The Tantric Curse Quotes

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The Tantric Curse The Tantric Curse by Anupama Garg
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The Tantric Curse Quotes Showing 1-30 of 30
“A strong visual imagination acts as a magnet to draw the visualised into reality.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“A strong visual imagination acts as a magnet to draw the visualised into reality.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“As we observe our thoughts, it brings meaning to the experiences and we create our life”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Expression of anything Deep can only be felt, be it grief, bliss, or love. Words are a poor mode of communication, to express anything that is from the soul .”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“The most beautiful and painful experiences can only be felt,they cannot be expressed or explained.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Always be attentive of your ego.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Love is a word, to which each of us have to give our own defination.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“A weak person demonstrates his weakness by using a cannon where stick could have worked.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“In Tantric tradition, Shiva and Shakti or Purusha and Prakriti represent the two fundamental forces that sustain the universe; all that exists is an interplay of these forces.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Movement is fundamental to the Universe.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Everything in our life is a probability apart from two facts – Birth and Death”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Love can only be expressed through actions. Words fail to encompass its enormity”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Life is unpredictable.The words "always" and "never ever" cannot be uttered by mortals like us.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Tantrics flow with the rhythm of the universe, treating the universe as a manifestation of Shakti.They open themselves to receive universal energy and become a reservoir of those energies.When a Tantric blesses or curses, it materialises as accumulated energy, which when directed at someone has a massive impact”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Degeneration and illness of our body is natural, but still we need to nurture it and take care of it, as we carry it until the last breath.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Restrain from Complaining and Explaining”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“A flexible body and a flexible mind will keep you stable and strong.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“There is no perfect Human being, there is no perfect Life”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Exhibition of power can easily put you on the pedestal,but then it is like a prison,it is a lonely place.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“There comes a point in the sadhana when a sadhak finds himself so deep in his/her ritual, so as to unite with the diety.The worshipper,the worshipped and the prayer all seem to merge into one”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“The ultimate power to create or destroy resides in nature.Nature has the power to eliminate all life forms, in the blink of an eye.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“There are no mistakes- only actions and consequences”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Matter and Spirit are intertwined in creation at this plane of existence and both are non existent without each other.To live one, the other has to be lived. It is the obsessive attachment to the material world, which is seen as an impediment....when one can see nothing beyond it”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Sadhana is not just in the temple and going through your rituals,it must transform you as an individual.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“TANTRA is a field that says neither abstain nor be obsessed. This can be handled by a few, even if you have mastered it”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Pray the way you like,but with faith and believe in your prayers.We have to realise that while praying we are dealing with great power which resides within us.Any and all techniques which enable us to direct our flow of this power can be applied”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“In Tantra, we use "Beej Mantra" which may also be called "Seed Mantra".These mantras do not have a direct meaning, but each sound has immense power.For example,we use SHRIM as a Beej mantra for Goddess Laxmi,the Goddess of wealth.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Actions and consequences is an indisputable law of nature”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Understanding the world of energy is called spirituality.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse
“Practice to live a thank you and acknowlege your blessings. A new world will open up to you.”
Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse