Section 4.1 1. Let G act on A. prove that if a, b A and b = g a for some g G, then Gb = gGa g 1 . Deduce that if G acts transitively on A then the kernel of the action is gG gGa g 1 .
Assume b = g a. Let x Ga . Then we need to show gxg 1 Gb . It follows from the computation gxg 1 b = gx a = g a = b. The other inclusion follows in the same way. Now assume that G acts transitively on A. If h is in the kernel of the action, it means by denition h a = a for all a A. Then h Gb for all b, but we showed that gGa g 1 = Gga . That is, (for a xed a) h gGa g 1 for all g G. On the other hand, any b A is obtained from a xed element a A by some group element g by b = g a. Therefore for a xed choice of a A, Gga go over all of Gb for b A. It shows that if h gG gGa g 1 , h is in the kernel. Section 4.2 2. Exhibit the image of each element of S3 under the left regular representation of S3 into S6 . Let us do it for the case (12). This element, by left multiplication, sends 1 (12), (12) 1, (13) (132), (23) (123), (123) (23), (132) (13). We have assigned numbers for each element of S3 , and according to this numbering, (12) corresponds to the permutation 1 2 1, 3 5 3, 4 6 4, or (12)(35)(46). Likewise, (13) corresponds to (14)(25)(36) and (23) corresponds to (13)(26)(45). The element (123) corresponds to (156)(243) and (132) corresponds to (165)(234). 4. Use the left regular representation of Q8 to produce two elements of S8 which generate a subgroup of S8 isomorphic to the quaternion group Q8 . The answer will depend on your numbering of elements of Q8 . For example, let us call {1, i, j, k, 1, i, j, k} by {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} respectively. Since the two elements i and j generate Q8 , their permutation representations will generate a subgroup in S8 which is isomorphic to Q8 . Now it is a simple computation; i : 1 2(= i) 5(= 1)6(= i) 1, 3 4 7 8 3. Hence i = (1256)(3478) under this isomorphism. Likewise, j = (1357)(2864). 7. Let Q8 be the quaternion group of order 8. Prove that Q8 is not isomorphic to a subgroup of Sn for n 7.
We have essentially proved part (a) in problem 4. Assume that Q8 acts on a set A of element 7. For each a A, we consider Stab(a) which is a subgroup of Q8 and has index equal to the cardinality of the orbit of a. But the orbit of a is clearly 7, which means this Stab(a) cannot be trivial (it is trivial if and only if the index is 8). However, any nontrivial subgroup of Q8 contanis 1. (it is enough to see that any subgroup generated by one element not equal to the identity contains 1, which is trivial) In particular, we conclude that < 1 > Stab(a) for all a A. That is, 1 Ker(). Equivalently, given any
homomorphism Q8 Sn for n 7, the image of 1 is the identity in Sn which means it can never be injective. 8. Prove that if H has nite index n then there is a normal subgroup K of G with K H and |G : K| n!.
We let K be the kernel of the homomorphism : G Sn coming from the action of G to H-cosets. Being a kernel, K is normal in G, K H (proposition 3) and |G : K| n! as Sn has n! elements and |G/K| |Sn | since G/K is isomorphic to a subgroup of Sn . 10. Prove that any nonabelian group of order 6 has a nonnormal subgroup of order 2. Use this to classify groups of order 6. One can use Cauchys theorem to obtain a simple proof. But we can instead do it directly: The assumption that G is nonabelian gives us two elements a, b G such that ab = ba. Clearly, they are not equal to the identity element, so we have found 5 distinct element in our group, namely {1, a, b, ab, ba}. (if we assume a = ab, it gives b = 1, a contradiction, and so on) Now we know that a has order either 2 or 3 (if 6, it means G is cyclic and abelian). (i) Assume a has order 2. Further assume that b also has order 2. Then we claim that aba is dierent from all ve elements listed above. For example 1 = aba would imply that a = ba or b = 1. b = aba would imply ab = ba, and so on. (since a2 = b2 = 1). By symmetry, the same holds for bab, and we are forced to conclude aba = bab. From these relations, we can indeed complete the group multiplication table of G. If b has order 3, we can easily see that b2 is dierent from any ve in the above list, so it is the sixth element of the group. Then we are forced to conclude that a = bab and aba = b2 . From these relations, again we have all the information about G. (ii) Assume a has order 3. If b has order 2, we are back in the same situation. If b has also order 3, it is a contradiction. (because we are forced to conclude a2 = b2 , or a1 = b1 , or a = b) To summarize, there are exactly two possibilites: In the rst case, you can easily show that a (12), b (23) gives an isomorphism between G and S3 . In the second case, you can show that a (12), b (123) gives an isomorphism between G and S3 . In particular, it implies that there is only one nonabelian group of order 6, namely S3 . And it is trivial to see that there exists two abelian groups of order 6 (up to isomorphism), Z6 and Z2 Z3 . Section 4.3 2. Find conjugacy classes. (a) D8 . Recall that we have shown sometime before that Z(D8 ) = {1, r2 }. That is, {1} and {r2 } are their own conjugacy classes. Now, < r > CD8 (r) D8 , while rs = sr so we are forced to conclude that |CD8 (r)| = 4. This means there are 8/4 = 2 conjugates of r, including itself. Since srs = r3 , {r, r3 } form a conjugacy class. The same argument applies to other elements; since r2 is in the center, we know that < s, r2 > CD8 (s) D8 , and rs = sr so |CD8 (s)| = 4. Hence we conclude that {s, sr2 } form another conjugacy class. Finally we see that{sr, sr3 } should be another conjugacy class because they are not in the center. (b) Q8 . We know that the center is {1, 1}. Hence {1}, {1} are two conjugacy classes. We again use the same method: < i > CQ8 (i) Q8 , but since ij = ji, |CQ8 (i)| = 4, and since jij = i, we
know that {i, i} is a conjugacy class. By symmetry, {j, j} and {k, k} are other two conjugacy classes. 5. If the center of G is of index n, prove that every conjugacy class has at most n elements. Let g G. Then Z(G) CG (g) G. The number of elements in the conjugacy class of g is precisely the index of CG (g) in G, but this is clearly at most n, from the equation |G : Z(G)| = |G : CG (g)| |CG (g) : Z(G)| = n. 6. Assume G is nonabelian of order 15. Prove that Z(G) = 1. Show that there is at most one possible class equation for G. First statement follows from the following statement: If G/Z(G) is cyclic, G is abelian. If Z(G) has order 5 (or 3), G/Z(G) has three elements (ve elements, respectively), which means it is cyclic. So G will be abelian, which is a contradiction. Clearly Z(G) = G, so Z(G) = 1.
Now we consider the class equation: 15 = 1 + .... Our claim is that easy summand in ... is either 3 or 5. [Proof: Given any element g = 1, g has order either 5 or 3, simply because it cannot have order 15. And we know that 1 << g > CG (g) < G, (g not in the center), so we conclude < g >= CG (g).] How many ways are there to represent 14 as a sum of threes and ves? Only one, 14 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 5. We are done.