thing in the world is laughing with girls about boys.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“High school sweetheart" is such an
innocuous-sounding term for something that can tear out your guts.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Love is . . . needing to be with this one person. No—it’s more like wanting to need to be with this one person. Last semester my English professor read us this great Robert Frost quotation that went something like, ‘Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
tags: love
“If breakups are like deaths, then ex sightings are like seeing a ghost: you feel goose bumps, near loss of bladder control, and the sensation of your heart bursting in your throat. The distinction is that the ex is alive.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“If love and hate aren’t true opposites, perhaps neither are pleasure and pain—if you go far enough in one extreme, it resembles the other.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
tags: love, sex
“I remember another thing Cosmo said. It typically takes half the time you’re dating a guy to fall out of love with him. My ex and I were together almost ten months before he admitted over the holidays that he’d fallen out of love with me, so by that measure I should’ve been cured weeks ago. But once you’ve anticipated spending forever with someone, I’m not convinced you can ever feel complete after being uncoupled. I think you just learn to live without the person. Like when someone dies, you don’t stop loving them just because they’re not around to love you back anymore. Breakups truly are a kind of death.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Blame your body. The whole biological purpose of existence is to mate, so from the time we hit puberty, our hormones are demanding us to couple up. Maybe it’s basic instinct to feel inadequate if you’re single."

"That’s what sucks. There’s so many more interesting things than guys, but guys are what we spend most of our time talking about."

"I think that’s just the way it is, though. No matter what we do, it’s always more special if there’s a boyfriend to share it with."

"Or a best friend.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“I think how breakups can bring out the worst in the best people, and part of being upset is mouthing off crap you don’t mean.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Nothing makes you get down on yourself and worry that you’re undesirable like rejection, so having someone desirable desire you is the ultimate antidote.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“There’s something about the sight of a gorgeous guy in an open convertible heading in your direction that makes all bad feelings evaporate into thin air.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
tags: guys
“Amy is so correct that a good personality can make a guy better-looking.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Doing things for someone else is what I love most about relationships, even more than having stuff done for me.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“In the beginning, I wanted his heart. Then I shifted focus to his body. I was never interested in only friendship.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“It’s sick how you can be intimate with someone one minute and then be furious with that same person the next.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“It sucks enough when girlfriends break plans with each other for a boy, but at least that’s not against the natural order of things, like when a boy blows off his girlfriend for friends. . . . Or maybe I’ve had it wrong all along.
Since friendships usually outlast relationships, why shouldn’t friends receive preferential treatment?

Because you don’t sleep with your friends!”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Just because the sexes are equal doesn’t mean that sex is.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
tags: sex
“I’m positive I wouldn’t consider having sex with Guy if I hadn’t already had sex beforehand. I always knew I wanted my first time to be with someone I loved and who loved me, which it was . . . but shouldn’t I want that for every
time? I disagree with what Amy said about how once you go all the way, you can’t go back to “everything but.” But now that I have done it, it doesn’t seem nearly as big a deal to do it again.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“It’s so messed up how little control we have over whether we want somebody.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
tags: love
“I love where he and I stand right now. It’s like we’re on the brink, and everything’s full of excitement and potential precisely because the heavy making out is still something to look forward to. I realize we can’t remain PG-rated forever. I’m all too aware, though, how easy it is to let hooking up become the crux of a relationship. Then you forget how to just be together and why you should stay together. So for the meantime I’d like to take things slowly in order to prevent hooking up from ever getting too

Amy would say I’m overreacting, but I’m just trying to learn from past mistakes.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“Whatever age you are when you’re first burned is old enough to lose hope that you’ll ever get excited about anybody else.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“One of the pitfalls of having an ex-boyfriend is that people still pair you together in their memories, and sooner or later someone’s bound to mention him. And now that it has happened . . . I can’t say I feel nothing. I don’t think it’s possible to get royally dumped by the only boy I’ve ever done it with, let alone loved, and then feel nothing when he’s brought up in conversation.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“In the same way that a fiancée is a bride-to-be, I’ve always thought a girlfriend is a fiancée-to-be. Yes, most relationships bite the dust before things get long-term. However, that possibility of staying together forever remains the underlying force driving the relationship forward.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“I used to think all that game playing was par for the course and even kind of exciting. It just felt logical to pursue a boy the same way I applied to college—by expending exorbitant time and energy showing what a great catch I am and what a perfect match we’d be, so that after a lengthy waiting period I might get accepted. But now the idea of reliving any version of that charade seems like hell.”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl
“So it’s all right for him to rule out a serious relationship, but it’s wrong if I’m not ready to settle for less?”
Daria Snadowsky, Anatomy of a Single Girl

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