Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books and Their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge Quotes
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Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books and Their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge Quotes
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“....Therefore, it becomes clear that this desired goal which leads to true success, as has been mentioned, is only possible through the seeking of beneficial knowledge, meaning Sharee’ah knowledge, from its carriers- the scholars. Similarly, what is meant by the term ‘scholars’ are those people of knowledge from the saved and victorious group of Muslims who have always remained upon the guidance of the Messenger, may Allaah’s praise and His salutations be upon him and his Companions, inwardly and outwardly, in every generation and age. They are the people of true guidance, the well-grounded scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah from the early generations, the later generations, and our present day scholars.
We must recognize them and affirm their position, defend their honor, and strive to assist and cooperate with them because they carry and preserve the inheritance of the Messenger of Allaah, may Allaah’s praise and salutations be upon him.”
― Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books and Their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge
We must recognize them and affirm their position, defend their honor, and strive to assist and cooperate with them because they carry and preserve the inheritance of the Messenger of Allaah, may Allaah’s praise and salutations be upon him.”
― Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books and Their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge