Bloom's Taksonomy
Bloom's Taksonomy
Bloom's Taksonomy
Knowledge Comprehension
Observation and recall of information Knowledge of dates, events, places Knowledge of major ideas Understand information Grasp meaning Translate knowledge into new content Interpret facts and compare Predict consequences
To recall To recognize To identify To match,To chose To list,To name To sample To show with graphics To show with tables To explain the reasons To find relationships
Use information Use methods, concepts, theories in new situations Solve problems using required skills or knowledge Organization of parts Discovery of hidden meanings Identification of components Use old ideas to create new ones Generalize from given facts Relate knowledge from several areas Predict, draw conclusions Assess value of theories, presentations Make choices based on reasoned argument Verify value of evidence
Problem solving To develop To calculate To use To divide into components To define components To connect components To combine, to unite To produce To plan To reorganize To set up To judge To assess To find errors To determine differences