Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) : . (In Words) .. 3. To The Present Grade Held

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Annual Performance Appraisal Report of Technical Officer (Gazetted & Non Gazetted)
Report for year/period ending 2015-2016.
(To be filled by the Administrative Section concerned of the Ministry/Department/Office)
1.Name of Officer :

2. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) : . (In words)..

3. Date of continuous appointment
To the present grade held
:Date.. Grade .
4. Present Post and date of appointment
:Post .. Date ..
5. Period of absence from duty (on leave/training
etc. during the year. If he has undergone training please specify)
6. Academic Qualification:
7. Reporting & Reviewing Authorities:
Name & Designation
Reporting Authority
Reviewing Authority
8. Award / Honours (For the period under report)

Period Worked

9. Date of filling the property return for the year December

(To be filled in by the Officer Reported upon)
(Please read carefully the instructions given at the end of the form before filling the entries).

Brief description of duties.


Please specify the quantitative/physical/financial targets/ objectives set for yourself or that were set for
you in respect of eight to ten items of work, in order of priority, and your achievement against each
Targets / Objectives / Goals




Please state briefly the shortfalls with reference to the targets/objectives referred to in column 2.
Please specify constraints, it any, in achieving the targets.


Please also indicate items in which there have been significant higher achievements and your
contribution thereto.

4. Please state whether the annual return on immovable property for the preceding calendar year was filled
within the prescribed date i.e. 31st January of the year following the calendar year, if not, the date of filling
the return should be given.

Date: ..

Signature of officer reported upon.

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