Performance Appraisa Report2009-10
Performance Appraisa Report2009-10
Performance Appraisa Report2009-10
of Orissa
Transmission Record
(To be filled in by Appraisee ) Financial Year. (for the period from to ..) Name & Designation of the Officer Reported Upon.. . Service and Group (A/B) to which the Officer belongs.
Transmission by Appraisee
Reporting Authority
Reviewing Authority
Accepting Authority
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT for Group A & Group B Officers of Govt. of Orissa.
Report for the financial year_______________ ( Period from ____________ to _____________ )
3. Service to which the Officer belongs: 4. Group to which the Officer belongs(A or B): 5. Designation during the period of Report: 6. Office to which posted with Head Quarters: 7. Period(s) of absence (on leave, training etc., if 30 days or more). Please mention date(s). : 8. Name & Designation of the Reporting Authority and period worked under him/her : _______________________________ _______________________________ From to 9. Name & Designation of the Reviewing Authority and period worked under him/ her : _______________________________ _______________________________ From to
10. Name & Designation of the Accepting Authority and period worked under him/her :
Signature of Appraisee
1. (a) Name of the Officer Reported Upon: Period of report : From ____/____/__________ to ____/____/___________ 2. Assessment of work output, attributes & functional competencies. (This should be on a relative scale of
1-5, with 1 referring to the lowest level & 5 to the highest level. Please indicate your rating for the officer against each item.)
(a) Attitude to work : (b) Sense of responsibility: (c ) Communication skill :
(f) Co-ordination ability: (g) Ability to work in a team. (h) Knowledge of Rules/Procedures/ IT Skills/ Relevant Subject : (i) Initiative : (j) Quality of Work :
(d) Leadership Qualities : (e) Decision-making ability : 3. General Assessment (Please give an overall assessment of the officer including his/her attitude towards S.T/S.C/Weaker Sections & relation with public):
5. Integrity (If integrity is doubtful or adverse please write Not certified in the space below and justify your remarks in box 4 above)
47. 6. Overall Grading (Please sign in appropriate box) Outstanding (Grade-5) Very Good (Grade-4) Good (Grade-3) Average (Grade-2) Below Average* (Grade-1)
For Overall Grading Below Average / Outstanding please provide justification in the space below.
Name of Reporting Authority: Designation during the period under report: Designation at the time of recording of remarks: Place : Date
REMARKS OF THE REVIEWING AUTHORITY Name of the Officer Reported Upon: Period of report : From ____/____/__________ to ____/____/__________
1. Please Indicate if you agree with the general assessment/ adverse remarks/ overall grading made by the Reporting Authority, and give your assessment.
Name of Reviewing Authority Designation during the period under report: Designation at the time of recording of remarks: Place: Date:
* Below Average grading will be treated as adverse and should be justified, if Reporting Authority has not already justified
Name of Accepting Authority : Designation during the period under report: Designation at the time of recording of remarks: Place : Date: