If your payment has been granted, the account is created automatically and a mail is sent to your e-mail address. Be sure to check your spam folder, as it sometimes goes in it. If you haven't received it after one hour, feel free to contact us: support@purebasic.com
Yes. All has been optimized to give maximum speed and compactness to the programs created with PureBasic. The execution speed matches almost any professional compiler like Visual C++ and the executable size is smaller, without the need for any runtime (small programmes are typically between 10 KB and 20 KB).
Yes. A powerful Visual Designer is included in the PureBasic package, and can build easily any kind of applications. It supports all PureBasic gadgets, includes a visual menu bar editor, status bar support, multi-language facilities, multi-window, realtime properties updates and more...
Yes. The very first PureBasic user (which has registered in 1998) still has free access to new updates and this is not going to change (it only applies if registered on this web site, not for boxed version of PureBasic).
Yes. The PureBasic licence is a user-based licence, which means you can install your full version on all of your computers without the need to buy another licence for each. PureBasic currently runs on four different operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS X and AmigaOS) and a single licence covers them all.
Yes. Once you get PureBasic, you can do any kind of program (freeware, shareware and even commercial applications) without have to pay any extra costs to Fantaisie Software.
Generally yes. You can make DLLs including PureBasic commands for your own projects without any restrictions. But it's not allowed to release simple 'wrapper' DLLs to include PureBasic commands in other programming languages.
Except AmigaOS which is deprecated, all other versions are released in sync, with the same features.
Even if PureBasic supports natively nearly all of the Windows API functions, it's impossible to include all their descriptions as it's more than 1 GB of data. You can get all the needed information on the Microsoft site.
No. PureBasic is currently only available in a download version directly on this site. Earlier, there were boxed versions, which were not freely updatable. If you are interested you can upgrade to the full version for a special price. Look in the order section for more details.